





We're steadily improving OnLive Desktop at all levels. Some of the changes are visible (e.g. we rolled out a much-improved on-screen keyboard), and some are behind the scenes and would only be picked up by technical people. These have all been in the works for a long time, and it looks like the only reason a change was noticed was because of the keyboard, but there have been many updates since launch.

As you know OnLive is the only technology that seamlessly delivers Windows with video and Flash on any device (tablet, PC, Mac, thin client), over almost any network, including cellular 4G and Wi-Fi. OnLive works with all versi*** of Windows and Linux as well, and our cost per user is far less than existing remoting technologies, none of which support media at all and often are barely usable on tablets and c***umer networks. With OnLive, remote feels local, and OnLive's advantages across the board have not gone unnoticed. We've been overwhelmed with requests from enterprise, SMB, organizati***, government, schools—all seeking to replace their current remoting technology with OnLive as quickly as possible. Literally, milli*** of seats.

What you are seeing with the OnLive Desktop c***umer product updates are features we are trialing with enterprise customers who are looking to displace their current remoting technology with OnLive (it happens fast because the change is in the data center for the corporation, not device-by-device, like a Blackberry being displaced by iOS or Android). The change in the corporate world will be tectonic. When you see the names with 10s of thousands of remote seats that are dropping remoting technology they've been using for over a decade for OnLive, that will be the big news. So, these changes in our c***umer offering is a preview of what's coming, and needless to say, we need to support all the versi*** of Windows (and Linux) these corporati*** use.



We're pleased to have been told that the OnLive Desktop application is now accessing our software by hosting it on Windows Server, an important step in delivering any Microsoft-licensed desktop-like service to the public. Based on this information, we will work with OnLive to take a closer look at its service and ensure it is operating according to its license like thousands of other partners and utilizing our standing pricing and licensing terms."

  • 发表于 2021-04-21 22:25
  • 阅读 ( 104 )
  • 分类:互联网


windows和windows server有什么区别?

微软提供桌面版和服务器版的Windows。乍一看,windows10和windowsserver2016看起来很相似,但各自有不同的用途。Windows10擅长日常使用,而WindowsServer管理许多计算机、文件和服务。 Windows10和WindowsServer共享类似的代码 如果加载一个...

  • 发布于 2021-04-03 23:01
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...不同版本的Windows上似乎有所不同,在windows7上是三次,在windowsserver2008r2上是五次。 这似乎不再适用于windows10,这是非常宽容的,如果你不提供它的产品密钥无论如何。此选项仍适用于旧版本的Windows,将来可能继续适用于其他版...

  • 发布于 2021-04-07 17:59
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本指南解释了如何配置WindowsServer2008机器来推出一个静态的Ubuntu映像,这个映像可以被无盘终端获取,这样你就可以让任意数量的机器运行一个功能齐全的Ubuntu实例,而不需要硬盘,只要它们能够进行PXE引导。 这是Alexander Karniti...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 21:05
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...或两个以上的客户机(运行Windows7),也许还有一个运行WindowsServer2008R2的虚拟机,以供我们即将出版的有关WindowsServer的极客学校文章使用。 配置 按Windows+R键盘组合键打开虚拟机上的“运行”框,然后键入ncpa.cpl公司然后按enter...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 21:51
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...一个简单的方法来重置你的域管理员密码。您只需要一份WindowsServer2008R2安装盘和一个简单的命令行技巧。 更换utilman.exe 启动Windows磁盘并从左下角选择“修复您的计算机”选项。 一直执行,直到找到打开命令提示符的选项,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 09:33
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it:如何在windows server 2008 r2上安装hyper-v虚拟化

windowsserver2008r2及更高版本的产品附带了一个名为Hyper-V的虚拟化平台,由于它内置在Windows中,所以工作得非常好。今天我们将向您展示如何安装它。 注意:这是我们正在进行的IT管理基础系列教学的一部分,可能不适用于所有...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 15:16
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继续我们关于使用WindowsServer2008作为桌面操作系统的系列,今天我们将讨论如何重新启用声音功能,这些功能通常在服务器上不需要,但是如果您将其作为桌面使用,则会很有用。 启用声音服务 要从Server2008R2中获得声音功能...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 16:21
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...允许Perl脚本从web服务器执行。只需稍加配置,就可以在WindowsServer2008系统上配置IIS7,以便通过CGI提供Perl脚本。 复制perl二进制文件 在完成任何IIS安装之前,必须将Perl二进制文件提取到系统中。下载ActiveState Perl分发包(获取AS ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-13 11:16
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...为在运行apacheweb服务器的Linux系统上使用,但您可以通过windowsserver2008系统上的iis7部署PHP应用程序。 配置php 为了让Windows运行PHP代码,需要将PHP二进制文件复制到系统中。不需要安装,但是必须进行一些配置才能正常运行。第...

  • 发布于 2021-04-13 11:48
  • 阅读 ( 139 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-14 02:19
  • 阅读 ( 91 )

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