


Vienna Teng — Inland Territory

Since the first time I watched Koopsikeva's seminal anime music video "Waking Hour" (which tells you quite a lot about me right away), I've been in love with the music of an artist named Vienna Teng. A one-time Cisco software engineer, she decided to write, sing, and play the piano instead, and the result is four albums filled with emotion, beautiful stories, and melodies that I'm not ashamed to whistle in public. I've heard the sound described as "pop folk," but I have no idea. It's hard for me to recommend any of her four albums over the others, but Inland Territory is the most recent, the most polished, and from the very first song Vienna's voice sounds gorgeous.

Super Smash Bros Brawl

I have played more Super Smash Bros. Brawl than any other game in my short existence, and it's not because I want to be particularly good. My housemates and I have regularly played Brawl for the last four and a half years because of all the crazy random Rube Goldberg / Incredible Machine-like shit the game does. When I casually knock my buddy into a pinball bumper that sends them flying into an armed proximity mine that explodes them into the path of a rolling barrel which knocks them into a spiky sea urchin which just so happens to put them a prime position for another player to **ash them into the sky... and the game just randomly happens to spawn a Bob-omb which spontaneously explodes sending a deadly flaming soccer ball to combo them on the way up... the resulting uproar of laughter in the room just leaves me in awe.


After Le Femme Nikita, but before The Fifth Element, director Luc Besson made a marvelous film about a hitman with a heart and a **art little girl who falls in love with him. Come to see Jean Reno play the professional killer, but stay for Natalie Portman's very first on-screen role, not to mention a brilliant Gary Oldman as a truly stomach-churning villain — practically unrecognizable as the man who plays Commissioner Gordon in the recent Batman films. Just make sure you watch the international version: US audiences were originally given The Professional, which cuts crucial character development scenes that were deemed too uncomfortable to watch.


As a PC reviewer, I install Windows on a lot of computers, and I reformat my own desktop fairly regularly too. That's a lot easier when I can reinstall my most-used programs and plug-ins with a single installation file that I can customize from a single website. A friend pointed me to Ninite a couple years back, and I was surprised to find most of my favorite freeware was already there, and most of the apps I didn't already know were pretty high-quality too. Now, I install Chrome, Firefox, Skype, Pidgin, VLC, Audacity, QuickTime, Flash, Java, Silverlight, Irfanview, OpenOffice, Foxit Reader, Dropbox, Evernote, Steam, WinDirStat, WinRAR, and Notepad++ in a snap. Then it's just a matter of setting up Google Chrome Sync to get my bookmarks and extensi***, Dropbox to get my files, Steam to get my games (along with local backups), and Evernote for my documents. Practically painless reformat.

Apprehending criminals like a boss

I understand that this clip is from an Indian action film called Singham, about a police inspector who fights corruption. I haven't seen it yet. Any time I need a reminder of what "badass" means, though, I turn to this GIF.

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 05:51
  • 阅读 ( 183 )
  • 分类:互联网



...,您应该可以购买这种图形卡。 Verge的肖恩·霍利斯特(Sean Hollister)回顾了RX6700XT,并在评论中指出,GPU是一款性能稳定的处理器,可以为大多数游戏提供1440p的体验,但与Nvidia的3060TI和RTX3070卡相比,其性能并没有那...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 03:40
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...铁,更换(甚至短路)烧坏的保险丝就很容易了。-肖恩·霍利斯特,高级新闻编辑 $60 at eBay ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 07:00
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...格上更接近于提高的3060 Ti。 The Verge的肖恩·霍利斯特(Sean Hollister)回顾了EVGA对RTX 3060的迭代,并在评论中指出,尽管GPU的价格使其购买更具竞争力,但与RTX 3060 Ti相比,您牺牲的性能远远不止一点。 到目前为止...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 11:49
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周四是三星galaxy s21预购优惠的最后一天

...为你可以采取行动。 这不是技术,但边缘的肖恩霍利斯特(一个Nerf鉴赏家)认为Nerf的竞争对手阿尔特米斯十七-3000是一个优秀的爆炸机,所以这笔交易在沃尔玛弹出了他。原价70美元,现在沃尔玛网站上只有30美元。它...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 21:30
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...协议中,苹果将支付1.13亿美元用于限制旧版iPhone。肖恩·霍利斯特: The settlement (PDF) hasn’t been fully approved by a judge yet, but there’s a chance states might see their money sooner than actual iPhone owners. If you applied for your $25 worth of the $500 million cla...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 09:36
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...的可播放流,更大的带宽显然是更好的。我的同事肖恩·霍利斯特(Sean Hollister)将他的路由器限制在10Mbps、15Mbps和20Mbps,但他仍然会收到一段段断断续续的视频。 最好的性能(当然)来自一台带有有线以太网连接和控制器的个...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 15:52
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...**上玩Stadia游戏——也就是说,除非你像我的同事肖恩·霍利斯特(Sean Hollister)在评论中所做的那样,通过将笔记本电脑拴在**或热点上,欺骗Stadia通过**连接玩游戏。 谷歌称,如果你想选择参加实验,可以在Android**...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 16:38
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...锯片,但请注意,早期的单位没有P2的口袋剪辑。 肖恩·霍利斯特高级新闻编辑 樱桃橄榄核 对我来说,夏天意味着樱桃和樱桃派。经过多年令人沮丧(可能是危险的)用刀切除樱桃核的手术后,我终于屈服了,买了一个这...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 09:38
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《被windows phone熏》全球成功率高达98%

...方道歉(以及一部**和笔记本电脑)。我们自己的肖恩·霍利斯特(Sean Hollister)也参加了测试,他指出“几乎所有的测试都支持Windows Phone将社交网络和本地搜索巧妙地整合到操作系统中。。。另外,像两个城市的天气测试一样...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 06:18
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...在这次演示中,Hawken通过远程连接流畅地播放。 肖恩·霍利斯特对此报告做出了贡献。

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 07:55
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