



Can India make a usable $35 tablet?

After a false start, British firm DataWind is working with the Indian government once again to deliver an ultra-low-cost tablet capable of connecting hundreds of milli*** of people to the internet. Is the second time the charm?


Google Maps for iPhone is here: how data and design beat Apple

Google answered the cry for help of milli*** this week with the release of an authentic, attractive version of its Maps app for iOS. Here's why it's so much better than Apple's latest effort.


Genes, patents, and big business: at 23andMe, are you the customer or the product?

Decoding your genes is cheaper and more accessible than ever, thanks to 23andMe's price drop from $299 to $99 — but in the long term, that's not how the company plans to make money.


HTC Windows Phone 8S review

HTC's throwing all its weight behind its Windows Phone 8 lineup, starting with the high-end 8X. But the 8S, which debuted to far less fanfare and may never make it to the US, is a rare combination of inexpensive and well-designed. Does HTC have another hit on its hands?


The future of television has arrived: it's called the iPad

A room full of content and cable execs waved their iPads in the air at a packed conference on the future of television in New York this week, and that tells you everything you need to know about where the **all screen is headed.


Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ review

Barnes & Noble's latest tablets are designed to compete with the best devices on the market, from the Kindle Fire HD to the iPad. Can the bookstore remake itself as a manufacturer to be reckoned with? We spent some time with the new Nook HD+ to find out..


Rise of the giant robots: how one Japanese cartoon spawned a genre

Why everything from ‘Voltron’ to ‘Evangelion’ owes a lot to artist Go Nagai and 'Mazinger Z'

  • 发表于 2021-04-24 20:14
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  • 分类:互联网



...机来模拟昨天的操作系统。很高兴找到史蒂夫! diy高清电视天线设计 Nicky用高清电视接收提示写道: While the see-through antenna you shared definitely wins in the looks department, you can build a bigger and better antenna on the cheap if you know how. I used the...

  • 发布于 2021-04-12 09:15
  • 阅读 ( 182 )

barnes&noble的新款nook 10英寸高清平板电脑由联想制造,起价129.99美元

...了其最新的Nook品牌平板电脑:承诺与联想合作的Nook 10“高清平板电脑。它增加了改进的全金属设计、更小的挡板和更好的电池寿命,同时保持了其前身Nook 10.1英寸(从2018年起)129.99美元的价格。 虽然新Nook毫无疑问...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 04:12
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barnes&noble推出新款nook hd和hd+平板电脑,售价199美元

...逊的potshot去看这一天)。现在已经过时的Nook平板电脑的未来还不完全明朗——Lynch表示,公司正在考虑将其作为一种较低价格的选择,但最终计划尚未制定。 Barnes&Noble现在对竞争对手毫不留情——它紧随亚马逊、苹果和其他...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 05:12
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nook simple touch glowlight在英国推出£109、高清和高清+平板电脑将于11月推出

...,您还可以预订7英寸Nook HD£159美元(256美元)或9英寸Nook高清£229美元(368美元)。这两款平板电脑将于11月下旬上市。

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 11:45
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 05:15
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...年底前开始自愿使用新标准。 现在,如果你和我一样,很有可能你读到了,会有这样的问题,“什么是ATSC3.0?这对我未来看电视的生活意味着什么?我是否需要再次购买新产品才能使其发挥作用?“幸运的是,我们...

  • 发布于 2021-05-09 17:24
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交易:250美元的macbook airs,一个nook to root,160美元的kitchenaid搅拌机

...400BT蓝牙无线入耳立体声耳机(171美元)|亚马逊家庭影院电视和投影仪新:Seiki Digital SE65UY04 65英寸4K LED电视(1000美元)|沃尔玛RCA 55英寸LED 1080p 120Hz高清电视(520美元)|百思买三星55英寸LED 1080p 120Hz 3D高清电视(700美元)|百思...

  • 发布于 2021-05-21 04:42
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...盘套,适用于ipad air | 50美元三星生产了一些最好的智能电视,Woot有很多翻新型号可供选择,只有今天才有。refurb三星1080p led智能电视(各种尺寸)铬含量下降到30美元,但如果你一直在等着捡一个,这是你节省5美元的机会。谷...

  • 发布于 2021-05-21 09:23
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完整的sonos系统,ipad air,便宜的棋盘游戏[交易]

...硬盘的水平。东芝q系列512gb ssd | 300美元令人惊讶的是,周末过后还活着。趁你还可以的时候去拿。50美元itunes礼品卡| 40美元如果您不使用异地备份服务,现在是开始的好时机。AppSumo订阅Backblaze(我们最喜欢的在线备份服务之一...

  • 发布于 2021-05-22 08:57
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交易:nook hd+、解锁iphone 5c、尼康d7000

...尾Ball Home罐装探索套件(5美元)|亚马逊|通常10美元+仅本周末富豪影院爆米花优惠3美元iGO充电器12节AA电池(15美元)|哇!纯粹的乐趣38英寸。迷你蹦床(30美元)|亚马逊Blink纸牌游戏世界上最快的游戏(5美元)|亚马逊|好评如潮...

  • 发布于 2021-05-23 05:06
  • 阅读 ( 153 )

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