什么是北美自由贸易协定?(the north american free trade agreement?)

The goal of the North American Free Trade Agreement is to increase free trade.


Some have said NAFTA will lead to American companies moving their operations to Mexico.


Some argue that NAFTA is driving Mexican farmers into the US due to US farming subsidies and higher wages.





  • 发表于 2022-01-02 08:21
  • 阅读 ( 269 )
  • 分类:商业金融


公平交易(fair trade)和自由贸易(free trade)的区别

...力,并提高他们的生活水平。 目录 1. 概述和主要区别 2. 什么是公平贸易 3. 什么是自由贸易 4. 并列比较——公平贸易与自由贸易的表格形式 5. 摘要 什么是公平交易(fair trade)? 公平贸易是一种制度安排,旨在帮助发展中国家的*...

  • 发布于 2020-10-25 10:45
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双边的(bilateral)和多边贸易协定(multilateral trade agreements)的区别


  • 发布于 2020-10-29 07:04
  • 阅读 ( 371 )


 Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB): RGB is North Korea’s primary intelligence organization and is involved, inter alia, in a range of activities to include conventional arms trade proscribed by numerous United Nati*** Security Council Resoluti***. RGB was previously ...

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yotaphone 2不会来美国了

...e to unforeseen delays including both production and delivery of the North American variant of YotaPhone 2 from our manufacturer. This despite spending months finalizing and securing the deal to bring to life the North American variant of YotaPhone 2, and when we launched this campaign we were confi...

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...空公司 We always meet our obligati*** under international immigration agreements. We are offering affected customers a refund for their travel to the US, or the opportunity to rebook their flight. 酋长国 A very **all number of our passengers travelling were affected by the new U.S. immigrati...

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自由市场(free market)和资本主义(capitalism)的区别

... system, buyers and sellers do their transacti*** freely according to the agreements based on the price of a good or a service. The supply and demand are not affected by laws or regulati*** of the government. Both buyers and sellers are agreed to the equilibrium price without government interventio...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 05:44
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自由贸易(free trade)和公平贸易(fair trade)的区别

...识形态。社群主义意识形态。自由贸易与公平贸易比较表什么是自由贸易(free trade)?自由贸易是一项致力于增进国际进出口贸易自由的经济原则。这些政策的主要目标是通过降低关税、报价和关税来减少对跨境贸易的限制。自由...

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什么是非洲裔美国人的方言英语(aave)?(african american vernacular english (aave)?)

...e with evolving trends within the larger community, linguists use 'African American English' instead of 'Black English' (or even older terms like 'Non-Standard Negro English') for the English of African Americans, a continuum of varieties ranging from the most mainstream or standard speech (like Bry...

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如何识别北美树木(identify north american trees)

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如何用法语说出美国所有50个州(以及为什么我们应该关心)(say all 50 us states in french (and why we should care))

...稿人Kathryn C. Statler说,圣地亚哥大学历史学家: Franco-American economic and cultural contacts increased throughout the 19th century, as trade between the two countries prospered and as Americans flocked to France to study art, architecture, music, and medicine. The French gift of...

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  • 阅读 ( 227 )