



Beta-testing democracy: Reddit's plan to drop an open internet 'geek bomb' on lawmakers

In a dispatch from Boulder, Colorado, TC Sottek — who is riding aboard Reddit's "Internet 2012 bus" — reports on co-founder Alexis Ohanian's plans to get members of the startup community engaged with lawmakers about the future of the internet.


Samsung Galaxy Note II review

When Samsung released the Galaxy Note last year, people scoffed at the massive device, which looks ridiculous held up to your face and barely fits in your pocket. But then Samsung sold milli*** of the giant phone. Apparently the company was onto something, and it's going even further with the 5.5-inch successor, the Note II. Is bigger even better


Your Klout score must be greater than 35 to read this

Hated by many, social scoring services like Klout are growing — and it looks like they're here to stay. But when Klout scores start showing up in job requirements, has the idea gone too far?


Terrori** as art: Mark Pauline's dangerous machines

Thirty years ago, Mark Pauline dedicated himself to building killer robots: giant fire-breathing m***trosities that don't so much confront the audience as assault it. His Survival Research Laboratories performances have been banned in several cities (as well as Japan and Spain), including his home city of San Francisco. Despite the obstacles, Mark Pauline, now 58 years old, continues his obsessive, loud, and dangerous art.


Apple iPod touch review (2012)

It didn't get as much buzz as the iPhone 5, but Apple bestowed upon the iPod touch one of its biggest upgrades ever. It's still a music player, but it's much more, too — a camera, a gaming c***ole, and more. It's also $299, which is no impulse buy. Is the new model worth the price? We dove in to find out.


Apple iPod nano review (2012)

It's 2012. So why is everyone still using iTunes to manage their MP3s? Come to that, why is anyone still managing MP3s? Apple's new iPod nano is just the latest overhaul for the nano line, but it's still an iPod through and through. We looked at whether or not the world still needs this tiny little iTunes device.


Why can't you vote online?

Making internet voting secure is a big challenge, but American electi*** have bigger dem***. TC Sottek investigates how close we are to realizing a dream.


'What does this mean??' The absurd pleasures of HeTexted's terrible relati***hip advice

'Hot or Not' meets 'Co**o' with hilarious results

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 07:47
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  • 分类:互联网



在即将发布的iOS 12.2更新中,一位名叫史蒂文·特劳顿·史密斯(Steven Troughton Smith)的开发人员发现了四款新iPad机型的参考资料,更有趣的是,一款新iPod的参考资料,可能是一款新的iPod touch。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-22 02:53
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嘿,你听说埃隆·马斯克去俱乐部了吗? 本周末,媒体和风险投资界在马斯克出现在这个还不到一年的音频社交网络之前、期间和之后都在热烈讨论。马斯克并不完全是一个隐士——他或多或少会定期接受各种主流媒...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 07:24
  • 阅读 ( 187 )


...这是不正确的;相反,用户争相购买股票,抬高了股价。边缘后悔这个错误。 更新时间:美国东部时间21年1月28日下午3:14:更新内容包括参议院银行业将在未来就“股市状况”举行听证会。 美国东部时间21年1月28日下午4:36更新...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 21:59
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reddit gamestop挤兑后国会将举行股市听证会

... 这种波动在零售商GameStop身上最为明显,过去一周,面对Reddit组织的一场提升公司价值的活动,GameStop的价值翻了两番多。但由于多个市场阻止进一步购买该股以遏制对冲基金亏损,这一事件引发了有关美国金融市场机构偏见的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 22:06
  • 阅读 ( 143 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-17 16:33
  • 阅读 ( 136 )


...他用户则可能被要求离开平台长达六周。(马克娜·凯利/边缘) 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)停止了一份备忘录的出版,这份备忘录描述了俄罗斯试图诋毁拜登(JoeBiden)精神健康的行为。这一不同寻常的举动引发...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 19:37
  • 阅读 ( 161 )


Facebook本周末启动了一项针对民调工作者的招聘活动,将信息输入到用户的新闻提要中,并链接到该州的民调工作者注册网站。公司首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在宣布这一举措的帖子中说,这是公司规模更大的投...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 21:49
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马克·凯利竞选团队为参议院竞选推出首款snapchat ar镜头

...偏离了面对面活动和拉票。 一位竞选发言人周三告诉《边缘报》,该团队将每天为追随者发布新的Snapchat内容。这将包括Snapchat镜头,如周四发射的动画宇航员镜头,以及其他亮点和故事。内容将以英语和西班牙语发布。 凯...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 01:51
  • 阅读 ( 187 )


...束前出庭,委员会可能会发出传票。(拉塞尔·布兰多姆/边缘) 一名未透露姓名的美国联邦机构在黑客使用有效访问凭证后遭到网络攻击。目前尚不清楚什么数据被盗,也不清楚黑客攻击是否由外国**实施。(安德鲁·马丁/彭博...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 02:05
  • 阅读 ( 169 )


...望免于因哄抬价格而引起的诉讼。这里是Chaim Gartenberg在边缘: Amazon has requested that Congress pass a law that would make price gouging illegal during times of national crisis, in light of inflated prices on crucial goods like hand sanitizer and N95 masks that have hounded th...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 08:04
  • 阅读 ( 182 )

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