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My wireless adapter (Intel Dual Band Wireless-N 7260) has two settings in Device Manager that I do not understand.


  • Wake on Magic Packet
  • Wake on Pattern Match

After a bit of research, I found this Microsoft TechNet article which defines the feature as follows:

  • WakeOnMagicPacket – Defines if a network adapter is enabled to wake a computer on the magic packet.

This rather cryptic description is a bit low on details. Can anyone help?

I would prefer that my laptop not be woken up remotely under any circumstances. I have disabled Allow this device to wake the computer on the Power Management tab, but these settings appear to be separate. Can I disable these two settings without negative c***equences?




These two settings form a feature of most modern computers known as Wake on LAN. In a nutshell, leaving this setting on allows the network card of your system to receive sufficient power to remain in standby mode while the rest of the system is powered off. While in standby mode, it may receive a magic packet, a **all amount of data specific to the MAC address of the network card, and will respond to this by turning on the system.

It is very useful for remote control situati***, however, you may disable these features without any negative c***equences. Kudos to you for doing some prior research as well. For further information, you can read this How-To Geek article:

How-To Geek Explains: What is Wake-on-LAN and How Do I Enable It?

接着是Ben N的回答:

Sam3000’s answer is very nice. I will add some technical details.

Wake on Magic Packet causes the network card to awaken the computer when it receives a magic packet. A packet is c***idered “magic” when it contains FF FF FF FF FF FF (six instances of the largest possible byte value) followed by sixteen instances of the card’s six-byte MAC address. That sequence can appear anywhere within the frame, so the packet can be sent over any higher-level protocol. Usually, UDP is used, but sometimes raw frames with EtherType 0x0842 are used. (Source: Wikipedia)

Wake on Pattern Match is a superset of the previous one (Wake on Magic Packet). It will cause the card to wake the machine when various things come in, including a magic packet, a NetBIOS name query, a TCP SYN packet (either TCPv4 or TCPv6), etc. Those last ones may require ARP offload to be enabled. (Source: TechNet)

If you do not want or need your computer to be woken up from anywhere else, you can disable both opti***.

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  • 发表于 2021-04-09 17:23
  • 阅读 ( 198 )
  • 分类:互联网



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