什么是累加器?(an accumulator?)

A water cooler bottle. Most water coolers are a form of water accumulator.







  • 发表于 2022-01-28 23:19
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固定收益(defined benefit)和公积金(accumulation fund)的区别

固定收益(defined benefit)和公积金(accumulation fund)的区别 在个人和公司中,定期向基金捐款并期望将其用于未来用途是很常见的。虽然结构和受益人不同,但固定收益和累积基金的目的是相同的。固定收益基金和公积金的主要区...

  • 发布于 2020-10-24 09:54
  • 阅读 ( 802 )


... to a position size in an asset that increases over multiple transacti***. Accumulation can also refer to the overall addition of positi*** to a portfolio. It can also refer to a general increase in buying activity in an asset. In this case, the asset is said to be "under accumulation" or "being acc...

  • 发布于 2021-06-06 10:52
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beyond meat(bynd)反弹至52周高点

...主要分销交易的支撑下,Beyond肉类库存已升至52周高点。 Accumulation readings have also hit new highs. 这次反弹可能会在200美元的水平上再增加35到40点。 尽管取得了进展,华尔街仍对该公司的前景持怀疑态度。 此前,该公司与克罗格...

  • 发布于 2021-06-17 19:44
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... to a position size in an asset that increases over multiple transacti***. Accumulation can also refer to the overall addition of positi*** to a portfolio. It can also describe a general increase in buying activity in an asset. In this case, the asset is said to be "under accumulation" or "being acc...

  • 发布于 2021-06-17 20:43
  • 阅读 ( 118 )


... to a position size in an asset that increases over multiple transacti***. Accumulation can also refer to the overall addition of positi*** to a portfolio. It can also refer to a general increase in buying activity in an asset. In this case, the asset is said to be "under accumulation" or "being acc...

  • 发布于 2021-06-19 07:20
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累计折旧(accumulated depreciation)和折旧费(depreciation expense)的区别

...累计折旧和折旧费用是很重要的。   什么是累计折旧(accumulated depreciation)? 这是资产发生的总折旧。它从资产的原始成本中扣除,是资产负债表上的负余额。在计算任何销售的应纳税所得额时,这一点至关重要。   什么是折...

  • 发布于 2021-06-26 06:41
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主要差异累计(main difference cumulative) vs. 累计(accumulative) Many English learners are often confused about the two adjectives, cumulative and accumulative. Although both these adjectives refer to growth or increase, there is a subtle difference between them. Cumulative refers ...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 23:45
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半加法器(half adder)和全加器电路(full adder circuit)的区别

...。这两个电路都提供和和作为输出。 覆盖的关键领域 1.什么是半加器电路-定义,功能2.什么是全加器电路-定义,功能3.半加器电路和全加器电路的区别是什么-主要区别的比较 关键术语 组合电路,数字电子,全加器,半加器 什...

  • 发布于 2021-07-01 12:03
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半加法器(half adder)和全加器(full adder)的区别

...测量装置数字处理器,多位加法半加器与全加器的比较表什么是半加法器(half adder)?它是一种组合电路。它由两个输入位和两个输出位组成,它们是和和和和进位。这两个输入分别属于加数和加数。和是正常输出,进位是执行。...

  • 发布于 2021-07-11 07:18
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...们的新闻稿包括一些“有趣的事实”:The average household accumulates $5.50 in change each week .There is an estimated $10.5 billion of spare change sitting idle in the U.S. That's 10.5 billion iTunes downloads to be had, which is enough to fill 43.8 million 1GB iPod Shuffles!The aver...

  • 发布于 2021-08-02 14:39
  • 阅读 ( 169 )