


Jiro Dreams of Sushi

The Dieter Rams of sushi, Jiro Ono, is the subject of this touching and richly rewarding documentary. Starting off with a playful orchestral soundtrack, Jiro Dreams of Sushi is perfectly paced, ebbing and flowing much like the meticulously prepared menus in Jiro's restaurant. Quiet moments of serenity let you meditate on the precision and discernment required to make the best possible sushi, while the flourishes of string music gently reinforce the image of flavors dancing across the palate. Even the cinematography has an organic quality to it that echoes the traditional, highly manual cooking methods.

More than anything, however, I enjoyed this movie because of its transcendental qualities. Moneyball and Any Given Sunday don't require you to be a sports buff to appreciate them, and Jiro Dreams of Sushi doesn't demand that you like bite-sized rectangles of fish-topped rice. It explores the meaning of a life well lived, the running of a thriving business without a profit motive, and, most deftly, the relati***hip between a successful father and the s*** following in his footsteps — universal themes that will resonate with any audience.

Arts & Letters Daily

I don't bother with reading list apps like Instapaper or Pocket, mostly because any time I want to feel guilty for not reading great online content, I just visit Arts & Letters Daily. This web curator for the enlightened classes sports an extremely basic design — a plus in my book — that spans the whole gamut of subjects, from topical ****yses of modern economics to book reviews discussing shark sex. Nothing is superfluous here, you're just given a brief summary, a link, and a pat on the back for seeking to expand your mind.

Sir Terry Pratchett

As witty as he is prolific, Terry Pratchett has penned an amazing 39 Discworld novels over the past three decades. In that time, he has invented a color, thrust a giant turtle into space, and redefined what you can expect to find in the fantasy aisle of your local bookshop. Like most fantasy writers, Pratchett relies on conventional tropes and themes in his narratives, but it's the varnish of wickedly sharp humor that he layers on top that distinguishes this British Knight from the rest. In his own words, "you have to start out learning to believe the little lies" as practice for believing the big ones, "justice, mercy, duty, that sort of thing."

Feed Me — Feed Me's Big Adventure

The first dubstep album that I could listen to and enjoy from start to finish, Feed Me's Big Adventure is an unashamedly over-the-top affair. Some of the tracks on here are tantamount to those YouTube mixes you'll have come across titled "The 10 Illest Dubstep Drops of All-Time." I like the efficiency of having such a highly concentrated dose of electronic sickness, plus I appreciate the mellower moments and carefully tensioned buildups that punctuate it.

Chin-up bar

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that exercise and diet are important things in my life. What you might not know is that the only equipment I use is the humble chin-up bar. Strategically installed in the doorway to my bedroom, it leads to a form of ambush exercise: every time I notice it, I use it (which turns out to be quite often). Most workout machines invite visi*** of a rote, sisyphean struggle, whereas this is something you can do on your way to picking up the iPad from your nightstand.

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 00:38
  • 阅读 ( 166 )
  • 分类:互联网


三星galaxy note 20在多家零售商仍有200美元的折扣

...精巧,而且比罗技现在的很多耳机都更实惠。前Verge编辑弗拉德·萨沃夫(Vlad Savov)早在2017年CES首次亮相时就试用过这款**,他称赞这款**音质极佳,而且轻便合身。当可充电电池耗尽时,该型号支持通过3.5毫米有线监听。

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 01:03
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audeze最新的游戏耳机是以ps5和xbox x系列为核心设计的

...但我们会保留这些判断,直到我们尝试。前Verge耳机专家弗拉德·萨沃夫(Vlad Savov)对2018年发布的Audeze Mobius耳机中的驱动程序印象不太深刻,不过Audeze在与HyperX合作的Cloud Orbit耳机中,将它们的性能进行了更好的重新组合。Penros...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 13:41
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...们已经联系了Bang&Olufsen征求意见。 前Verge的工作人员弗拉德·萨沃夫(Vlad Savov)觉得H9很舒适,噪音消除效果也很好,但他也表示,H9的声音太柔和,耳机的触控效果也不好。2018年1月发布的H9i版本重新调整了声音、改进了触...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 09:23
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弗拉德·萨沃夫(Vlad Savov)将于本周加入德国尼德萨克森(Niedersachsen)汉诺威(Hannover)的播客,他将在那里报道CeBIT——这并不完全是一个以**为中心的节目,但我们仍有大量上周的**世界大会的片段需要筛选。那么,让我们为...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 13:54
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弗拉德·萨沃夫——我们通常不可动摇的三分之一——已经消失在保加利亚的荒野中,寻找他童年的家,我们只能希望他最终会回来。同时,我们也有激动人心的客人为您的收听(和观看)提供服务。 我们谈得有多激...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 02:50
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萨沃夫。博恩。齐格勒。 对一些人来说,他们只是三个看似随意的姓氏。但我们更清楚的是:它们共同形成了一股不可摧毁、不可阻挡的力量——一股关于移动行业的知识、观点和专家分析的名副其实的火龙,这是...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 14:46
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 19:37
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2014年ces verge手机展


  • 发布于 2021-04-25 02:05
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  • 发布于 2021-04-27 21:52
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 Mark Linsangan,视频总监
 Kaitlyn Tiffany,社交媒体经理
 Matt Brigidi,视频出版

  • 发布于 2021-05-03 00:49
  • 阅读 ( 148 )