
今天是星期四下午,又是一周中的小费时间。本周我们将关注Android手机上的音频配置文件管理、Android上的谷歌书签访问,以及带有电缆系带的vintage organization。...


今天是星期四下午,又是一周中的小费时间。本周我们将关注Android**上的音频配置文件管理、Android上的谷歌书签访问,以及带有电缆系带的vintage organization。




I just read the tip about AudioManager managing volume settings on Android by creating different profiles. I just wanted to recommend Toggle Settings Profiles Lite (Everything I need is in the free version). With this app you can do everything AudioManager does with profiles and more.

You can create profiles that control every setting of your phone, like Bluetooth, volume, orientation, screen timeout, Wi-Fi, brightness, volume, and more. To change profiles you can click on the little icon in the notification bar and a screen pops up with different tabs. Here you can change your profiles or specific settings. But my favorite part of this app is the Rules settings, which allows automatic changing of profiles based on different settings.

For example, one that I commonly use is my Headphones profile. I hate when I take my head phones out of my phone and the volume is still high, creating very awkward situati***. Instead, there is a rule that changes to my Headphones profile when I put my headphones in and changes to the last used profile when I take them out, so the volume is always low when I take them out. There are t*** of other rules, like what day of the week, the state of each and every one of your settings, your location, and more.

I assume people will find the location setting very useful, as you can set a profile for home, school, and work, and have the profiles automatically switch when you get there. One warning is that in the lite version there is a limit to how many rules you can use, but other than that, the lite version works great for me. I hope others find this app as useful for them as it was for me.

AudioManager是一个很好的小应用程序,但配置文件功能仅在高级版本中可用。如果您正在寻找免费配置文件的精细控制,Toggle Settings profiles Lite看起来很不错。感谢古尔善的举报!




I’ve been searching for a good Google Bookmarks manager for my Android phone and tablet and I finally found one. MobileGBM Lite. You can access your bookmarks, add to the list, sync, view your web history (handy when you want to look at a web site you visited on a different computer or device earlier in the day), and sort the bookmarks. It only supports one account and has advertisements… but you can upgrade to the premium version (no ads, and multiple accounts) for an oddly priced $2.72. I’ve never needed the premium features and am happy to have found a free version!





My father is an old school computer engineer from back in the day when you often had to build the machine you were going to work on. He taught me how to cable lace and I find it to be a fun and almost Zen-like practice to engage in when setting up a permanent workstation or working on an electronics project. Cable lacing was yesteryear’s answer to how to effectively bind and organize cables in a time before zip ties and velcro wraps. I’ve included a link to a good article an article about it at Make magazine and a wiki entry with great old diagrams of how to do it.


有什么建议可以分享吗?给我们写信[email protected]你可能会在头版看到你的建议!


  • 发表于 2021-04-12 20:30
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  • 分类:互联网



...你只想下载某张专辑或某个播放列表,使用官方的PlayMusicAndroid应用程序就很容易了。只需按照下面的逐步说明进行操作: ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 09:35
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... 不幸的是,Android不包括一个简单的一点备份选项来保护**上的所有东西。我们将向您展示如何正确备份Android设备,这样您就不会丢失任何宝贵的东西。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-19 10:04
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...(和旅行期间)时充分利用谷歌地图。这个列表主要关注Android,但iOS用户也可以使用这些功能。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 18:23
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想象一下,如果你扔掉你的Android设备,发现它不再工作时的感觉。如果你把**上的东西都丢了,你会怎么办?你可以通过确保将你的Android备份到你的电脑来避免这场噩梦。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-24 13:47
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如何在amazon fire平板电脑或fire hd 8上安装google play商店

...制您访问亚马逊应用商店。但Fire平板电脑运行的是基于Android的Fire操作系统。你可以安装Google的Play商店,并访问所有Android应用程序,包括Gmail、Chrome、Google地图、Hangouts和Google Play中超过100万个应用程序。 相关报道:如何让售价...

  • 发布于 2021-04-08 16:19
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早在2013年,谷歌就在几乎所有Android设备上自动添加了谷歌设置应用程序。此后,谷歌通过谷歌Play服务更新,为这款应用添加了一个又一个功能。 要找到此应用程序,只需打开Android**或平板电脑的应用程序抽屉,然后点击“谷...

  • 发布于 2021-04-10 07:00
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Android没有类似于iTunes的桌面程序,所以同步数据的过程可能不像iPhone那么明显。然而,你不需要一个桌面同步应用程序——甚至iPhone用户也在抛弃iTunes。 虽然您可以通过USB电缆或无线网络连接来回移动文件,但保持设备间数据...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 19:13
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...步的浏览器数据。 我们还向您展示了如何将Chrome书签与Android**同步,以及如何在Chrome中使用多个配置文件。 隐姓埋名的窗口 使用“匿名”窗口私下浏览 如果您与他人共享计算机或使用公共计算机,则可能不希望记录浏览活动...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 11:11
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...m3u播放列表文件可以通过播放列表媒体播放器播放,就像Android上的播放列表或iPhone上的fstream一样。 我们都是关于聪明的提示和解决办法;这当然符合这两方面的要求。谢谢分享安德鲁!

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 16:26
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如果你曾经希望你能在桌面上看到你的Android**的屏幕或者用鼠标和键盘遥控它,我们将在这个简单的指南中向你展示如何远程访问你的Android设备。 你为什么要获得访问权限?完成本教程后,您将能够在计算机显示器上查看**屏...

  • 发布于 2021-04-13 02:01
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