



Dear How-To Geek,

It’s been a long time since I’ve played computer games and, after getting back into gaming, I’ve run into some headaches that didn’t exist back when I was an avid gamer. Just to be clear, when I say “back when” I mean like back when having a Pentium I was a serious gaming rig and we still booted most of our games into DOS. The problems I’m running into now just didn’t exist back then.

Specifically, I’ve run into several annoyances that I’d love to find some quick fixes for. First, when I’m playing a game in full screen mode if I bump the Windows key, most of the games will crash or lockup and I’ll get kicked back to the Windows desktop. I could run the game in Windowed mode, but that kind of ruins the immersion. Hard to trick myself into thinking I’m raiding a dungeon or something if I can see my Windows taskbar. While we’re at it, is there anyone to turn off other shortcuts that might kick me back into Windows like ALT+TAB?

The other issue, again one that I didn’t have back in the day when I just had one huge CRT monitor, is multiple monitors. I have three monitors now and typically only game on the center one (because man, what a pain it is to try and enable multi-monitor support for most games). I’ve noticed that some games don’t do a very good job isolating the game window and the mouse and you can lose the mouse onto the secondary screens (which is annoying) or can accidentally click on something on the second screen which causes the game to crash back to the desktop like the Windows key does (which is even more annoying). Is there anything that can be done about that short of outright disabling the secondary monitors when gaming?

Thanks guy!


Game Noob All Over Again





有一些程序会代表您禁用Windows密钥,不需要任何努力。例如,您可以使用简单且免费的WKey Disabler来完成此任务(只要程序处于活动状态,它就会禁用Windows键)。如果您想保持对计算机上运行的内容的更多控制,并且如果您想修改的不仅仅是Windows键,那么您需要转到AutoHotkey以使作业干净地完成并且没有膨胀。










I love my multi-monitor setup but there are times when it can be a pain. Specifically when playing certain computer games or running certain legacy applicati*** I have to use for my job. Games and older applicati*** often don’t know what to do with a multi-monitor setup and all sorts of weird stuff can happen. I’ve had the mouse get stuck on the secondary monitor, had applicati*** crash when the mouse went from the primary monitor to the secondary monitor, and had the mouse outright disappear once it left the primary monitor. Even when it’s not that drastic it’s annoying when you expect a “hard edge” while playing a game and the mouse just zips right out of the frame and vanishes.

My solution is an open source app I found called Mousenitor. It’s a simple little application that allows you to effectively “jail” the mouse. You can set boundaries, toggle it with hot keys, and even set up profiles for different apps and games. It’s saved me from so many headaches! Speaking of headaches, don’t set up a profile that restricts the mouse to the primary monitor, then put the Mousenitor control panel on the second monitor, and then turn it on. That was quite a puzzle to solve.



  • 发表于 2021-04-08 23:12
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  • 分类:互联网



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