





... Today's decision will not change c***umers' ability to access and use the Internet as they do now. The court's decision will allow more room for innovation, and c***umers will have more choices to determine for themselves how they access and experience the Internet. Verizon has been and remains committed to the open Internet that provides c***umers with competitive choices and unblocked access to lawful websites and content when, where, and how they want. This will not change in light of the court's decision.

We look forward to working with the FCC and Congress to keep the Internet a hub of innovation without the need for unnecessary new regulati*** that seek to manage the explosive dynami** of the Internet.

AT&T负责对外事务和立法事务的高级执行副总裁吉姆西科尼(Jim Cicconi)表示,该公司仍“致力于保护开放的互联网”,其服务“不会改变”。他还补充说,该公司自2004年以来一直支持FCC的规则:

AT&T has been committed to the open Internet since our endorsement of the FCC's statement of Internet freedoms in 2004. We worked c***tructively to help craft the FCC's net neutrality rule, and testified in support of it in the Congress. As the FCC assesses the impact of today's court decision, AT&T can assure all of our customers and stakeholders that our commitment to protect and maintain an open Internet will not change.


Since pioneering the development of high-speed broadband service in the late 1990s, Time Warner Cable has been committed to providing its customers the best service possible, including unfettered access to the web content and services of their choice. This commitment, which long precedes the FCC rules, will not be affected by today's court decision.


Comcast has c***istently supported the Commission's Open Internet Order as an appropriate balance of protection of c***umer interests while not interfering with companies' network management and engineering decisi***. As a result, we agreed in the NBCUniversal Transaction Order to abide by the Open Internet rules for seven years even if the rules were modified by the courts. We remain comfortable with that commitment because we have not - and will not - block our customers' ability to access lawful Internet content, applicati***, or services. Comcast's customers want an open and vibrant Internet, and we are absolutely committed to deliver that experience. We are committed to work with Chairman Wheeler and the Commission to play a c***tructive role in finding an appropriate regulatory balance going forward that will continue to allow the Internet to flourish. Given the DC Circuit Court of Appeals holding that the FCC has jurisdiction in the broadband arena to preserve and facilitate the innovation that has driven the Internet, we are optimistic that the Commission can accomplish this result while avoiding inappropriate common carrier regulation.

由无线公司组成的财团CTIA表示,仍在研究裁决的细节。但CTIA首席执行官史蒂夫·拉金特(Steve Largent)指出,公司在服务方面的决策是基于市场,而不是立法:

While we are still reviewing the text of the opinion, today's court decision does nothing to temper CTIA members' long-standing commitment to an open Internet and a vibrant wireless ecosystem because that's what wireless customers demand. In fact, the United States leads the world in mobile broadband specifically because investment and innovation have been driven by the needs of customers, not by regulati*** or court decisi***. Policymakers should exercise caution before adding any additional regulation to this area, particularly given the fundamental technical and operational challenges facing mobile broadband providers and the robust competition to attract and retain customers.


  • 发表于 2021-04-25 02:55
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  • 分类:互联网



...重要。现在只有几个主要的ISP在使用。很可能您订阅了康卡斯特、威瑞森或Spectrum/Charter Communicati***的互联网服务。但问题是。。。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 06:50
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...计划在不久的将来撤销网络中立性监管。有趣的是,像康卡斯特这样的互联网服务提供商(ISP)表示,他们支持网络中立性,并将维护我们在规则下的保护。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 16:03
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 04:19
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... 这些公司向华盛顿上诉**提出了申诉,该**在2010年与康卡斯特站在同一边,向联邦通信委员会提出了类似的挑战。这一裁决导致了今天的法规的实施,据威瑞森称,这些法规“比FCC试图对康卡斯特实施的那些法规走得更远”,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 01:26
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上个月,Netflix决定向康卡斯特(Comcast)等大型互联网服务提供商支付费用,以使其服务更好地为****,但很明显,这家受欢迎的流媒体公司不想在未来被迫削减类似交易。Netflix首席执行官里德•黑斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)在今天发...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 14:28
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...eed Hastings)上周发表了一篇热情洋溢的博客文章,批评康卡斯特(Comcast)和威瑞森(Verizon)等互联网服务提供商要求其公司支付互联费用,以确保其数据以速度和质量送达客户。”一些大的互联网服务提供商正在收取通行费,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 14:52
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 10:24
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 13:44
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刚刚目睹了康卡斯特收购时代华纳有线电视公司的突然失败,Charter已经开始寻求缓解投资者和公众对其新宣布的合并企图的担忧。Charter现任首席执行官汤姆•拉特利奇(Tom Rutledge)在一次电话会议上承诺,新的Charter将远离数据...

  • 发布于 2021-04-30 01:05
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...中榨取更多的资金,它还想以一家媒体集团的身份进入康卡斯特的联盟,该集团控制着网络和通过网络传播的内容。今年早些时候,Verizon以44亿美元收购了美国在线,首席执行官兼董事长蒂姆·阿姆斯特朗(Tim Armstrong)表示,美...

  • 发布于 2021-05-02 17:01
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