如何在计算机上配置静态internet协议(ip)地址(configure a static internet protocol (ip) address on a computer)



  1. 1开始。单击屏幕左下角的Windows徽标。“开始”菜单将弹出。
  2. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 1Image titled Windowsstart.png
  3. 2打开设置。单击“开始”菜单左下方的齿轮形图标。
  4. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 2Image titled Windowssettings.png
  5. 3Click Network&互联网它在设置窗口中间。
  6. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 3Image titled Windowsnetwork.png
  7. 4单击查看网络属性。此链接位于页面底部附近。如果没有看到此链接,请向下滚动。您可能还需要单击窗口左上角的“关于”选项卡。
  8. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 4
  9. 5向下滚动至“Wi-Fi”标题。在这一页的底部附近。您将在此处看到有关Wi-Fi连接的信息列表。
  10. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 5
  11. 6注意“默认网关”地址。“默认网关”标题右侧的地址是您将在web浏览器中输入以访问路由器页面的地址。
  12. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 6
  13. 7新闻⊞ Win+X。这样做将打开高级开始菜单。您也可以右键单击屏幕左下角的开始图标。
  14. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 7
  15. 8.点击系统。在高级开始菜单中。这样做会打开一个包含Windows计算机规格的窗口。
  16. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 8
  17. 9记下你电脑的名字。这是一个名称(通常是一堆字母和数字),位于页面中部的“设备名称”标题的右边。此时,您已经准备好继续设置静态IP地址。
  18. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 9


  1. 1打开苹果菜单。单击屏幕左上角的Apple徽标。将出现一个下拉菜单。
  2. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 10Image titled Macapple1.png
  3. 2单击系统首选项…。您可以在下拉菜单中找到此选项。
  4. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 11
  5. 3点击网络。它在系统首选项窗口中。
  6. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 12
  7. 4点击高级…。此选项位于窗口的右下方。这样做会打开一个新窗口。
  8. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 13
  9. 5单击TCP/IP选项卡。它在窗户的顶部。
  10. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 14
  11. 6注意“路由器”地址。“路由器”标题右侧的地址(通常是“192.168.X.X”或“10.0.0.X”的一些变体)是访问路由器页面的地址。
  12. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 15
  13. 7.查找Mac电脑的名称。你需要知道你的Mac电脑的名字,才能在路由器的页面上找到你的Mac电脑;一旦你这样做了,你就可以设置一个静态IP地址了:关闭高级窗口。点击⋮⋮⋮⋮ 在系统首选项的左上方。单击共享。注意窗口顶部的“计算机名”条目。
  14. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 16


  1. 1打开网络浏览器。单击或双击您首选的web浏览器(如Google Chrome)的应用程序图标。
  2. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 17Image titled Android7chrome.png
  3. 2输入路由器的地址。在浏览器窗口顶部的地址栏中,输入为路由器检索到的地址,然后按↵ 进来这将打开路由器的页面。
  4. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 18
  5. 3如有必要,请登录。如果提示输入用户名和/或密码,请输入所需的凭据,然后按↵ 进来如果未设置用户名和/或密码,则可能需要使用路由器手册或路由器本身中的出厂凭据。
  6. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 19
  7. 4查找已连接的Internet项目列表。由于每个路由器的页面在项目位置和标题方面都会有所不同,因此您可能需要浏览路由器页面或菜单才能找到此部分。例如,一些路由器将“已连接的设备”按钮放在主页上,而其他路由器页面则要求您单击“设置”或“高级”以查看已连接项目的列表。
  8. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 20
  9. 5.查找计算机的名称。查找之前在连接项列表中找到的名称。
  10. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 21
  11. 6.单击保留按钮。您可能会在计算机的名称和地址旁边(或下方)找到它,不过您可能需要先单击计算机的名称才能找到它。同样,你的路由器页面可能会显示一个不同的选项。如果系统提示您确认选择或指定未使用的IP地址,请在继续之前确认。
  12. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 22
  13. 7单击保存或应用。它通常在页面的底部。这将保存您所做的更改,并将新的IP地址应用于计算机。您可能需要重新启动计算机才能进行更改,路由器也可能会重新启动。
  14. Image titled Configure a Static Internet Protocol (IP) Address on a Computer Step 23
  • 你不应该设置一个静态IP地址,除非你正在托管一个网站,设置一台计算机进行远程访问,或者使用FTP服务器。
  • 发表于 2022-03-16 20:29
  • 阅读 ( 71 )
  • 分类:IT


ip地址(ip)和mac地址(mac address)的区别

...中,分配给每个实体的逻辑数字标签或地址称为IP地址(Internet协议地址)。IP地址的作用是在接口层分别识别和定位网络中的每个实体,在OSI模型的网络层起作用。 根据用于存储地址的位数,IP地址有两种版本,一种是Internet协...

  • 发布于 2020-11-04 20:17
  • 阅读 ( 356 )


计算机网络上的每个设备都有一个Internet协议(IP)地址。它就像一个电话号码,告诉其他电脑如何联系到它。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 11:25
  • 阅读 ( 354 )


...e of the things I found among all the settings is a table to set static IP addresses. I’m pretty sure that section is self explanatory in as much as I get that it allows you to give a computer a permanent IP address, but I don’t really understand why? I’ve never used that section before and ev...

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...P addresses. The Situation I Encountered My friend and I both use the same Internet service provider. We have different user names and passwords, and independent connecti*** to our Internet service provider, yet we have the same public IP address! How is this possible? When we use Google to determin...

  • 发布于 2021-04-09 19:45
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....0 to See: RFC1918 The IP your home router has on the “Internet side” of the interface is public, given to you by your ISP. The IPs used for your home’s Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection are private, so they are not unique, but that is not a problem because those never leave your ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-10 07:14
  • 阅读 ( 169 )和0.0.0.0之间有什么区别?

... of those IPs. What is the IP Address is the loopback Internet protocol (IP) address also referred to as the localhost. The address is used to establish an IP connection to the same machine or computer being used by the end-user. The same convention is defined for computers that...

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...networking its flexibility. For example, you may choose to connect to your Internet service using IP over Ethernet, but in your internal network, you might choose to use IP over paper (where someone writes down the contents of each packet and physically walks it over to another machine and types it ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 04:47
  • 阅读 ( 228 )


...esses, Public and Private. Public IP addresses are the ones you see on the Internet (if you ping google.com you will get a public IP address). Inside of a network you typically have a Private IP address setup (192.168.x.x, 172.x.x.x, and 10.x.x.x) are all IP addresses that do not exist on web server...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 07:22
  • 阅读 ( 253 )


... I’ll ask here. Let’s say I subscribed to an ISP and I’m using cable internet access. The ISP gives me a public IP address of What keeps me from changing this IP address to, let’s say,, and messing with another c***umer’s internet access? For the sake of this argum...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 15:23
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...erstand that IP addresses are hierarchical, so that routers throughout the internet know which direction to forward a packet. With MAC addresses, there is no hierarchy, and thus packet forwarding would not be possible. So, MAC addresses are not used for packet transfer. I don’t think it sits there...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 16:47
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