什么是有史以来最大的昆虫?(the largest insect that ever lived?)

有史以来最大的昆虫是已灭绝的类似蜻蜓的Protodonata目,意思是 "早期蜻蜓"。 Protodonata的化石记录范围从古生代的石炭纪晚期到二叠纪晚期。 这大约是3亿年前,在恐龙之前,而恐龙是在中生代演变的。...
Study of fossils show that animal life likely first emerged on Earth about 550 million to 600 million years ago.

有史以来最大的昆虫是已灭绝的类似蜻蜓的Protodonata目,意思是 "早期蜻蜓"。 Protodonata的化石记录范围从古生代的石炭纪晚期到二叠纪晚期。 这大约是3亿年前,在恐龙之前,而恐龙是在中生代演变的。

最大的已知物种是晚石炭纪的Meganeuropsis permiana,翼展超过75厘米(30英寸或2.5英尺),估计重量超过450克(1磅),类似于乌鸦。 这比任何有史以来陆地或空中的昆虫都要大--今天最重的昆虫是歌利亚甲虫的幼虫阶段,最高重量为115克(4.1盎司)。 由于晚石炭纪Meganeura是一个与Meganeuropsis大小相似的物种,而且更出名,本文的信息将主要关注Meganeura。

To get a better grasp of the size of Meganeura and its fellow Protodonata insects, consider that the largest dragonfly today, found in South America, has a wingspan of only seven inches, about a third the size of Meganeura. Meganeura was a predator, feeding on other insects and even small amphibians. Its name means “large-veined” after the network of veins on its wings. Most fossils of Meganeura are just fragments of wings, although a few full wings and even fewer full body impressions have been found. The few body impressions dug up so far show a globose head, large mandibles, a large thorax, strong spiny legs, and a long and slender abdomen, like that of a dragonfly. The only body impressions that have been found are of the family Meganeuridae. Other members of Protodonata are known just from wing fragments.

昆虫的气管呼吸系统对它们的最大尺寸作了限制,许多史前昆虫,特别是石炭纪昆虫的尺寸远远超过了这个限制。 然而,人们认为,在石炭纪时期,由于有大量的树木和其他产氧植物,地球大气中的氧气含量约为30-35%,而不是今天的20%。 这将提供足够的氧气,使较大的昆虫可以存在,化石记录表明,它们确实存在。 然而,一些昆虫,如Meganeura,仍然比昆虫循环模型预测的极限大,即使考虑到额外的氧气。 因此,这个突破限制的原因一直是古生物学中许多争议的主题。 可能需要几年或几十年的辩论和寻找化石,直到我们有一个好答案。


  • 发表于 2022-02-09 11:57
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