windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示


windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示




windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示If you prefer using the keyboard over the mouse, you can use the keyboard to quickly and easily open your favorite programs. The following article shows you how to set up keyboard shortcuts to open applicati*** in Windows.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示We just showed you how to create keyboard shortcuts to your favorite applicati***. You can also easily create shortcuts to open programs and folders using a tool called WinKey. It allows you to create shortcuts using the Windows key to access your favorite programs and folders. You can also view a list of the Windows key shortcuts currently assigned. The following article shows you how to use this tool to create shortcuts in just a few steps and no programming.


在windows 7和vista上禁用win+x快捷键

windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示We just showed you how to create custom Windows key keyboard shortcuts. There are also existing Windows key shortcuts in both Windows 7 and Vista. If you want to disable the Windows key shortcuts, there is a simple way to do it. The following article describes how to do this using a registry hack and also provides a downloadable registry file that applies the hack automatically.

禁用Windows 7或Vista上的Win+X快捷键


windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示If you need to clear your desktop often, you may want a shortcut to quickly hide the desktop ic*** without going through the context menu. For example, you may want to hide all the desktop ic*** to take a screenshot of a window against the Windows desktop background. The following article shows you a quick and easy way to create a shortcut to show or hide the desktop ic***.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示If you often or run tools that require administrative privileges, you probably get annoyed at having to go through the User Account Control (UAC) dialog box every time. If you know that what you are doing is safe and you trust the tool you are using, you can easily set up a shortcut that will run the tool in administrator mode that doesn’t prompt you with the UAC dialog box.




windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示How often has the screensaver come on while you were burning a CD or DVD or downloading a large file for which you wanted to monitor the progress? You have to fool the computer into not starting the screensaver by moving the mouse every certain number of minutes. Wouldn’t it be easier to have a quick way to disable the screensaver?




windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示We just showed you how to create shortcuts to quickly disable and enable the screensaver in Windows. You can also create shortcuts to start specific screensavers. The following article shows you how to do this. The procedure described should work for Windows 7, Vista, and even XP.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示Do you change your screen resolution often? If so, there’s a tool, called HotKey Resolution Changer, that will make your life easier. It allows you to create keyboard shortcuts for your most-used resoluti***. The following article shows you how to use the tool to do this.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示In Windows 7 and Vista, the “Up” button was removed from Windows Explorer. You can click a directory in the path to go back up to that directory, simulating the “Up” button. However, if you have resized your Explorer window so the whole path doesn’t show, or you’ve tiled windows, you may not be able to click on the directory you want.


Windows 7或Vista资源管理器的“向上”快捷键


windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示Putting shortcuts on the desktop is a convenient way to access your most-often used programs and files. Sometimes, you might even save files directly to the desktop for easy access. However, you might also like a clean desktop. You can hide desktop ic*** and files and quickly access them while hidden using a custom keyboard shortcut you create without using any extra software. The following article shows you how to do this.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示In Windows XP, the Home directory was hidden and was not meant to be used. That changed in Windows 7 and Vista and the Home directory is now accessible. Some locati***, such as the Downloads directory, are only accessible through your Home directory. Therefore, it would be helpful to put a shortcut to the Home directory on your desktop for quick access. The following article shows you how to do this.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示If you share your computer and you’ve copied data to the clipboard that you don’t want to leave there for other users to see, a quick way to clear the clipboard would be useful. Wouldn’t it be handy to have a shortcut or hotkey to clear it? There is a way to use the built-in clip.exe utility in Windows 7 and Vista to clear the clipboard. The utility is not really meant to clear the clipboard, but using the command line and a shortcut, the following article shows you how to make the clip.exe utility clear your clipboard quickly and easily.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示If you’re playing music on your computer when the phone rings, or someone knocks on the door, it may take too long to find the speaker switch or the pause button in the software. You can easily create a shortcut with a hotkey that will quickly mute the system volume in Windows. The following article shows you how to do that.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示Do you like to leave your computer on all the time with your programs and files open, ready for you continue what you were doing at a later time? If so, you might find it a pain to use the power butt*** on your monitor all the time, especially if you have multiple monitors. You can use the Windows key + L to lock the screen, but that does not shut the monitor off.




windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示If you’re using a laptop and it’s plugged in, you probably would like to use the High Performance power plan. However, if you switch to using the battery, it’s helpful to have a quick way to switch to the Power Saver power plan. You can create shortcuts with hotkeys to quickly switch to each type of power plan. The following article shows you how to do so.


创建快捷方式图标或热键以打开或关闭windows 7/vista防火墙

windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示If you’re having network problems in Windows, one of the first things to do when troubleshooting is to disable the built-in firewall. Instead of drilling down to the screen in the Control Panel to turn off the firewall, wouldn’t it be handy to have some shortcuts that allow you to quickly disable and enable the firewall?



创建快捷方式图标或热键以打开或关闭Windows 7/Vista防火墙


windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示When organizing your files in Windows Explorer, you may create a lot of new folders. If you’ve wanted a hotkey to quickly create a new folder, we have some soluti*** for you. In Windows 7, a shortcut key combination is natively included. If you are using Vista or XP, there are a couple of soluti***. The following article shows you the shortcut key combination for Windows 7 and how to create a hotkey in Vista and XP using the built-in accelerator keys or using a **all, freeware application called bxNewFolder.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示When you hook up your laptop to a secondary monitor or a bigger monitor, some windows on your desktop may end up off the laptop screen when you go back to using the laptop’s screen. You forgot to move the windows back to a position where they will be visible on the laptop screen. There’s a simple trick you can use to get the windows to be visible on the laptop screen without having to hook up to the other monitor again. The following article shows you this trick.



windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示Generally, when you open Task Manager and view the running processes, they are only the processes running in the current account. If you share a computer, and the other users leave their accounts logged in, you may want to view what processes are running in their accounts. You can open Task Manager to an “All Users” view that displays the processes running in all accounts for users that are logged in.




windows pc的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示We’ll end this collection of shortcuts and hotkeys with a bonus article that provides you with 20 more keyboard shortcuts. Using keyboard shortcuts rather than the mouse may help reduce wrist fatigue.



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...,但有时如果我们可以在处理单独的任务时输入一个键盘快捷键来打开它,那就更好了。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 21:37
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... 2快捷键 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 21:40
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...热键。为了演示的目的,让我们使用Ctrl+Alt+F1。只需单击快捷键字段并输入命令。 现在快捷键和热键正在运行。测试热键,您将在声音菜单中看到默认设备的更改(如果尚未设置为该设备)。返回到桌面并将快捷方式重命名为...

  • 发布于 2021-04-08 02:43
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...器中一次性禁用它们。 相关:Windows PC最重要的20个键盘快捷键 重要的是要知道,我们将在本文中讨论的更改是针对每个用户的,这意味着您必须对要禁用快捷方式的每个用户帐户进行这些更改。这并不难,我们会带你走完整个...

  • 发布于 2021-04-08 15:13
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...开“开始”菜单、使用Windows搜索和执行许多不同的键盘快捷键非常有用。这就是为什么我们推荐下面的自动热键方法-您只能在玩游戏时禁用Windows键。 也可以使用其他方法禁用Windows键。例如,您还可以使用SharpKeys将Windows键重新...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 07:19
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...航很容易,Dexpot提供了多种方法来实现这一点,包括键盘快捷键、活动桌面的小缩略图和所有桌面的全屏预览。 您还可以使用插件扩展Dexpot的功能。 有关使用Dexpot的更多信息,请参阅我们的文章。 另一个桌面管理器3d(yod'm 3d...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 03:51
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维护windows pc的35个最佳提示和窍门

...组织艺术 如何使用FileMenu更有效地管理文件 了解如何在Windows中安全地删除文件 快速复制文件查找器识别额外的副本 自动删除旧日志文件的过程 清理并优化系统 组织好文件和文件夹后,就可以执行一些基本的清理任务来优化...

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...快捷方式或将其分组。 默认情况下,快速启动栏隐藏在Windows7中。但是,您可以轻松地将快速启动栏添加到任务栏。我们以前写过一个免费工具,它在Windows系统托盘中创建一个类似于快速启动栏的启动程序。 还有一个免费的工...

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用于调整和自定义windows 7的最佳文章

...、将自己的文件夹添加到收藏夹列表、更改“向上”键盘快捷键、将导航窗格设置为自动展开、禁用搜索历史显示,甚至添加选项卡以便在资源管理器中更轻松地浏览文件。 如何在Windows资源管理器中自定义文件夹背景和图标 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 14:40
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...是很有用的计算机任务。 读这篇文章 Windows PC的20个最佳快捷键和热键提示 对于那些喜欢使用最快捷的方法在计算机上完成任务的人,我们向您展示了过去用于执行有用任务的许多Windows快捷方式和热键。 读这篇文章 如何查看...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 17:04
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