从提示框:diy的ipad styluses,轻松的电缆组织,和土便宜的wi-fi天线

每周我们都会拿出提示框,与大家分享好的读者提示;本周我们将研究DIY iPad的柱头、轻松的电缆组织以及如何破解自己的廉价信号扩展Wi-Fi天线。...

从提示框:diy的ipad styluses,轻松的电缆组织,和土便宜的wi-fi天线

每周我们都会拿出提示框,与大家分享好的读者提示;本周我们将研究DIY iPad的柱头、轻松的电缆组织以及如何破解自己的廉价信号扩展Wi-Fi天线。



I saw your cute DIY hack for the Cars iPad toy and it reminded me of a quick trick for creating an iPad stylus. When all the hacks were floating around the internet right after the release of the iPad, I skipped most of them. They all involved stuff like soldering, drilling, winding wire, etc. Not fun.

A super easy way to make a stylus is to simply take a **all piece of conductive foam and pinch it into the lead holder in a metal drafting pencil. You might need to experiment with different drafting pencil bodies to get it right but all of the ones on my desk work fine.



从提示框:diy的ipad styluses,轻松的电缆组织,和土便宜的wi-fi天线


I’ve been using this trick for years, ever since I saw it on the tubes. I keep all my infrequently uses cables organizes with paper towel and toilet paper rolls. It’s simple really… you just gently fold the cables and tuck them in the tubes. After that you can stack the tubes (like canes in a shipping crate) inside a cardboard box. I have a couple filing boxes of neatly organizes cables in my office closet.




I was looking at my local electronics store for some Wi-Fi extending antennas. They wanted $50 for a high-gain pair! Since I only paid $50 for the router it seemed pretty silly to pay another $50 when I could just buy another router and set it up as a repeater for that price. I went home, did a little Googling, and found this video where a guy hacks apart one of those fancy high-gain antennas and finds that its pretty much the exactly same thing as the standard antenna except the wire is longer and has a set of coils in it. Using the video as a guide I pulled apart my existing antennas and with some scrap wire, a drop of solder, and a straw (he wasn’t kidding about the hack costing a nickel), I’ve got high-gain antennas! Score!


Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at [email protected] to share it with your fellow readers.

  • 发表于 2021-04-12 15:39
  • 阅读 ( 197 )
  • 分类:互联网



...决方案是DIY Wi-Fi天线放大器。你可以使用家里的硬件快速轻松地启动DIY Wi-Fi信号放大器。不相信我? ...

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...110美元)、Extend(180美元)和Prime(135美元)。Prime支持电缆盒(并且仅支持电缆盒),而另外两个是为无线电视天线设计的。 Connect和Extend非常相似,只是Connect模型需要一个802.11ac路由器才能通过Wi-Fi观看直播电视,而Extend只需...

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...ob done. 虽然不是每个人都喜欢新的Windows外观,但是您的提示会很好地服务于那些喜欢的人。谢谢马克! Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and look for it on the front page.

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