如何我在做建筑照明设计?(i get a job doing architectural lighting design?)

Architectural lighting design requires an advanced degree from an in-person accredited institution.






  • 发表于 2022-02-14 23:38
  • 阅读 ( 82 )
  • 分类:教育



... retail. 似乎我们已经不太喜欢修补了,我们已经在梦想着如何让这个简单的黑客变得更酷。他在博客中指出,硬币电池提供了足够的果汁,可以在几天到一周以上的任何地方根据LED点亮LED。这项技术的一个很大的改进是引入了一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 13:21
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...ur power cables.Build a Fiber Optic Star Map for Out-of-This-World Ambient Lighting If you're looking for ambient lighting so unique you'll likely be the only person in your part of the country to have it, this amazing DIY fiber optic star map is tough-to-beat choice.

  • 发布于 2021-07-25 11:56
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...内部背光。 安联竞技场,2005年,德国 The Swiss architecture team of 雅克·赫尔佐格和皮埃尔·德梅隆是第一批专门设计etfe面板的建筑师。安联竞技场的设计初衷是在2001-2002年赢得一场比赛。该竞技场于2002-2005年建成,是两支...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 06:58
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...- The Nature of Gothic, 威尼斯之石,第二卷 什么是建筑学(architecture)? 回答“什么是建筑?”这一问题并非易事。约翰·罗斯金一生都在表达自己的观点,用人类的术语定义建筑环境。罗斯金说, "Architecture is the art which so disposes ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 06:09
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...other material....Of course, as I could now see, there could be no organic architecture where the nature of materials was ignored or misunderstood. How could there be?" usonian家庭: 赖特的想法是将他的有机建筑理念提炼成一个简单的结构,可以由房主或当地建筑...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 06:11
  • 阅读 ( 260 )


...ntered except in our minds and our spirits. And I think that's really what architecture is based on. Architecture is not based on concrete and steel and the elements of the soil. It's based on wonder. And that wonder is really what has created the greatest cities, the greatest spaces that we have ha...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 06:37
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marcel breuer,包豪斯建筑师和设计师

... to live in a house which was in vogue twenty years ago.—Defining Modern Architecture [undated] ...objects have their different appearances as a result of their different functions. In that they should individually satisfy our needs, and not conflict with each other, they together give rise to...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 06:43
  • 阅读 ( 248 )


...中不可或缺的地位。”。 Peter Zumthor写道: "I believe that architecture today needs to reflect on the tasks and possibilities which are inherently its own. Architecture is not a vehicle or a symbol for things that do not belong to its essence. In a society that celebrates the inessent...

  • 发布于 2021-09-11 01:02
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...建筑有自己的看法和优雅(或自私)的定义。从拉丁语“architectura”一词中,我们用这个词来描述建筑师的工作。古希腊的阿克希特顿是所有工匠和工匠的主要建造者或技术大师。那么,什么是第一位,建筑师还是建筑? "arch...

  • 发布于 2021-09-16 00:57
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... "There is one theme that is very important for me: lightness...In my architecture, I try to use immaterial elements like transparency, lightness, the vibration of the light. I believe that they are as much a part of the composition as the shapes and volumes." 寻找空间联系 伦佐钢琴...

  • 发布于 2021-09-16 01:41
  • 阅读 ( 295 )

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