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I want to know why operating systems require us to shut them down using a built-in option. Why not just shut everything down using the computer’s mechanical hardware switch? Will I damage the hardware or corrupt my data if I c***tantly shut a computer down without using the operating system’s built-in option?

To clarify, I want to use an Intel Compute Stick as a media player (connected to a projector) and control it using an electrical switch. The computer will only be used to play videos and will not have additional programs installed on it, nor will it have Internet access.




It depends on what is happening with the operating system at the time you chose to suddenly cut the power. If the system is busy writing important data and you cut the power, you could potentially damage the data or corrupt the operating system. A lot of things are going on that you do not really see. You mainly need to worry about something software related breaking when you do a hard reset. As far as the hardware is concerned, you should not encounter any problems.

You do not want to make a habit of bypassing the operating system’s built-in shut down method by cutting the power. It would just be a matter of time until something becomes corrupt and causes you to have to reinstall the operating system.

In some cases, a hard reset is the only choice you have. If your computer locks up and you cannot get it to do anything at all, what other option is there?

The origin of your screenshot is from Windows 9X systems where the message was displayed when Windows had successfully shut down to MS-DOS, but was not configured to return to the prompt (COMMAND.COM) again. On systems with proper ACPI support and an ATX power supply, the computer in question may power down instead.

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  • 发表于 2021-04-09 21:15
  • 阅读 ( 182 )
  • 分类:互联网



...将向您展示一些工具,帮助您阻止、自动化、记录和加速关闭过程。下面提供的所有程序都是免费的、轻量级的,这意味着它们不会使系统资源过载。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 02:27
  • 阅读 ( 366 )


...厌的无响应窗口问题。继续阅读,学习如何在Chrome中强制关闭无响应的选项卡。 ...

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如何使用windows 10电源按钮

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...你的帐户。 注销:注销您的帐户,但不要关闭计算机。 任务管理器:打开允许您管理进程等的实用程序。 ...

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如何在iphone、ipad、mac或apple watch上关闭siri

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