







ROCHESTER, N.Y., Jan 19, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- --Non-U.S. Subsidiaries Are Not Included in U.S. Filing and Are Not Subject to Court Supervision

--Company Secures $950 million in Debtor-in-Possession Financing in U.S.

--Kodak's Reorganization to Facilitate Emergence as Profitable and Sustainable Enterprise

Eastman Kodak Company ("Kodak" or the "Company") announced today that it and its U.S. subsidiaries filed voluntary petiti*** for chapter 11 business reorganization in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

The business reorganization is intended to bolster liquidity in the U.S. and abroad, monetize non-strategic intellectual property, fairly resolve legacy liabilities, and enable the Company to focus on its most valuable business lines. The Company has made pioneering investments in digital and materials deposition technologies in recent years, generating approximately 75% of its revenue from digital businesses in 2011.

Kodak has obtained a fully-committed, $950 million debtor-in-possession credit facility with an 18-month maturity from Citigroup to enhance liquidity and working capital. The credit facility is subject to Court approval and other conditi*** precedent. The Company believes that it has sufficient liquidity to operate its business during chapter 11, and to continue the flow of goods and services to its customers in the ordinary course.

Kodak expects to pay employee wages and benefits and continue customer programs. Subsidiaries outside of the U.S. are not subject to proceedings and will honor all obligati*** to suppliers, whenever incurred. Kodak and its U.S. subsidiaries will honor all post-petition obligati*** to suppliers in the ordinary course.

"Kodak is taking a significant step toward enabling our enterprise to complete its transformation," said Antonio M. Perez, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "At the same time as we have created our digital business, we have also already effectively exited certain traditional operati***, closing 13 manufacturing plants and 130 processing labs, and reducing our workforce by 47,000 since 2003. Now we must complete the transformation by further addressing our cost structure and effectively monetizing non-core IP assets. We look forward to working with our stakeholders to emerge a lean, world-class, digital imaging and materials science company."

"After c***idering the advantages of chapter 11 at this time, the Board of Directors and the entire senior management team unanimously believe that this is a necessary step and the right thing to do for the future of Kodak," Mr. Perez continued. "Our goal is to maximize value for stakeholders, including our employees, retirees, creditors, and pension trustees. We are also committed to working with our valued customers.

"Chapter 11 gives us the best opportunities to maximize the value in two critical parts of our technology portfolio: our digital capture patents, which are essential for a wide range of mobile and other c***umer electronic devices that capture digital images and have generated over $3 billion of licensing revenues since 2003; and our breakthrough printing and deposition technologies, which give Kodak a competitive advantage in our growing digital businesses."

Mr. Perez concluded, "The Board of Directors, the senior management team and I would like to underscore our appreciation for the hard work and loyalty of our employees. Kodak exemplifies a culture of collaboration and innovation. Our employees embody that culture and are essential to our future success."

Kodak has taken this step after preliminary discussi*** with key c***tituencies and intends to work toward a c***ensual reorganization in the best interests of its stakeholders. Kodak expects to complete its U.S.-based restructuring during 2013.

The Company and its Board of Directors are being advised by Lazard, FTI C***ulting Inc. and Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. In addition, Dominic DiNapoli, Vice Chairman of FTI C***ulting, will serve as Chief Restructuring Officer to support the management team as to restructuring matters during the chapter 11 case.

More information about Kodak's Chapter 11 filing is available on the Internet at www.kodaktransforms.com . Information for suppliers and vendors is available at (800) 544-7009 or (585) 724-6100.

Kodak will be filing monthly operating reports with the Bankruptcy Court and also plans to post these monthly operating reports on the Investor Relati*** section of Kodak.com. The Company will continue to file quarterly and annual reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which will also be available in the Investor Relati*** section of Kodak.com.

  • 发表于 2021-04-21 03:22
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  • 分类:互联网




  • 发布于 2021-04-27 22:39
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第七章(chapter 7)和第十三章破产(chapter 13 bankruptcy)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-05 22:33
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  • 发布于 2021-07-06 15:02
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如何我选择最好的破产律师?(i choose the best chapter 11 bankruptcy attorney?)

... 选择最好的第11章破产律师的第一条规则是选择一位专门处理第11章破产案件的律师。如果您知道另一个人或企业已申请破产保护,请向该个人或所有者寻求转介。这些信息也可以通过研究...

  • 发布于 2021-12-19 08:37
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... 根据破产的种类,破产受托人有许多工作职责。例如,当一个人根据美国破产法第7章提出申请时,破产受托人将清算债务人的资产,并按照债务人所在国的规则将其交给各债...

  • 发布于 2021-12-21 13:11
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... 破产是一个人依法宣布自己或其企业无力偿还未偿债务的过程。根据申请的类型,一个人会与法官会面,以确定付款时间表,或者通过法律破产解除大部分(如果不是全部...

  • 发布于 2021-12-24 07:54
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什么是第十一章?(chapter 11?)

... 第11章是《美国破产法》中的一章,它控制着一家企业的重组,而该企业现在已经无力向债权人支付其当前的财务负担。美国的实际破产法称为第11编,其中有许多章节。例如,第7章涉及...

  • 发布于 2021-12-24 09:10
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什么是第十三章?(chapter 13?)

... 第13章是美国的一种破产申请,可称为“债务重组”对于明显能够偿还部分或大部分债务的人(通过出示收入证明),这可能是一个更好的申请选择,特别是,如果你试图保留财产,如房屋或...

  • 发布于 2021-12-24 09:11
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什么是公司破产?(corporate bankruptcy?)

... 公司破产是一种法律程序,企业实体在此程序中宣布其无法履行其义务,并寻求债权人的法律诉讼保护。在美国,根据《破产法》,企业有两种选择;第7章和第11章。任何企业...

  • 发布于 2022-01-01 08:26
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什么是第12章破产?(chapter 12 bankruptcy?)


  • 发布于 2022-02-05 23:30
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