如何有人类的感官吗?(human senses are there?)

Smelling is one of the five basic senses.


A sense of balance, or equilibrioception, is an additional sense that helps humans stay upright.



Touch is a basic human sense.



The girl's sense of taste is activates as she eats.


  • 平衡感觉:简单地说就是平衡感,它是由内耳中液体的位置感知的,如果一个人在一个圆圈里旋转太多次,它就会失去平衡。拥有感知平衡的感官能力对于任何两足动物在行走时保持直立至关重要。
  • 本体感觉:这是一个人在空间中对身体或身体位置的感知。与平衡感受一样,这种感觉能力的数据来自身体内部,而不是来自环境。本体感觉是警官在怀疑醉酒驾驶时将司机拉到路边的测试。
  • 热感觉:这种感觉,也被称为热感觉,曾经被认为是触觉的一种简单变化,但它是不同的,因为热可以在不接触物体的情况下被感觉到。例如,可以在不接触火焰的情况下感知火焰产生的热量。外部热源的热感受与使用不同仪器的内部体温感受截然不同。
  • 伤害感受:伤害感受是疼痛的感觉,以前也被认为是触摸的一种变化。与热感受一样,由于同样的原因,它实际上与触觉无关。伤害感受有时也被归类为三种感觉而不是一种,因为不同的感受器感知皮肤、关节和骨骼以及身体器官上的疼痛。

  • 发表于 2021-12-26 02:40
  • 阅读 ( 180 )
  • 分类:生物


红色(red)和蓝光(blue light)的区别

... Some creatures cannot see different colours except black and white. But, humans identify different colors in the visible range. The human retina has approximately 6 million cone cells and 120 million rod cells. Cones are the agents resp***ible for sensing colour. There are different photoreceptors ...

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...来的最高水平。It makes sense, of course—even if you've got a job, there's nothing wrong with being prepared in this economy. Still, we're wondering: Are You Looking for a Job? ( surveys) Looking for a job in a bad economy is never fun, but check out the five best online search sites and our...

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