ps5已经定价,oculus quest 2已经发布,gopro hero 9已经过评审

Processor是对消费科技领域发生的事情的一个摘要,它有来自Dieter Bohn的精辟分析(或许只是笑话)。在这里注册时事通讯,并在YouTube上查看处理器视频系列。...

Processor是对消费科技领域发生的事情的一个摘要,它有来自Dieter Bohn的精辟分析(或许只是笑话)。在这里注册时事通讯,并在YouTube上查看处理器视频系列。


最重要的是,我们看到游戏公司开始尝试新的定价模式和分销方法。微软已经将其硬件与游戏流媒体服务捆绑在一项补贴计划中。苹果似乎想通过自己的捆绑包来避免这样做,但它仍在尝试Apple Arcade。英伟达和谷歌正在为游戏提供云流媒体的竞争。索尼正在将更多的顶级游戏(或者至少是最近比平时更顶级的游戏)放入PlayStation Plus捆绑包中。





┏索尼PS5 showcase的10大公告和预告片。




Soon, GameStop issued a press release advertising availability of the PS5 online, even though at the time, it didn’t actually have a product page where you could buy one. Now, you can find product pages at Target (PS5, PS5 Digital) and Best Buy (PS5, PS5 Digital) too.


┏PlayStation 5游戏的价格将高达69.99美元。


Here’s the full list, including pricing and confirmation for the first time that Sony intends to raise the price on some exclusive titles by $10 to a max of $69.99:

  • Astro的游戏室(日本工作室)–预装在PS5上
  • 恶魔之魂(蓝点游戏/日本工作室)-69.99美元
  • 毁灭全明星(Lucid Games/XDEV)–$69.99
  • 惊奇漫画的蜘蛛侠:迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯——49.99美元
  • 惊奇漫画蜘蛛侠:米尔莫拉莱斯终极版-69.99美元
  • 麻袋男孩大冒险(相扑数码/XDEV)–59.99美元


┏霍格沃茨遗产是一款开放世界的哈利波特游戏,即将出现在PS5、Xbox X系列和PC上。这是昨天网站上最受欢迎的帖子之一。

Hogwarts Legacy is a new Harry Potter open world game coming to the PlayStation 5 platform, Sony announced on Wednesday during its PS5 price reveal live stream event. The game, developed by Just Cause studio Avalanche, is set in the 1800s at the iconic Hogwarts from the book series, but given its time period it will not involve playing as the series’ titular character.

┏索尼的PlayStation Plus系列将让您在发布时在PS5上播放一堆PS4经典。包里有很多好东西。希望索尼不断更新。


┏确认:PS5是现代历史上最大的游戏机。它真的很大。真正地。另外,那些奇怪的翻领鳍在一边?是 啊。。。

Oh, and there’s one little tidbit I forgot to mention, which makes this even better: Sony isn’t including the PS5’s “largest projection” or optional base in those measurements, according to its press release.




┏Oculus Quest 2评论:更好、更便宜的虚拟现实。Adi Robertson有评论:

The Quest 2 is everything I liked about the original Quest at launch but with the benefit of a stronger ecosystem that’s developed over the past year. Even with current-generation VR’s inherent awkwardness, it feels like a final product rather than an early-adopter experiment. Oculus — a company owned by social giant Facebook — has done some of its best work so far. It’s also provoked some of the biggest questi*** yet about VR’s future.

┏Oculus新款Quest 2 VR耳机起价299美元,10月13日**。

┏Oculus Quest与Oculus Quest 2:有什么区别?。


┏Facebook的首款“智能眼镜”将是明年推出的Ray Bans。

┏Facebook正在停止Oculus Rift S。


┏马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)为什么不想“把苹果手表戴在脸上”。我的同事凯西·牛顿采访了马克·扎克伯格。


┏Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080评论:4K PC游戏终于有意义了。汤姆沃伦有一个令人难以置信的全面和详细的审查。他印象深刻:

The RTX 3080 ushers in the next generation of 4K gaming, thanks to some raw horsepower and a lot of the promises that Nvidia made with the RTX 2080 finally starting to materialize. DLSS and ray tracing were merely promises of where the future of PC games would move two years ago. But with games like Minecraft, Control, Fortnite, and Call of Duty supporting Nvidia’s latest technology, it’s a reality that’s here with the RTX 3080. The next generation of c***oles will also start to support ray tracing, meaning we’re bound to see even more games throughout 2021 and beyond that can add ray tracing and soften its blow with DLSS.

┏GoPro Hero 9评论:500美元以下5公里。GoPro曾有几家公司紧随其后,但事实是,没有多少可比性。这东西看起来很棒。Becca Farsace有评论:

Building upon years of action camera knowledge, GoPro has finally mastered a hardware experience that never frustrated me, while sticking to software that, although takes a bit of getting used to, holds endless resolution and frame rate capabilities.


┏苹果手表(Apple Watch)的血氧监测仪是为了“健康”,而不是药物。Nicole Wet**an的重要背景:

The Apple Watch’s blood oxygen sensor isn’t a medical device and won’t be able to diagnose or monitor any medical conditi***. The company says the feature is simply there to help users understand their fitness and wellness. But Apple did connect the feature back to the COVID-19 pandemic during the product announcement: “Blood oxygen and pulse oximetry are terms that we’ve heard a lot about during the COVID pandemic,” said Sumbul Ahmad Desai, Apple’s VP of health.

┏苹果的开发者们正在为iOS 14的加速发布而争论不休。对于开发者来说,这真的是一个很大的麻烦。乔恩·波特收集了他们的一堆故事:

Today’s release will be the first chance for most people to try iOS 14’s new bells and whistles, which include new home screen widgets, a picture-in-picture mode, and a new Translation app, to name just a few. But it wasn’t great news for iOS developers, who were left with a tight deadline to compile, test, and submit their apps in time for iOS 14’s launch day

┏iOS 14和iPadOS 14开始推出。




Low-cost sensors available commercially are likely not accurate enough yet to be relied on alone to make policy or regulatory decisi***, according to Wexler and Castell. They can miss very **all particles or confuse water droplets as particles when there’s high humidity. But many are good enough to raise awareness on air pollution and get the ball rolling to take action. When air quality is really bad — like it’s been across the West Coast of the US over the past couple weeks as a result of wildfires — readings don’t need to be perfect to let people know they should take shelter.

┏超级马里奥3D全明星是一堂精彩的历史课。安德鲁·韦伯斯特(Andrew Webster)回顾了最有默默无闻马里奥、超级马里奥阳光(Super Mario Sunshine)的套餐:

It’s rare that 3D games remain fun and interesting so long after release, but it’s a testament to Nintendo’s designers that this feels like a crucial Switch release, something to get excited about rather than complain about yet another Mario 64 port. I’ve been jumping back and forth between all three games, and while I’m having fun moment to moment, the most enjoyable part has been seeing the way the series evolved over time



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  • 发表于 2021-04-17 23:51
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gopro hero6与hero5:是时候升级了吗?

...作摄像机的投资。这比HERO5 Black要贵100美元,而HERO5 Black已经花了一大笔零钱。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 17:38
  • 阅读 ( 217 )

只需27美元就可以享受一整年的playstation plus

...,您可以访问PlayStation Plus系列。 尽管第一代Oculus Quest已经有近两年的历史了,并且已经有了后续产品,但它仍然是一款很好的VR耳机,不需要控制台或游戏PC。您可以在Oculus的direct网站以199美元的价格买到最初的Quest耳机。这...

  • 发布于 2021-04-15 20:56
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...候。这个更新在发布时将花费10美元,总计35美元。 oculus提供翻新的quest耳机,折扣200美元 如果你想用一个好的耳机进入虚拟现实,但又不想花300美元购买《探索2》,那么直接从Oculus购买这款产品吧。它以200美元的价格**翻...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 01:09
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游戏在2020年初流行的时候就已经很流行了;随着大量的人被困在家里,它已经成为一种全国性的痴迷。所以一旦你有了游戏机或电脑,还有游戏,你还需要什么呢? 我们请Verge的工作人员,他们中的许多人都是狂热...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 07:00
  • 阅读 ( 229 )

在新的2020 vr耳机上玩10款精彩游戏

...目;一些很棒的科幻书;以及令人兴奋的新播客。(注:定价在发布时是准确的,但可能会发生变化。) 半衰期:alyx 是啊,这不是半条命3。但事实上,半条命:Alyx甚至存在是一个真正的祝福,是一个伟大的除了半条命专...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 03:21
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售价299美元的oculus quest 2 vr耳机今天开始发售

Facebook新推出的虚拟现实耳机Oculus Quest 2今天开始**。任务2是一个更便宜的,改进版的原2019年任务。它采用了相同的独立设计,但采用了新的芯片组,在屏幕分辨率和控制器电池寿命方面有了很大的提升。64GB的基本款起价299美元...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 14:19
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...解决,他们将能够访问自己的内容。”。 新的Oculus买家已经是活跃的Facebook用户,他们可能会看到较少的问题,因为他们只是被提示通过Facebook注册,而不需要合并任何帐户。 锁定的可能性是众所周知的奥库卢斯探索2号的风险...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 15:02
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你的全新oculus quest 2不能玩oculus go游戏,john carmack证实

如果你买了一款新的Oculus Quest 2,希望能体验现在已经停产的Oculus Go的游戏,我有个坏消息:Oculus的咨询首席技术官John Carmack在Twitter上证实,公司已经决定不在Quest 2中加入对Go游戏的支持。 当Oculus Quest 2三天前发布时...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 15:17
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facebook的oculus quest 2通过官方宣传视频全面泄密

...机的用户在2023年之前可以使用单独的Oculus帐户,但Facebook已经表示,未来的设备将需要Facebook登录,无论你是否已经拥有单独的Oculus帐户。 目前还不清楚这款耳机的售价,但沃尔玛(Walmart)的一份清单显示,这款256GB的耳机零售...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 22:06
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GoPro作为动作相机的行业标准已经超过15年了。直到几年前,DJI和Insta360等品牌才开始生产更多功能的动作相机,挑战GoPro的领先地位。不过,今年GoPro已经**出迄今为止最强大的动作相机。 GoPro Hero 9几乎在所有方面都更加强大:...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 22:38
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