什么是浪涌电流?(an inrush current?)

Fuses in a fusebox.


To compensate for a large inrush current, thermistors and active circuits are built into devices, such as photocopiers.







  • 发表于 2022-02-10 10:35
  • 阅读 ( 109 )
  • 分类:科学



... v=i x r Conductors have the same resistance irrespective of whether the current is c***tant or varying. For alternating current, resistance can be calculated using Ohm’s Law with instantaneous voltage and current. The resistance measured in Ohms (Ω) depends on the conductor’s resistivity (ρ),...

  • 发布于 2020-10-25 04:10
  • 阅读 ( 478 )


现在的(current)和电压(voltage)的区别 在电场中,电荷受作用于它们的力的影响;因此,必须对带电粒子做功,才能从电场中的一点移动到另一点。这个功被定义为这两点之间的电位差。电位差也称为两点间的电压。电荷在电位...

  • 发布于 2020-11-02 17:45
  • 阅读 ( 373 )


...n element is equivalent to the resistance of the element multiplied by the current that flows through it. 电压可以有多种不同的形式。有交流电压,直流电压,甚至静电也可以用伏特来测量。把电压比作水,更容易描述电压。假设你有两个水箱。一个...

  • 发布于 2021-06-22 11:58
  • 阅读 ( 612 )

齐纳(zener)和雪崩击穿(avalanche breakdown)的区别

... the more positive potential. Here, the potential barrier to the diffusion current and the space charge width are increased. Since the potential barrier is now large, the diffusion current drops. The drift current does not change significantly. The overall result is a **all net current flowing from ...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 02:56
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...ircuit is the potential difference ( ) across the component divided by the current ( ) through the component: 如果在由交流电供电的电路上加一个电阻器,电流的变化将与电压的变化同时发生。 Current and voltage across a resistor in an AC circuit changes at the same ph...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 04:59
  • 阅读 ( 302 )


...s defined as the ratio of potential difference across a component to the current through that component: 当流经导体的电子与材料中的晶格离子碰撞时,电阻就产生了。因此,电阻取决于材料的电阻率和元件的尺寸。电阻也随温度变化,因为温度影...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 05:02
  • 阅读 ( 436 )

交流电(ac)和直流电流(dc current)的区别

...流电流中,电子周期性地来回振荡。 什么是直流电流(dc current)? 在直流电中,电子只朝一个方向流动。直流电流可以通过导体连接两个不同电位的点而形成。然后,只要电位保持不变,电子就会从较负的电位流向较负的电位。...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 05:03
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交流电(ac)和直流电源(dc power)的区别

...耗散的功率周期性地变化。 什么是直流电源(dc power)? DC current refers to a current formed by electr*** flowing continuously in one direction. As the electr*** flow through various components in the circuit, they lose their electrical energy. DC power refers to the amount of ener...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 05:16
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...。一个电子的电荷约为-1.6×10-19摄氏度。 什么是现在的(current)? In electricity, current refers to the rate of flow of charge. A current  is expressed in terms of charges  as: 电流的测量单位是安培(A)。1安培的电流是指每秒钟有1摄氏度的电荷流...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 05:22
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涡流(eddy current)和感应电流(induced current)的区别

...较大的导体中流动的电流回路。 什么是感应电流(induced current)? According to Faraday’s Law, whenever the magnetic flux through a conductor changes, an EMF is induced in the conductor. According to Lenz’s Law, the direction of the induced emf opposes the change in magnetic f...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 07:27
  • 阅读 ( 763 )

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