什么是马雷瓦禁令?(the mareva injunction?)

A Mareva injunction is a court order that can be used in Commonwealth nations to freeze the assets of a defendant in a civil case.


1975年的Mareva Compania Naviera SA诉International Bulk Carriers SA案是Mareva禁令的基础。也被称为冻结禁令或冻结令,Mareva禁令可以单方面授予。这意味着只有一方需要提出请求,法官可以在不通知另一方的情况下发布法院命令。在Mareva禁令的情况下,通知另一方可能提供足够的警告,以便在禁令通过之前转移资产。



1976年,一个类似的法律案件涉及英联邦国家在没有警告的情况下扣押证据的问题。与Mareva禁令一样,在认为警告可以为销毁证据提供足够时间的情况下,可以颁发Anton Piller令。由于保存证据对调查和起诉案件至关重要,执法官员更愿意避免在收集证据之前损坏或销毁证据的情况。有了安东-皮勒令,执法部门可以在没有警告的情况下进行搜查和扣押,让人措手不及。

  • 发表于 2022-02-17 23:57
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  • 分类:法律


命令(injunction)和限制令(restraining order)的区别

...,禁止看到、接触、伤害或骚扰他人。 什么是禁制令(an injunction)? 禁令的定义是命令一个人不要做某一特定行为或做某一特定行为的**命令。它在法律上被认为是一种公平的救济,是根据案件事实和可能对原告造成的损害而给...

  • 发布于 2020-10-29 07:06
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命令(injunction)和保持秩序(stay order)的区别

...到那时,他们之间的区别才变得明显。 什么是禁制令(an injunction)? 法律上,禁令是指要求某人执行或不执行特定行为的**命令或令状。这是**给予的一种公平救济,强制执行或不履行某些行为。这一补救措施由**酌情决定。因此...

  • 发布于 2020-10-29 08:16
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... The Government will comply with the injunction and has taken immediate steps to do so, but intends to vigorously defend the [Executive Order] and the Secretary’s implementation efforts from legal challenges. ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 05:58
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...amages for past unlicensed use. Google will make this offer before seeking injunctive relief for infringement of the acquired MMI Essential Patent Claims (i) that is the subject of litigation commenced after the date of this letter or (ii) introduced into existing litigation after the date of this l...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 07:15
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...“真正灾难性的影响”: Posner: "So would you be asking for an injunction that would give them three months to substitute real-time..." Apple: "Exactly. We're not asking them to stop selling Android phones, we're asking them to do something that they've said they could easily do. Use thei...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 20:08
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... infringing Microsoft's intellectual property. We will continue to enforce injuncti*** against Motorola Mobility products in those countries and hope they will join other Android device makers by taking a license to Microsoft's patented inventi***." 为了执行禁令,微软需要支付€穆勒...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 14:04
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... the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, preventing Motorola from enforcing an injunction in Germany until its use of standard essential patents can be closely examined. It continues to be our hope that Google and Motorola live up to their promises to standards organizati***.

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 05:43
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上诉法院撤销三星galaxy nexus在美国的禁令(更新)

...ng that the District Court abused its discretion in ordering a preliminary injunction against the Galaxy Nexus. Today's decision confirms that the role of patent law is to protect innovation and not to unreasonably stifle competition and restrict c***umer choice. We will continue to take all approp...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 07:42
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 "As reported, the court denied Fox's request for a preliminary injunction. But we are gratified the court found the copies DISH makes for its AutoHop service c***titute copyright infringement and breach the parties' contract. We are disappointed the court erred in finding that Fox's dama...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 13:28
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...monetary damages would be inadequate, the court agrees with Microsoft that injunctive relief is improper in this matter and grants Microsoft’s motion."

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 17:48
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