什么是外事服务?(the foreign service?)

外事服务是一个国家的集体领事和外交人员。许多人使用 "外事服务 "一词来特指美国外交部,它是国务院的一部分。外交和领事使团成员在国外履行一些职能,代表他们本国的利益,努力促进国际社会的理解和合作。...
Many State Department officials work as liaisons to the United Nations.

外事服务是一个国家的集体领事和外交人员。许多人使用 "外事服务 "一词来特指美国外交部,它是国务院的一部分。外交和领事使团成员在国外履行一些职能,代表他们本国的利益,努力促进国际社会的理解和合作。

Every country employs a foreign service staff to represent it abroad.





  • 发表于 2022-02-12 17:31
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...mple, the following command: Produced the following event log entry: 有什么要补充的解释吗?在评论中发出声音。想从其他精通技术的Stack Exchange用户那里了解更多答案吗?在这里查看完整的讨论主题。

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...Windows安装的影响有多大?恶意软件“被破坏”的服务有什么限制吗? 答案 超级用户贡献者Keltari为我们提供了答案: What is a service? A service is an application, no more, no less. The advantage is that a service can run without a user session. This allows thi...

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...formation, weather and local events at their destination and translate any foreign language information. In future, the technology could also tell Virgin Atlantic staff their passengers' dietary and refreshment preferences - anything that provides a better and more personalized service.

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家务(housekeeping)和客房服务(room service)的区别

...,并有助于为客人创造积极的体验。 覆盖的关键领域 1.什么是客房服务-定义,特点2.什么是客房服务-定义,特点3。客房服务和客房服务的区别是什么?主要区别比较 关键术语 酒店、客房服务 什么是家务(housekeeping)? 在酒店...

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... a hangover with these before and after tips—and skip the hangover myths.Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online The U.S. Foreign Service Institute teaches foreign languages to government diplomats and personnel for duties abroad—and its courses are avail...

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...irely renounce and abjure (or renounce) all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, for...

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服务(serve)和服务:如何选择合适的词(service: how to choose the right word)的区别

...例和用法说明。 发球的例子(examples of serve) vs. 服务(service) 白宫工作人员的唯一责任是为总统服务。 三名技术人员为总统的电脑维修。 使用说明 "Many commentators disparage the use of service in contexts where serve is also possible. They fa...

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什么是英语语法中的外来复数?(a foreign plural in english grammar?)

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什么是食品服务业?(the food service industry?)


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