

你说的:桌面和基于网络的电子邮件客户端We clearly tapped into a subject you all have a strong opinion about with this week’s Ask the Readers post; read on to see how your fellow readers manage their email on, off, and across desktops and devices.



Switched to Gmail years ago and never looked back. No more losing my emails and contacts if my HDD crashes or when I reinstall. No more frustration with not being able to access an email on the road because it downloaded to my drive and deleted from the server. No more mailbox full messages because I left messages on the server to avoid the above problem!

I love having access to all emails from anywhere on any platform and don’t think I could ever go back to a dedicated email client.

Before switching to Gmail, I used Thunderbird in Windows and Evolution in Linux.

Thunderbird在本周的Ask the Readers评论中获得了很多喜爱,Merriadoc只是众多基于Thunderbird的读者中的一员:

I’m using Mozilla Thunderbird, it allows me to check several email accounts at the same time without having to open a web browser (and logging in). It has also the lightning extension, wich I synchronized with my different Gmail calendars. Very useful and easy to use. I use GMail on Android, only to read email.

I used Eudora, Lotus Notes, Outlook Express in the past. Not my cup of tea.

Anonymous Andy给出了最详细的答复,支持放弃桌面客户端使用基于web的电子邮件:

No. I don’t use a desktop email client. And for some good reas***:

1.) It usually costs money to use an email service provider who can provide POP access. (So far as I am aware, only GMail is free.) Of course, I could probably do it myself if I wanted to build a server somewhere but what a PITA!

2.) Although my ISP does provide POP email services I still don’t use it mainly due to spam. Personally, I find it easier to filter any spam/bacn with my (free) online account rather than actually download everything and then filter it with a client. Of course, I could do a half and half solution but who has the time to figure it all out? And can we say large “attachments”?!

3.) Viruses! If I open an email while online it’s likely prone to just infect my account – not my computer. Think Java script, flash, etc. with site re-directors here. However, attachments are still something to beware of as well as any bad add-on code. But since I already limit via my browser with various blockers and limiters I see no good reason to try and keep up with all the extra junk that keeps an email client safe too. In fact, email ports (110 & 25 usually) are just two more ports that need to be kept open – and are two more ways to let your computer get cracked.

4.) Free anonymous email accounts. Look around and it’s hard to not find a free online email service somewhere. Yahoo, MSN, Google just to name a few, will all give you a free online account. You can even tell them your name is Bozo The Clown while registering with a burner cell phone or even a temporary email address like what you get with 10 Minute Email – assuming they even go that far. And once registered, you can use your email until you grow tired of it. (Don’t you just love the idiocy of it all? Cause anyone serious about email security would probably be offering free POP-only service and making it much harder to get free online email.)

Of course, a downside might be that I don’t get the immediacy of an email. And I’m also pretty much tied to using an open browser with Internet access to get my email. But again, not being alerted every time an email comes in is also kind of nice. And for anyone who needs/wants to get a hold of me that urgently I usually just tell them to call me anyway (hopefully, from an unblocked caller ID number too).

如需更多读者评论,请点击此处的完整讨论主题。对下一个问题有什么想法?向读者提问?给我们发一封电子邮件[email protected]

  • 发表于 2021-04-12 04:48
  • 阅读 ( 230 )
  • 分类:互联网



当你在电脑上时,你是如何阅读你的电子邮件的?您使用基于web的电子邮件客户端,还是更喜欢使用桌面电子邮件客户端来赶上您的邮件? ...

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... 抓取发送到错误地址的电子邮件或附件 访问一个被遗忘的文件(可能是通过电子邮件发送给自己,或者同步到云存储) 启用媒体服务器,例如Plex 玩...

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Gmail是这个星球上最流行的电子邮件服务之一,所以人们想在任何地方都能轻松地查看它也就不足为奇了。谢天谢地,Gmail集成了这么多的服务,你会惊讶地发现有多少方法可以检查你的Gmail收件箱。 ...

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...这些文件呢? 曾经有一段时间,你需要通过POP3下载所有电子邮件,并将它们存储在电脑上,以确保定期备份电子邮件程序的数据,以免丢失电子邮件。现在,它们通常在线存储,并在基于web的客户端中访问。即使您使用本地电...

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...应用程序—一个名为Dillo的极其轻量级的web浏览器,以及电子邮件客户端、媒体播放器、文本编辑器和图像编辑器等其他程序。它默认使用Openbox窗口管理器。 矢量光 VectorLinux Light是Vector Linux的轻量级版本。开发人员声称它在256M...

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...硬盘不可避免地被灰尘吞噬时,你不会想失去一切的。 电子邮件–gmail,outlook.com,雅虎!邮件 脱机电子邮件程序的开发速度已经放缓,但仍有很多选择。这些程序将允许您从桌面计算机访问电子邮件,完全脱机。现代电子邮...

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...道没有人会得到一个昂贵的宽带帐户只是为了检查他们的电子邮件! 点击原文,请读者跟帖阅读其余评论。有带宽监控技巧吗?在这里大声说出来和大家分享。

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极客评论:使用yahoo zimbra桌面离线收发电子邮件

...脱机工作。困惑的?继续读。 今天我们将看看Zimbra桌面电子邮件客户端,看看它的工作情况如何。我正在Vista Ultimate(64位)上运行测试版.91(内部版本1344)。我提到过Linux和Mac也有一个版本吗? 安装Zimbra后,您将看到一个易...

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