什么是加速器?(an accelerator?)

Many modern engines use a drive by wire system in which there is no direct physical connection between the pedal and the throttle.


Aircraft use a thrust lever accelerator to control engine output.


A carburetor, which works with the accelerator, ensures the proper mixture of gasoline and air enters an engine for combustion.


In aircraft with more than one engine, each engine may have its own accelerator lever.



  • 发表于 2022-01-06 14:29
  • 阅读 ( 99 )
  • 分类:汽车


切向加速度(tangential acceleration)和向心加速度(centripetal acceleration)的区别

切向加速度vs向心加速度 加速度是速度的变化率,当用微积分表示时,它是速度的时间导数。切向加速度和向心加速度是质点或刚体圆周运动加速度的组成部分。 切向加速度 考虑一个粒子沿着路径移动,如图所示。在考虑的...

  • 发布于 2020-10-24 06:00
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...s and velocity: An external force acting on a body causes the body to accelerate. The force is equal to the rate of change of momentum of the body. This is, in fact, Newton’s Second Law of Motion: If the mass of the body remains c***tant, then  and, 运动学(kinematics)和动力学:...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 02:57
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如何用运动方程解运动问题(solve motion problems using equations of motion)

...驶。行驶50米需要多长时间? We have  . 如何找到加速度 Acceleration () is the rate of change of velocity. It is given by If the velocity of an object changes, we often use  to denote the initial velocity and  to denote final velocity. If this velocity change from  to  occurs...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 03:01
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如何计算向心力(calculate centripetal force)

...二定律的概念,推导向心力就相当简单了。 The centripetal acceleration on a body traveling at a c***tant speed in a circular path with a radius is given by   If the angular speed of the body is  , then the centripetal acceleration could be written as Now, to go from centripe...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 03:05
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如何求向心加速度(find centripetal acceleration)

...度,速度的方向也在改变,因此物体在加速。 To find this acceleration, we c***ider the motion of the object during a very short time . On the diagram below, the object has moved through an angle during the period . How to find Centripetal Acceleration – Deriving Centripetal Ac...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 03:06
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什么是牛顿第二运动定律(newton’s second law of motion)

...to Newton’s second law of motion, the resultant force is proportional to acceleration. This means that if the resultant force acting on a body is doubled, then the body’s acceleration would also double. If the resultant force is halved, the acceleration will also be halved and so on. 另一种...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 03:13
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...涉及到物体速度的变化或运动方向的变化。 These cars are accelerating since they are changing their direction of motion even though their speed may remain the same. 测量速度的国际单位制是ms-1。 什么是加快(acceleration)? 加速度定义为速度变化率: 根据...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 04:06
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...速度的变化率,而减速是指加速度的负值。 什么是加快(acceleration)? In physics, when a body changes its position, we quantify the change in position in terms of a quantity called displacement. Displacement is a vector quantity. Its size is the distance between the body’s sta...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 11:21
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...是相似的,但在技术术语上是不同的速度(speed) vs. 加快(acceleration)速度和加速度的区别在于速度是以时间为单位的距离,加速度是速度的变化率。他们两个都可能会感到困惑,但通过推理,他们变得简单易懂。Parameters of comparisonS...

  • 发布于 2021-07-10 02:30
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...并排比较-表格形式的加速度与动量 6. 摘要 什么是加快(acceleration)? 加速度是物体速度随时间变化的速率。这是一个既有大小又有方向的向量。我们可以从作用在物体上的净力的方向得到物体加速度的方向。此外,我们可以通...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 06:00
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