


  • Report

    Give me $300 or the website gets it!

    Attackers took down Meetup's website last week, but not after giving the company a warning: for $300, an email said, it could pay to call off the attack. As it turns out, this type of extortion attempt might not be so uncommon – but websites haven't been eager to speak out.

  • Feature

    The end of the hunt

    Whether you believe in ghosts or think they're no more than fiction, you'll want to meet some of the real people who are chasing after them. Here's what it's like out in LA's ghost hunting scene, and how its newfound popularity may be bringing it down.

  • Report

    Climate change threatens to bring eradicated viruses back from the dead

    Researchers in France have brought a 30,000-year-old virus found frozen underground in Siberia back from the dead. The discovery allowed the research team to identify a new type of virus, but it also poses a much bigger question: what will happen to other frozen viruses as the globe keeps heating up?

  • Review

    Nikon Df review: a tale of two cameras

    It's easy for photographers to start lusting over Nikon's Df — a DSLR with plenty of manual controls, a stylish throwback design, and one of the best imaging sensors in the business. But making a camera nice to look at and nice to use are two very different things, and Nikon may have fallen short on one of them.

  • Report

    Android's co-founder is spending Google's billi*** hunting for the next big thing

    Android co-founder Rich Miner is now one of the top names at Google investment arm Google Ventures. We spent some time with him at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to see how Google sizes up the show to pick out what it should be putting its money in next.

  • Feature

    Decrypting the most mysterious book in the world

    The 600-year-old Voynich manuscript is filled with beautiful illustrati*** and ornate, curling text. But no one's really sure what any of it means. Now, after decades of attempts to decipher it, one linguist in England believes that he's started to crack the code.

  • Report

    Behind the fall of El Chapo, Mexico's most notorious drug lord

    A powerful drug lord who's been on the run since escaping prison over a decade ago was finally apprehended in Mexico last month. Making the arrest meant overcoming a pervasive system of bribery, and no one's certain exactly how Mexico manage to do it — or why it happened now.

  • Report

    Native American tribes adopt Bitcoin-like currency, prepare to battle US government

    The Lakota nation hopes that having a currency of its own can help strengthen its community, and it's going digital to make just that happen. We spoke with programmer and activist Payu Harris about MazaCoin, its official Bitcoin alternative, to find out just what the new currency might mean for the Lakota.

  • Review

    Sony RX10 review: the everything camera

    Point-and-shoot cameras have been waning in popularity as more people switch over to their **artphones, but there's one big thing that phones just can't do: zoom. Sony goes all in with the RX10, betting that better image quality and a solid zoom lens will make for a point-and-shoot camera that people will want to carry. It turns out: Sony's bet is spot on.

  • Report

    The insanity of making six retro games in six months

    A trio of developers set themselves a challenge: make six games over six months, all based off the ideas and feedback of backers on Kickstarter. They now have a half-dozen gorgeous games to show for it, but getting them made was a lot more challenging — and a lot more time c***uming — than they initially expected.

  • 发表于 2021-04-25 12:37
  • 阅读 ( 163 )
  • 分类:互联网



... 2016年,影子经纪集团臭名昭著地拍卖了一系列国家**的黑客工具。他们是如何偷走这些工具的,谁都猜不透,但他们从哪里得到这些工具却是众所周知的:美国****局。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 07:51
  • 阅读 ( 285 )


...迫个人或公司提供证据,通常以不遵守规定而受到惩罚为威胁。 一旦他们有了IP地址,他们仍然需要更多的信息来发现这个人的身份。同样,IP地址识别的是计算机,而不是人。为了克服这个障碍,调查人员必须首先确定哪个ISP...

  • 发布于 2021-04-02 00:15
  • 阅读 ( 217 )


...但是你永远不应该回应或者付钱。所有的罪犯都是空洞的威胁,他们只是想欺骗你。 什么是加密勒索(cryptoblackmail)? 加密勒索是任何一种伴随着要求你向加密货币地址付款的威胁。就像传统的勒索一样,这只是一种“付钱,否...

  • 发布于 2021-04-05 05:14
  • 阅读 ( 224 )


...货等),但考虑到其金融危机历史,法拉第未来或许是最臭名昭著的。 上市一直是法拉第未来(Faraday Future)的目标,法拉第成立于2014年,2015年开始摆脱隐形模式。但随着这家初创公司多年来的挣扎,这一目标似乎越来越遥不...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 20:24
  • 阅读 ( 215 )


据《****》报道,富士康武汉工厂成功避免了大规模**的威胁。3.2万名员工中约有150人周四威胁要跳楼,与公司管理层对峙8小时,虽然协议细节尚未公开,但除了45名员工外,该厂其他员工已全部返回工作岗位。 富士...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 01:58
  • 阅读 ( 126 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-26 22:04
  • 阅读 ( 157 )



  • 发布于 2021-04-27 18:23
  • 阅读 ( 153 )


墨西哥最臭名昭著的毒枭约克ín“El Chapo”古兹姆á罗埃拉从这个国家最安全的监狱里逃了出来。查波周六晚上在牢房洗澡时失踪。他的逃跑方法?一条精心建造的隧道,从监狱的墙壁延伸了近一英里。目前,距墨西哥城约90分钟...

  • 发布于 2021-04-30 17:52
  • 阅读 ( 314 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-03 23:53
  • 阅读 ( 222 )



  • 发布于 2021-05-09 18:24
  • 阅读 ( 212 )

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