什么是判决书?(a verdict?)

判决是一个法律术语,用来表示陪审团在一个法庭案件中达成了一项决定。作为一个词,"verdict "的词根是拉丁文verdictum,意思是 "说出真相"。达成有效裁决的要求因管辖区而异。在一些地方,陪审团必须一致作出决定,而在其他地区,它必须仅仅达到多数票。...
The verdict is the jury's decision reached in a court case.

判决是一个法律术语,用来表示陪审团在一个法庭案件中达成了一项决定。作为一个词,"verdict "的词根是拉丁文verdictum,意思是 "说出真相"。达成有效裁决的要求因管辖区而异。在一些地方,陪审团必须一致作出决定,而在其他地区,它必须仅仅达到多数票。

A verdict is a decision a jury reaches regarding a trial.


One type of decision that can result in a mistrial during a financial settlement case is a compromise verdict.

最广为人知的裁决类型之一是在刑事法庭案件中作出的裁决。刑事案件中的陪审团会做出 "有罪 "或 "无罪 "的裁决,有时会由领班(也称为首席陪审员)大声宣读。在一些刑事法庭案件中,即在英国,陪审团不会被要求做出正式裁决。相反,它将向法庭陈述赤裸裸的事实,但会将最终决定权留给法官。

In many countries, it is illegal to attempt or commit suicide.


Verdicts are decided upon following the examination of evidence.


The word "verdict" may be used when a coroner declares his findings after sudden deaths.


  • 发表于 2022-02-17 11:53
  • 阅读 ( 90 )
  • 分类:法律



...两个术语的定义来理解和识别这种差异。 什么是判决(a verdict)? 判决通常被称为刑事案件的结果,尤其是被告被判有罪或无罪的那一刻。然而,传统上,它被定义为陪审团在审判期间就提交给它的问题作出的正式决定或裁决。...

  • 发布于 2020-10-25 12:20
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...on Java developers, and the entire Java community thank the jury for their verdict in this phase of the case. The overwhelming evidence dem***trated that Google knew it needed a license and that its unauthorized fork of Java in Android shattered Java's central write once run anywhere principle. Eve...

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... the community that depend on Java compatibility. 谷歌: Today's jury verdict that Android does not infringe Oracle's patents was a victory not just for Google but the entire Android ecosystem. 马特·马卡里对此报告做出了贡献。 .......................................................

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 07:59
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...的语言。我们在下面完整地复制它。 Today's verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American c***umer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices. It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to gi...

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...t we can protect our company. Certainly, we are very disappointed by the verdict at the US District Court for the Northern District of California (NDCA), and it is regrettable that the verdict has caused concern amongst our employees, as well as our loyal customers. However, the judge’s final ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 22:09
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...t come to a unanimous decision, they would move on to the next item on the verdict form. "We had a very methodical approach, no matter what you may hear to the nay of that," Hogan said, also stating that the layout of the 20-page verdict form helped the group reach their conclusi*** quickly. 逐个...

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..."reasonable possibility" that extraneous material "could have affected the verdict." In post-verdict interviews with the media, Mr. Hogan said that he told his fellow jurors an accused device infringes a design patent based on "look and feel" that an accused device infringes a utility patent unless ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 06:36
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...d evidence and didn't produce anything to substitute for it, so you have a verdict that's unsupported by evidence - and that's just one of its problems. In post-trial moti*** and on appeal, we will ask the judge and the federal circuit to cut the 6% verdict to 0, which is where it should end.

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 10:28
  • 阅读 ( 126 )

陪审团认为,kleiner perkins对ellen pao性别歧视案的所有索赔不承担责任


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... Giving some information or an assurance or a warning; Announcing a verdict or an intention; Pronouncing a sentence; Making an appointment, an appeal, or a criticism; Making an identification or giving a description." 奥斯汀认为,言外行为不需要进一步细化为言...

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