什么是锡安长老的礼仪?(the protocols of the elders of zion?)

《锡安长老议定书》或《锡安议定书》是一部伪造的文学作品,它宣扬了所谓的犹太阴谋以实现世界统治。自1903年第一次在俄罗斯报纸上发表报道以来,学者们一直将其视为反犹太主义的恶作剧。锡安长老会的协议在1905年获得了更广泛的声名,当时它被自封为神秘主义者Serge Nilus的一本关于反基督者的书第二版所收录。...
Hasidic man praying at the Kotel (Wailing Wall).

《锡安长老议定书》或《锡安议定书》是一部伪造的文学作品,它宣扬了所谓的犹太阴谋以实现世界统治。自1903年第一次在俄罗斯报纸上发表报道以来,学者们一直将其视为反犹太主义的恶作剧。锡安长老会的协议在1905年获得了更广泛的声名,当时它被自封为神秘主义者Serge Nilus的一本关于反基督者的书第二版所收录。

Nazis relied on "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as propaganda.


The “Protocols of Zion” is propaganda distributed under the Palestinian National Authority, and accepted by The Charter of Hamas.



1921年,《伦敦时报》记者菲利普·格雷夫斯(Philip Graves)揭露了该协议是莫里斯·朱莉(Maurice Joly)的《地狱中马基雅维利和孟德斯鸠的对话》和德国反犹主义者赫尔曼·戈德什(Hermann Goedsche)的小说《比亚里茨》(Biaritz)的抄袭反布尔什维克的俄罗斯流亡者弗拉基米尔·伯采夫在其1938年出版的《锡安长老的协议:经证实的伪造品》一书中再次将这些协议暴露为文学伪造品。尽管被揭穿,但协议仍然被视为真实的,并在20世纪30-40年代被纳粹用作宣传材料,作为德国学生的必备学习材料。。


  • 发表于 2022-01-16 04:21
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...a (seeing the data wrapped in a tunnel instead). But what of the tunneling protocols that do not use encryption? Why are they also called “tunnels”? 为什么网络隧道被称为“隧道”? 答案 超级用户贡献者Mokubai和DavidPostill将为我们****。首先,莫库拜: In the cas...

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...m cache, it must be written to memory. Typically, some variant of the MESI protocol is used. In the traditional implementation of MESI, if a value is modified in one cache, it cannot be present at all in any other cache at that same level. 接着是斯莱斯克的回答: Yes, having two caches cac...

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...n it if you are using an updated version of SSH and it is no longer set to Protocol 1. The command below should give you Protocol 2. grep “Protocol” /etc/ssh/sshd_config Limits for the Connecti*** You can look upon SSH as an encrypted evolution of telnet, born to allow remote access to a serve...

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...s to be more flexible about the original one-to-one communication Internet protocol paradigm that allows one-to-nearest. These techniques are used when talking about services that need high availability, redundancy, or low latency like DNS or CDN services. Given a certain IP (IPv4 or IPv6), there mi...

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... IPs. What is the IP Address is the loopback Internet protocol (IP) address also referred to as the localhost. The address is used to establish an IP connection to the same machine or computer being used by the end-user. The same convention is defined for computers that support ...

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...ing to Wikipedia, USB: Defines the cables, connectors, and communicati*** protocols used in a bus for connection, communication, and power supply between computers and electronic devices. But is there an actual USB Communication Protocol? My understanding is that: You connect a USB device to a ma...

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...connected to a broadcast network “data link”, whereas IP is a routable protocol and can target devices on remote networks. The requirements for each of these layers is different. Ethernet specifies a family of technologies that allow packets to be sent and received between network devices, where...

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...们提供了答案。首先,NuTTyX: They are two completely different protocols. FTPS is FTP with SSL for security. It uses a control channel and opens new connecti*** for the data transfer. As it uses SSL, it requires a certificate. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol/Secure File Transfer Protocol...

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...them, over the Internet using TCP/IP, and exchange messages using the NNTP protocol. The World Wide Web is a series of standalone servers, which people also reach over the Internet using TCP/IP, and retrieve web pages using the HTTP protocol. But do not confuse the Web with the Internet. Webpages ar...

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...an make it meaningless for them by using encryption. Either use encrypted protocols (HTTPS, SSH, SMTP/TLS, POP/TLS, etc.) or use encrypted tunnels to encapsulate your unencrypted protocols. For example, if you use HTTPS instead of HTTP, the content of the webpages you fetch will not be readable fro...

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