什么是公司法?(companies law?)

Companies law recognizes a corporation as a separate legal personality.






  • 发表于 2022-02-19 00:31
  • 阅读 ( 55 )
  • 分类:法律



... liability protection for certain types of unlawful content conditional on companies’ ability to meet best practices to combat the spread of this content. Instead of being granted immunity, platforms should be required to dem***trate that they have systems in place for identifying unlawful content...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 05:09
  • 阅读 ( 157 )


...nterpreted, however. Critics argue that its broad protecti*** let powerful companies ignore real harm to users. On the other hand, some lawmakers incorrectly claim that it only protects “neutral platforms” — a term that’s irrelevant to the law. “我认为平台责任感很重要,因为...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 20:59
  • 阅读 ( 104 )


...nterpreted, however. Critics argue that its broad protecti*** let powerful companies ignore real harm to users. On the other hand, some lawmakers incorrectly claim that it only protects “neutral platforms” — a term that’s irrelevant to the law. 特朗普周三在一份声明中说:“第...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 05:01
  • 阅读 ( 192 )


...nterpreted, however. Critics argue that its broad protecti*** let powerful companies ignore real harm to users. On the other hand, some lawmakers incorrectly claim that it only protects “neutral platforms” — a term that’s irrelevant to the law. 据报道,听证会将集中讨论修订第...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 02:06
  • 阅读 ( 176 )


TikTok回击了特朗普总统的行政命令,从9月20日起禁止与母公司的所有交易,这家中国公司说,这项行政命令是在“没有任何正当程序”的情况下发布的,此前一年该公司声称,它试图解决美国**对其应用程序的担忧。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 04:58
  • 阅读 ( 202 )


... nationwide must swiftly stop law enforcement use of face recognition, and companies like Microsoft should work with the civil rights community — not against it — to make that happen. This includes halting its current efforts to advance legislation that would legitimize and expand the police use...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:25
  • 阅读 ( 217 )


...e recent news has put the focus on Iran, it’s hardly the first time tech companies have mounted a zealous resp***e to sancti***. Last year, GitHub restricted users in several countries under US sancti***. Iran, which has faced sancti*** for years, has regularly had tech companies limit use in the ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 14:45
  • 阅读 ( 201 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-21 05:12
  • 阅读 ( 130 )


...rners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies. C***umers have the right to choices, and they know what they are buying when they purchase Samsung products. This is not the final word in this case or in battles being waged in courts and tribunals around the worl...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 21:38
  • 阅读 ( 96 )


 "Reform Government Surveillance companies believe it is extremely important to deter terrorists and criminals and to help law enforcement by processing legal orders for information in order to keep us all safe. But technology companies should not be require...

  • 发布于 2021-05-03 12:12
  • 阅读 ( 186 )

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