独家报道:惠普成立了移动部门,专注于消费类平板电脑,聘请诺基亚前meego老板阿尔贝托·托雷斯(alberto torres)负责运营

我们刚刚得到消息,惠普的托德•布拉德利(Todd Bradley)在内部传阅了一份备忘录,他掌管着惠普最近合并的印刷和个人系统集团,宣布在他的领导下成立一个新的移动业务部门,负责“消费平板电脑”和“我们认为可以提供的其他细分市场和类别”这则消息发布的时间几乎正好是惠普杀掉TouchPad的一年,它实际上结束了Palm作为一家硬件公司的运营,并将webOS本身作为一个开放源码平台推向了一个不确定的未...

我们刚刚得到消息,惠普的托德•布拉德利(Todd Bradley)在内部传阅了一份备忘录,他掌管着惠普最近合并的印刷和个人系统集团,宣布在他的领导下成立一个新的移动业务部门,负责“消费平板电脑”和“我们认为可以提供的其他细分市场和类别”这则消息发布的时间几乎正好是惠普杀掉TouchPad的一年,它实际上结束了Palm作为一家硬件公司的运营,并将webOS本身作为一个开放源码平台推向了一个不确定的未来。


运营新移动部门的将是阿尔贝托·托雷斯(Alberto Torres),他是在运营MeeGo业务之后离开诺基亚的。一旦有迹象表明,首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)将带领诺基亚走上Windows Phone之路,MeeGo业务就注定要失败。他将直接向布拉德利汇报,从九月初开始。有意思的是,惠普“即将推出的商用平板电脑”仍将由运营PC集团的詹姆斯·穆顿(James Mouton)负责。



As the world's largest PC and printing business, we make it matter for hundreds of milli*** of people each and every day. Today we are taking an important step to serve even more customers in new and exciting ways.

I am pleased to announce that we are creating a team dedicated to delivering the best mobility soluti*** in the industry. With this move, we are building on our commitment to re-invest in mobility via dedicated leadership, focused research and development, amazing new products and a growing suite of applicati*** and services.

Our new Mobility Global Business Unit initially will focus on c***umer tablets and will expand to additional segments and categories where we believe we can offer differentiated value to our customers. Our existing notebook teams, including our soon-to-be launched commercial tablet, will remain within the PC GBU under James Mouton at this time.

To lead the Mobility GBU, I am thrilled to announce that we have recruited a proven executive from the mobile-device industry. Alberto Torres, who most recently oversaw the MeeGo products and platform at Nokia as Executive Vice President, will join HP as Senior Vice President of Mobility, reporting to me.

I am excited to have Alberto join us. During his seven years at Nokia, he held a variety of critical leadership positi***, including two years on the company's Executive Board. In earlier roles at Nokia, Alberto ran the company's premium brand, its accessory and CDMA businesses and corporate strategy. Prior to Nokia, he was a partner at McKinsey and Company, where he worked with industry leaders in mobile devices, c***umer technologies, software and Internet services. A Ph.D in computer science from Stanford University, Alberto currently holds vice chairman roles with the firms Bang & Olufsen and Opera Software. Alberto's first order of business will be to accelerate our tablet strategy and begin to execute products against our c***umer/SMB target. The exact structure of his team will follow that strategy.

Alberto's start date will be September 3. Please join me in welcoming Alberto to HP and in supporting him and his team in their important work.



  • 发表于 2021-04-23 19:27
  • 阅读 ( 169 )
  • 分类:互联网



...h14.04 Ubuntu希望创建一个触摸优化的界面,可以在智能**、平板电脑甚至电视上使用。这不是一个单独的操作系统。相反,我们的目的是要有一个单一版本的ubuntulinux发行版。当安装在智能**上时,你会看到一个为你的屏幕尺寸设...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 08:24
  • 阅读 ( 220 )


诺基亚向Windows Phone过渡的第一季度看起来并不那么乐观,此前该公司刚刚公布,智能设备销量同比下降31%,运营亏损9.54亿欧元(约12亿美元)。这些智能设备包括Symbian、MeeGo和Windows Phone,诺基亚透露,到目前为止,它的Lumia**销...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 04:43
  • 阅读 ( 176 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-22 21:26
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一群前诺基亚员工和MeeGo爱好者组成了Jolla(芬兰语中“小艇”的意思),这是一家移动初创公司,旨在将新的MeeGo设备推向市场。根据其LinkedIn页面,Jolla由“来自诺基亚MeeGo N9组织的董事和核心专业人士,以及一些在社区中从事...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 02:22
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...席执行官Jussi Hurmola在接受Itviiko采访时表示,这家主要由诺基亚前员工组成的公司得到了诺基亚的大力支持。Hurmola说,诺基亚正在与Jolla“分享”MeeGo的一些专利,并透露这家初创公司得到了诺基亚桥梁计划的帮助。诺基亚Bridge...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 02:44
  • 阅读 ( 91 )


 独家报道:惠普成立了移动部门,专注于消费类平板电脑,聘请诺基亚前MeeGo老板阿尔贝托·托雷斯(Alberto Torres)负责运营

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 19:35
  • 阅读 ( 116 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-25 05:35
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 05:58
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...ce赌注。虽然微软多年来一直在尝试硬件,但在推出Surface平板电脑之前,它从未与PC厂商直接竞争。诺基亚前首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)重返微软,将掌控包括Lumia、Surface和Xbox在内的所有硬件项目。诺基亚发布了一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 09:16
  • 阅读 ( 174 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-27 12:21
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