如何美国最富有的人是谁?(are america’s wealthiest individuals?)

特蕾莎修女曾经说过:“如果你不能养活100个人,那就只养活一个人。”显然,美国最富有的人把她的建议牢记在心——不管怎样,最后一部分。加利福尼亚大学的经济学家伯克利(Gabriel Zucman)的研究表明,在2018,该国最富有的10人捐赠了不到1%的财富。...
In 2018, the top 10 wealthiest individuals in America donated an average of 0.94% of their net worth.

特蕾莎修女曾经说过:“如果你不能养活100个人,那就只养活一个人。”显然,美国最富有的人把她的建议牢记在心——不管怎样,最后一部分。加利福尼亚大学的经济学家伯克利(Gabriel Zucman)的研究表明,在2018,该国最富有的10人捐赠了不到1%的财富。



  • 全球2150位亿万富翁的总资产约为10万亿美元,超过世界其他地区60%的总财富。
  • 世界首富是亚马逊创始人杰夫·贝佐斯,他平均每秒收入接近2500美元。
  • 自唐纳德·特朗普2017年就任总统以来,美国亿万富翁的财富增加了10.6%。
  • 发表于 2022-01-05 15:57
  • 阅读 ( 127 )
  • 分类:商业金融



...om him. In addition, several staff members involved have been interviewed individually, and all independently and c***istently expressed that their interaction with Dr. Mann was polite and did not involve a physical altercation. Our crew members and restaurant security staff have informed us that t...

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... made these threats more acute, as technology erased borders and empowered individuals to project great violence, as well as great good. Moreover, these new threats raised new legal and policy questi***. For while few doubted the legitimacy of spying on hostile states, our framework of laws was not ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 03:23
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...defend our national security with the resp***ibility to preserve America's individual liberties, and the President's decisi*** and recommendati*** will do that. They will help restore the confidence of the American people and our allies and partners. They will preserve important capabilities that ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 03:25
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...this represents a grave threat to the Internet.
 Instead of permitting individualized bargaining and discrimination, the Commission’s rules should protect users and Internet companies on both fixed and mobile platforms against blocking, discrim- ination, and paid prioritization, and should mak...

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 10:54
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yotaphone 2不会来美国了

...to share the news that we are canceling our launch of YotaPhone 2 in North America. This has been a difficult decision for us as a company, and we’d like to offer our sincerest apologies to the many people who have supported us.
 What Happened:
 The reason for our cancelled launch is due t...

  • 发布于 2021-04-30 23:29
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...t my views.
 Here’s more background: I contributed $10,000 to Nimble America because I thought the organization had fresh ideas on how to communicate with young voters through the use of several billboards. I am a libertarian who has publicly supported Ron Paul and Gary Johnson in the past, an...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 20:49
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...king progress. That’s core to who we are. That I believe is core to what America is. I mean, think about it, I am a product of the fundamental greatness of the United States. It is the ingenuity of the American technology that reached me where I was growing up that even made it possible for me to ...

  • 发布于 2021-05-09 16:14
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...l has been used elsewhere.Go slow and ask a lot of questi***.Beware if the individual seems too perfect or quickly asks you to leave a dating service or Facebook to go “offline.”Beware if the individual attempts to isolate you from friends and family or requests. inappropriate photos or financia...

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...force and society. Ending DACA will drastically disrupt the lives of these individuals who willingly came forward to register with the federal government. They could lose their jobs and risk deportation. This repeal will also have significant economic c***equences. Studies estimate that ending the p...

  • 发布于 2021-05-29 21:05
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东方的(eastern)和西方文化(western culture)的区别

...们保守而传统。 西方文化:人是开放的,灵活的。 个人(individual) vs. 家庭(family) 东方文化:东方人更重视家庭和长辈。 西方文化:西方人偏爱个人。 自由 东方文化:一个人的自由可能会受到限制,因为他与家庭的密切联系。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 01:07
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