什么是驱逐舰?(a destroyer?)

Though originally designed to hunt down torpedo boats, modern destroyers can be used to escort carrier battle groups, where they screen for enemy submarines and aircraft, or to launch missile strikes against shore targets and other ships.


The presence of a destroyer can help to deter pirates, who are viewed as a threat to national and economic security.





  • 发表于 2022-01-06 03:51
  • 阅读 ( 64 )
  • 分类:汽车



... 1南方公园:电话驱逐舰 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 06:03
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...work and personal files. I always had problems when I needed to physically destroy them to make sure no one will reuse them. Breaking them is dangerous, pieces could fly fast and may cause harm. Scratching them badly is what I always do but it takes long time and I managed to read some of the data i...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 15:19
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安全计算:使用spybot search&destroy创建计划扫描

...系统上的间谍软件进行定时扫描。初始安装Spybot Search&Destroy时,默认情况下启用基本模式。我们需要进入高级模式,所以点击模式并选择高级模式。 单击“是”以显示警告消息。 现在您将注意到更多的选项、工具和设置。...

  • 发布于 2021-04-14 08:29
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...moment." He has written more than a thousand tweets — "OK: Philistini** (destroying bks bec you don’t care abt bks) is not fasci** (destroying bks bec. you DO care). But both destroy books" — and more than 150,000 people follow them. 论表情符号 我们把这个留给你。用法:%I 麦...

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...3; "In spite of being on a world torn by war, in spite of being on a world destroyed by hate and decimated by distrust, in spite of being on a world where famine and greed are uneasy bed partners, in spite of being on a world where apartheid and apathy feed the fires of raci** and hatred, in spite o...

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... 这是一家律师事务所。 如果你不知道,那你的问题是什么。(简单的算法不能满足先证者的要求,也不能满足统一移民的意愿,也不能满足居住环境的要求,等等)。 在这里,我是一个不属于安格拉的人,他是一个最重要...

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...in remembrance of his courage and resolution in expelling the Tarquins and destroying the monarchy. But that ancient Brutus was of a severe and inflexible nature, like steel of too hard a temper, and having never had his character softened by study and thought, he let himself be so far transported w...

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什么是占有通知?(a notice of possession?)


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什么是占有证?(a warrant of possession?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-19 20:45
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什么是恢复原状的令状?(a writ of restitution?)


  • 发布于 2021-12-19 20:54
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