
翼型扬声器Touch可能会重新出现在iTunes应用商店中,但似乎开发者Rogue Amoeba和苹果公司在上个月导致它被暂时撤销的情况上仍然没有达成一致。一位名叫凯文·斯塔伯德(Kevin Starbird)的用户向苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)发送了一封电子邮件,抱怨苹果公司的裁员,并收到了菲尔·席勒(Phil Schiller)的回复。众所周知,席勒在App Store审查过程...

翼型扬声器Touch可能会重新出现在iTunes应用商店中,但似乎开发者Rogue Amoeba和苹果公司在上个月导致它被暂时撤销的情况上仍然没有达成一致。一位名叫凯文·斯塔伯德(Kevin Starbird)的用户向苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)发送了一封电子邮件,抱怨苹果公司的裁员,并收到了菲尔·席勒(Phil Schiller)的回复。众所周知,席勒在App Store审查过程遭到抨击时会介入此事。



席勒在他的回复中称,Rogue Amoeba在其博客上所讲述的故事“没有准确叙述”。具体来说,席勒重申,翼型应用程序“添加了一项功能,在未使用批准的API或适当的许可证的情况下访问加密的AirPlay音频流,因此违反了iOS开发者协议。席勒否认苹果的动机是肆无忌惮的,他补充说,他的公司与流氓阿米巴公司合作,以确保该软件将返回应用商店。不幸的是,这个过程涉及到取消翼型扬声器触摸的能力,以接收其他设备播放音频。


席勒的邮件已经被Rogue Amoeba的团队驳斥,产品经理Paul Kafasis写道:“没有API,不管是批准的还是其他的,来实现翼型扬声器提供的功能。”他说,同样的情况也适用于许可,因为苹果迄今为止只向硬件供应商许可AirPlay接收协议,对于软件开发人员没有同等的标准。据卡***说,有关代码是内部编写的,虽然它绕过了AirPlay的多级加密,但他认为这没有问题。”以互操作性为目的的逆向工程设备和协议是一个历史悠久、法律上合理的传统我们是否应该停止仅仅因为其他供应商不喜欢竞争而向用户提供协同工作的产品?”



Dear Mr. Cook,

Apple recently pulled Rogue Amoeba's app "Speakers" (an app that allowed an iOS device to receive AirPlay audio directly from iTunes or another iOS device) from the iOS app store on no grounds other than it contained "content or behavior [you] believe is over the line" — an opaque explanation if there ever was one, especially since Rogue Amoeba has yet to be told which line they crossed.

As a c***umer and regular patron of Apple's, this **ells rotten to me. Specifically, it seems like you're worried about a hit to the sale of Airplay-licensed speakers and the Airport Express. I suggest, however, that there would be greater benefit to us all if you allowed innovative and rule-abiding developers to provide value and utility in the form of brilliant paid apps like Speakers, thus enhancing the overall value of the entire iOS ecosystem.

What you've done instead is damage your ecosystem (not to mention your credibility) by telling developers everywhere that, even if they've spent thousands developing a paid app that follows all of your rules, you will never hesitate to pull the rug out from under them if you feel it might hurt the sale of iPod accessories.

I'm deeply disappointed, but I'm willing to hear Apple's side of the story...

Very sincerely,


Mr Starbird,

Thank you for your email and question about this application.

The story as I understand it is simple, and not accurately recounted on Rogue Amoeba’s website. Rogue Amoeba’s app added a feature that accessed encrypted AirPlay audio streams without using approved APIs or a proper license and in violation of Apple’s agreements. Apple asked Rogue Amoeba to update their app to remain in compliance with our terms and conditi***.

Your assumpti*** as to Apple's motives and acti*** are simply not correct. We have an Airplay licensing program explicitly to assist companies in creating AirPlay capable products. Apple never said that we would pull the rug out from anyone, we in fact worked with this developer to ensure they update their app and remain on the App Store.



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