


首先,以下是我们的主编约书亚·托波尔斯基(Joshua Topolsky)目前最喜欢的五个作品。

Beach House - Bloom

I’ve never really been a fan of the band, but I listened to this record on a whim and have been playing it on repeat ever since. The sound is an uncanny blend of very organic, dreamy, wide guitars and vocals (think Slowdive) mixed with... synths and drum machines? Not every song is the same mixture, which is nice, but the vibe — think driving down an empty highway at dusk — is c***istent and overwhelming. Hooks for days.

World on a Wire

This Rainer Werner Fas**inder film (actually a two-part German TV mini-series) was all but forgotten until it was restored in 2010, and re-released by Criterion on DVD and Blu-ray earlier this year. The basic concepts of the movie are way ahead of their time, touching on everything from the nature of reality, artificial intelligence, and even our current trend of computer scientists as celebrities. The film was shot in 1973 and is meticulously, futuristically styled, and Fas**inder isn’t exactly a conventional director — which makes for a strange trip indeed.


One of my favorite weekend browses, visualsundae is the work of Michael Nunweiler, a designer who is cataloguing and exploring the design and designers that intrigue him. What’s best about the site is that rather than simply post a stream of random images, Nunweiler dives deep into the design and ethos of the artists, offering up lots of detailed views and insight into not only the work, but the process as well. Bookmark it.

on{x} (Android)

This is a crazy, experimental application from Microsoft which basically lets you write little packets of JavaScript that tell your phone to do all sorts of things. Similar to Motorola’s Smart Acti***, you can program on{x} to turn on or off services based on location, send text messages to specific people given a variety of parameters, or even remind you to take an umbrella when it’s going to be rainy. Scripts can only be written and applied online, and it requires Facebook authentication, but based on the **all amount of exploring I’ve done, the potential for the system is enormous. One word of warning — watch the location-based services as they can run down the battery.

Kelty "Wind Jammer"

Kelty is a company that generally makes camping gear for rugged, raw, real men and women. Not being very rugged, I normally wouldn’t have much use for their products — but they’ve launched a "vintage" line of bags (reissues or remixes of older products), and the Wind Jammer caught my eye. The bag is designed to be used either as a backpack or a shoulder bag (the straps can be folded away). It also has a pocket for a laptop up to 17 inches in size, t*** of ways to get inside, and a handful of compartments and hideaways that are super useful for **all items. I’m c***tantly on the hunt for a good bag, so I’m not sure the Kelty is my last stop — but so far it’s proven to be a faithful companion along the journey.

  • 发表于 2021-04-23 01:38
  • 阅读 ( 137 )
  • 分类:互联网


诺基亚ceo史蒂芬·埃洛普在ces 2012:边缘访谈

我们自己的约书亚•托波尔斯基(joshuatopolsky)刚刚与诺基亚CEO史蒂芬•埃洛普(Stephen Elop)坐下来讨论了该公司在2012年CES上的重大公告。从Lumia 710、800,到现在AT&T的LTE供电的900,公司突然又回到了公众的视线中,我们想听...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 00:49
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边缘ces 2012替代:与德鲁·班福德、瑞安·比丹和亚伦·伍德曼争论未来

...Bidan)和微软的亚伦•伍德曼(Aaron Woodman)与我们自己的约书亚•托波尔斯基(Joshua Topolsky)和尼莱•帕特尔(Nilay Patel)共同探讨了当今的大趋势以及未来的发展方向。他们在CES上的更替达到了名副其实的效果,整整一个小时...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 02:00
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vergecast 022:retina来到ipad,网络建设

...皇家挎包里滚到Vergecast工作室会议咖啡桌上。媒体理论家约书亚·托波尔斯基(Joshua Topolsky)用半杯伏特加苏打增强了他的能力,他凝视着它几乎太真实的表面,却没有注意到它被陈年的玛格丽塔汁和令人讨厌的干莎莎酱弄得粘...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 16:14
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...市播客死亡对他的同胞播客。这样一来,播客们就会想起约书亚·托波尔斯基(Joshua Topolsky)在许多月前对播客进行的残酷种族灭绝,因为他违反了一系列关键的保密协议。幸运的是,克里斯、迪特和弗拉德都是职业播客,这给V...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 17:03
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新的macbook pro与视网膜显示第一看!

...们有另一个USB3.0、一个SD卡插槽和HDMI输出。 约书亚·托波尔斯基对此报告作出了贡献。

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 18:00
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microsoft surface与windows rt实践图片和视频

...多的细节和充实,所以请继续关注更多(包括视频)! 约书亚·托波尔斯基促成了这个故事。

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 19:30
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 21:09
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...里的大象讲话:这不是一个集中剂量的边缘。这是一个由约书亚·托波尔斯基(Joshua Topolsky)主持的面向科技爱好者和前卫思想家的深夜脱口秀节目,或者是iTunes告诉我的,今晚正在拍摄。虽然在边缘可以跑46到93分钟,但幸运的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 14:01
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...顾这些公告以及它们对你(和你的钱包)的意义。此外,约书亚托波尔斯基和尼莱帕特尔加入现场从旧金山分享他们的亲身经历和第一印象。 Download MP3 (106.1 MB) Subscribe to the podcast (iTunes audio) Subscribe to the podcas...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 03:06
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 Download MP3 (127.2 MB)
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 10:58
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