ces 2021第2天:游戏笔记本电脑来了

昨天,AMD和Nvidia走上CES虚拟舞台,宣布各自的更新。AMD推出了一系列新的CPU,7nm Ryzen5000系列,这将是一款非常引人注目的游戏笔记本电脑。Nvidia的头条新闻是针对笔记本电脑的新图形,带来了一些以前台式机独有的性能。...

昨天,AMD和Nvidia走上CES虚拟舞台,宣布各自的更新。AMD推出了一系列新的CPU,7nm Ryzen5000系列,这将是一款非常引人注目的游戏笔记本电脑。Nvidia的头条新闻是针对笔记本电脑的新图形,带来了一些以前台式机独有的性能。





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The **art mask concept will continue to be optimized through rigorous testing and user feedback to ensure safety compliance and maximum comfort and usability. Design improvements will also be ongoing to support the evolving user needs and to deliver value without compromising functionality and performance. Project Hazel will be foundational to Razer’s ongoing support and commitment to public health and safety within the community.






┏AMD的7nm Ryzen 5000移动处理器承诺2021年最好的游戏笔记本。AMD正在巩固去年取得的成果,似乎正在努力将自己打造成笔记本电脑市场的CPU固定设备,而不是一个有点罕见的替代品。尽管我的同事Monica Chin向我指出,这种稀有性的部分原因是AMD芯片的型号似乎供不应求。


换言之:2021年可能是我们不再将瑞森视为英特尔的替代品的一年,而只是一个直接的竞争对手。英特尔可能面临着不再是许多潜在客户的“默认值”的风险。这并不是完全否定英特尔,正如Chin指出的,我们仍然需要看看Tiger Lake H芯片的笔记本电脑是什么样子。

AMD has announced its new Ryzen 5000 mobile CPUs. Most (but not all) of them are based on the company’s 7nm “Zen 3” architecture. AMD CEO Lisa Su called the series “the most powerful PC processors ever built.” ... The big question will be how these processors compare to Intel’s new Tiger Lake H systems — the company announced those chips yesterday at its CES 2021 keynote. All three of those chips (including two Core i7s and one Core i5) max out at 35W and have just four cores and eight threads — half the count of Ryzen’s top offerings. However, Intel says there’s an eight-core processor with speeds up to 5GHz coming “later this quarter.” That’s likely what AMD has to watch out for.


RDNA 2 is AMD’s new graphics chip architecture and the foundation of the custom chipsets in Sony’s PlayStation 5 and Microsoft’s Xbox Series S / X, and now it’s coming to laptops. ... The Radeon RX 6000 series of GPUs were the first to feature AMD’s new RDNA 2 architecture when they were unveiled in October of last year, but those were top-of-the-line desktop graphics cards designed to go head-to-head with Nvidia’s 3000 series line. ... Today at CES, AMD CEO Lisa Su said the company is “on track to launch the first notebooks with RDNA 2 in the first half of the year with our partners,”

┏AMD将允许消费者直接购买Threadripper Pro。这绝对是专业用途。正如TomWarren所说,“64核、128线程和2TB内存听起来都很神奇,直到你意识到单处理器就要3990美元。”


英伟达将于1月26日在笔记本电脑上推出RTX3080。Nvidia展示了一个Razer Blade 15的演示,它使用微软的飞行模拟器运行一个全三屏设备,这是一个非常好的迹象,表明许多计划中的70多台笔记本电脑都有这些gpu。

Less than six months after introducing its RTX 3000 series GPUs for desktop PCs, Nvidia is bringing the RTX 3060, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 to gaming laptops. Nvidia is promising big energy efficiency gains here, thanks to its new Ampere architecture, alongside the obvious performance improvements over the previous RTX 2000 series laptops.

┏英伟达宣布推出329美元GeForce RTX 3060,2月份上市。




┏Razer的2021 Blade笔记本电脑获得了QHD屏幕和Nvidia的RTX 3000系列图形。

Until recently, 1080p and 4K were the only opti*** for displays on gaming laptops, despite 1440p being an increasingly popular choice among PC gamers looking for a new standalone monitor. ... The higher-end Blade laptops will be equipped with Nvidia’s new RTX 3000-series graphics chips, and so should have an easy time running most games on a 1440p high refresh rate display. The Blade 15 Advanced (Razer’s name for the more powerful variant) with the RTX 3070 and a QHD screen with G-Sync will cost $2,499.

华硕用最新的AMD和Nvidia芯片更新了Zephyrus G14和G15。去年我自己买了一辆G14,同意莫妮卡·陈的说法,那是最好的一辆。这些更新看起来很可靠。


┏宏碁最新推出的Nitro 5游戏笔记本电脑似乎比以往任何时候都更强大。

┏Acer宣布推出由AMD Ryzen提供动力的Aspire 5和Aspire 7笔记本电脑。

┏宏碁的新款Predator Triton 300 SE是一款功能强大、超轻的游戏笔记本电脑。Chaim Gartenberg公司:

Acer is ditching the garish, colorful lights and logos on the Predator Triton 300 for a more restrained — dare I say, professional — all-metal design that wouldn’t be out of place in an office or a classroom, while still offering top-notch gaming hardware on the inside.

┏戴尔使用Nvidia的新RTX 3000 GPU更新其Alienware m15和m17笔记本电脑。

┏Gigabyte宣布推出采用AMD Ryzen处理器的新中端游戏产品线。

┏Gigabyte最新的Aero和Aorus笔记本电脑包括RTX 3080和OLED选项。

┏Origin使用新的RTX 3000系列GPU更新EVO15-S和EVO17-S。


┏联想ThinkBook Plus Gen 2的盖子上有更大更好的电子墨水显示屏。

The ThinkBook Plus debuted at last year’s CES, standing out as a laptop with an E Ink display built into the lid that allowed users to take notes, read ebooks, and display things like calendar information. ... The new model improves on that, though, with a 12-inch, 2560 x 1600 E Ink panel that supports multitouch and works with the pop-out stylus, creating what should be a more enjoyable E Ink experience.




The refreshed Bolt will feature a sportier look, new seats, adaptive cruise control, and a few other minor changes. GM bumped up the range in this past year’s version of the Bolt, from 238 miles to 259 miles, but no further increase is expected in the refresh. ... The new Bolts can’t come quick enough, given the controversy surrounding the current versi*** of the EV. GM was recently slapped with a class action lawsuit alleging that the Chevy Bolt’s battery is “prone to burst into flames.” The lawsuit comes on the heels of GM announcing that it was recalling 68,000 Bolts over a malfunctioning battery.


The automaker showed off a luxury egg-shaped autonomous vehicle and a single-seater electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft during its keynote address on Tuesday. Both vehicles are part of Cadillac’s Halo Portfolio and probably won’t be going into production anytime soon — or at all. ... Still, the concepts are meant to show off Cadillac’s (and, by extension, GM’s) design intenti*** for future products, as well as serving as an extravagant symbol of the brand’s manufacturing skills.

┏通用汽车取笑凯迪拉克Celestiq EV可调玻璃车顶和全宽触摸屏。这绝对是一个玩笑,而不是透露。但是可调节的玻璃屋顶看起来很酷。

  • 发表于 2021-04-16 18:06
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  • 分类:互联网



... CES2021也见证了游戏PC领域的大量行动。游戏笔记本电脑是一个主要的焦点,几个品牌争夺我们的虚拟注意力。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 00:00
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...布了它的第一个1000R曲线游戏显示器,以及一个新的游戏笔记本电脑与一些非常令人印象深刻的规格山。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 05:27
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...“MSIology”虚拟发布活动,显示出新的Nvidia RTX30系列游戏笔记本电脑供过于求。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 05:51
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amd ryzen 5000移动CPU为笔记本电脑游戏设置了高标准

...0 CPU最初是在2020年为台式机发布的,但现在它们将应用于笔记本电脑。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 06:11
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...己是个好人。你知道,CES2021不一定都是关于Razer的新游戏笔记本电脑。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 06:12
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... 相关报道:雷泽削减通过竞争与CES 2021刀片15笔记本电脑阵容 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 06:20
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razer凭借ces 2021 blade 15笔记本电脑产品线在竞争中脱颖而出

CES2021正在进行中,Razer宣布了对现有Razer15系列游戏笔记本电脑的一系列升级。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 06:28
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razer在ces 2021上展示了最先进的17款pro笔记本电脑

...,第二天就有了大量的新设备,其中之一就是Razer的游戏笔记本电脑产品。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 06:30
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mad catz为ces 2021揭开了b.a.t.的神秘面纱

如果你是一个PC游戏玩家,那么你可能想知道Mad Catz打算发布其最受赞赏的游戏控制器系列之一的更新。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 06:42
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...拟的聚会,惠普仍然坚持自己的精神,为2021年的四款新笔记本电脑摘掉了封皮。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 07:31
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