什么是火暴?(a firestorm?)

火灾风暴是当火焰如此强烈,以至于它们创造并维持自己的风系时产生的巨大火灾。 根据烟囱效应,火灾的热量创造了如此强大的上升气流,邻近的空气被强烈吸入,形成猛烈的风,吹向火灾中心。 火灾风暴特别容易发生在有海湾流风的地方,或者温度反转层被火灾的热空气刺穿。 只要有足够大的火灾,就可能发生火灾风暴。...
Aerial bombings may have the power to create firestorms.

火灾风暴是当火焰如此强烈,以至于它们创造并维持自己的风系时产生的巨大火灾。 根据烟囱效应,火灾的热量创造了如此强大的上升气流,邻近的空气被强烈吸入,形成猛烈的风,吹向火灾中心。 火灾风暴特别容易发生在有海湾流风的地方,或者温度反转层被火灾的热空气刺穿。 只要有足够大的火灾,就可能发生火灾风暴。

3,900 tons of explosives were dropped on Dresden in 1945.

Well-known firestorms have occurred both in natural conditions, such as the Great Peshtigo Fire in Wisconsin, or the Ash Wednesday fires in southeast Australia, and artificial conditions, such as in the aerial bombings of Hamburg, Dresden, and Tokyo or the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One might think that the wind traveling towards the center of the fire would prevent it from being spread outwards, but this is not the case. The extreme turbulence caused around the flame front makes it possible for the fire to spread. Often, fire tornadoes, known as flame whirls, form in the chaotic turbulence, darting around erratically and setting everything in their path on fire. During the firebombing of Dresden, a huge fire tornado incinerated over 30,000 people gathered in a city square within 15 minutes. Firestorms in Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused many deaths after the initial explosion.

Wildfires sometimes cause firestorms.

There are several warning signs that point to the genesis of a firestorm in wildfire conditions. These include decreased visibility, decreased sound conduction, difficulties breathing, and the instantaneous roasting (pyrolysis) of leaves at a distance from the main fire. There are several main types of firestorm in a wildfire context. These include 1) a thermal bubble, where dense foliage in a small valley catches fire and creates a bubble of hot gas that cannot merge with the air above it due to its great heat, 2) fire carpets, where the entire floor of a wide and open valley catches fire, 3) confinement by a layer of cold air, similar to a thermal bubble but it can happen anywhere, where cold air prevents pyrolysis-released gases from rising, creating a "powder keg" that eventually explodes, 4) pyrolysis of an opposing slope, where a fire on one slope initiates spontaneous combustion all across an opposing slope, despite being separated by hundreds of feet, and 5) a firestorm at the bottom of a small valley

  • 发表于 2022-02-09 13:49
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