什么是遗产规划和信托之间的关系?(the relationship between estate planning and trusts?)

遗产规划过程是指任何有形财产,如土地、飞机、金钱和其他类型的财产的所有者为分配这些财产所做的安排。 换句话说,遗产规划是指某人将他或她的事务安排得井井有条的过程,即划定财产的接收者,所有这些都是为了确保这些物品在个人死亡时不会被遗弃。 因此,遗产规划和信托之间的关系在于,信托是一个人可以用来通过明确说明任何财产将被管理和分割的条款来整理好的工具。...
A trust administrator may be a company or an individual.

遗产规划过程是指任何有形财产,如土地、飞机、金钱和其他类型的财产的所有者为分配这些财产所做的安排。 换句话说,遗产规划是指某人将他或她的事务安排得井井有条的过程,即划定财产的接收者,所有这些都是为了确保这些物品在个人死亡时不会被遗弃。 因此,遗产规划和信托之间的关系在于,信托是一个人可以用来通过明确说明任何财产将被管理和分割的条款来整理好的工具。

在这种情况下,遗产规划与信托之间的关系是,设立信托的个人将其作为一种工具,将自己的事务交给受托人,由受托人按照设立信托的人的意愿管理这些财产。 信托管理人可以是一家信托公司,也可以只有一两个人。 无论在哪种情况下,责任都是一样的,那就是尽其所能为信托受益人公平地管理信托财产。 法定信托关系的建立赋予了信托管理人的义务,包括为受益人的利益尽职管理信托财产。

Another link between estate planning and trusts is the fact that estate planning may be favored by some individuals over wills due to some perceived advantages inherent in the use of trusts for the purpose of estate planning. An advantage of a trust is the fact that it allows the owner of the property to distribute the property to stated recipients in a manner that allows him or her to control the distribution of such property even after death. For example, a mother could create a trust to benefit a young son who may be only 10 years old at the time of her death. As part of the provisions of the trust, the mother could specify to the trust administrators that her son will only inherit half of the property upon reaching the age of 21, and will receive the rest of the age of 35, after fulfilling a stated condition. Her purpose for doing this might be to ensure that the son becomes a responsible man in the future, and in this way she is able to combine estate planning and trusts.

  • 发表于 2022-02-08 17:10
  • 阅读 ( 213 )
  • 分类:商业金融


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