什么是世界上最大的宗教?(the world's largest religion?)

Islam is one of the world's largest religions.


Some of the largest regions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Chinese folk religion, Buddhism, and more.


Approximately 9 in 10 South Americans identify themselves as Christians, with a heavy emphasis on Catholicism.


Christianity is the world's largest religion.


About a third of the world's population believes in Christianity.


  • 发表于 2022-01-17 08:25
  • 阅读 ( 177 )
  • 分类:人文



...似之处,但它们之间的差异肯定大于相似之处。 Summary:1.Religion is 一个人对神圣事物的精神信仰。神智是将宗教、科学和美德结合起来的哲学。2.宗教分为不同的群体(***、犹太教、印度教等)。神智主义者相信来自不同宗教团...

  • 发布于 2021-06-23 09:45
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东方宗教(eastern religions)和西方宗教(western religions)的区别

东方宗教与西方宗教 在研究世界宗教时,不同领域的宗教类型必然会有所不同。一般来说,在谈到宗教时,世界分为两个领域;东方的和西方的。谈到西方和东方宗教,除了一些人生活在西方世界,有东方宗教外,其他宗教之...

  • 发布于 2021-06-23 15:28
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信仰的主要区别(main difference faith) vs. 宗教(religion) 信仰和宗教有时被一些人当作同义词。虽然这两个词之间存在着很强的相互依赖性,但信仰和宗教之间有着明显的区别。信仰和宗教的主要区别在于,信仰是对某人或某...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 11:37
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主要区别邪教(main difference cult) vs. 宗教(religion) 宗教是定义人与神圣或神性之间关系的一系列信仰、情感、教义和实践。邪教是一个小的宗教团体,它不属于一个更大、更被接受的宗教的一部分,这个宗教被认为有社会...

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神话的主要区别(main difference mythology) vs. 宗教(religion) Mythology refers to a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition. Religion is a specific system of belief and/or worship, often involving a code of ethics and philosoph...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 02:19
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...的问题,犹太教和***教: First, since Buddhi** is an atheistic religion, it doesn’t raise questi*** about the existence of God that so dominate the philosophy of Abrahamic religi***, let alone questi*** about the attributes of the deity. Buddhists do worry about awakening (Buddhahood). H...

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... 02 二十 智利科拉瓦西(570千吨) Chile's second-largest copper mine, Collahuasi, is owned by a consortium of Anglo American (44%), Glencore (44%), Mitsui (8.4%), and JX Holdings (3.6%). Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate and cathodes as well as 钼集中 ...

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...ormat mla apa chicago Your Citation Alden, Andrew. "These Are the World's Largest Calderas." ThoughtCo, Aug. 1, 2021, tl80.cn/worlds-largest-calderas-4090141. Alden, Andrew. (2021, August 1). These Are the World's Largest Calderas. Retrieved from https://www.tl80.cn/worlds-largest-calderas-4090141 ...

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Religion is meant to uplift world-weary souls. In the past, this perception of religion as emotional protector extended beyond sacred texts and into consulting rooms. Select psychiatrists reported evidence that religious rigor helped insulate their patients from the dark emotions which often harm...

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1. India is the world’s largest democracy. Based on the most recent United Nation’s estimates, the current population of India is over 1.3 billion, making it the second largest country by population and comprising approximately 18% of the total world population. The country’s population alo...

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