什么是检查基础体温的不同方法?(the different methods for checking basal body temperature?)

The best way for a person to find out their basal body temperature is to take their temperature before getting out of bed in the morning.



Digital thermometers can be used to measure a person's basal body temperature.


Checking basal body temperature can help a woman become pregnant.


Basal body temperature readings are most frequently used to determine when a woman is ovulating.



  • 发表于 2022-01-14 14:42
  • 阅读 ( 101 )
  • 分类:健康医疗



...bles, which have a solid structure, are cooked under this method. The oven temperature can vary depending on the type of food. A high temperature above 400° is used for tender, **all meat cuts whereas a low to medium temperature (250°-375°)  is used for large roasts so that they’ll cook slowly...

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冷血(cold blooded)和温血动物(warm blooded animals)的区别

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