
微软首席执行官萨蒂娅·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)今天宣布了一些管理层的变动,距离公司在旧金山举行的Build developer活动只有几天的时间了。纳德拉在发给员工的一封内部电子邮件中强调了三项管理变革,旨在帮助公司“在移动第一、云计算第一的世界中茁壮成长”。首先,菲尔·斯宾塞将接手Xbox和Xbox Live。斯宾塞将直接向Windows首席执行官Terry Myerson汇报,并负...

微软首席执行官萨蒂娅·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)今天宣布了一些管理层的变动,距离公司在旧金山举行的Build developer活动只有几天的时间了。纳德拉在发给员工的一封内部电子邮件中强调了三项管理变革,旨在帮助公司“在移动第一、云计算第一的世界中茁壮成长”。首先,菲尔·斯宾塞将接手Xbox和Xbox Live。斯宾塞将直接向Windows首席执行官Terry Myerson汇报,并负责Xbox的所有软件方面。斯宾塞的晋升是在Xbox首席产品官马克·惠滕(Marc Whitten)最近离职之后进行的。



最终的管理层变动是对诺基亚前首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)在微软内部角色的确认。一旦交易完成,埃洛普将加入微软,成为微软设备集团的执行副总裁。埃洛普将直接向纳德拉汇报工作,他将监督Windows Phone、Surface和Xbox硬件。Satya Nadella的完整内部电子邮件如下:

Today marks the start of another big week for Microsoft as we gear up for the Build conference in San Francisco. We continue to push on the momentum from last week’s news about how we will thrive and grow in a mobile-first, cloud-first world, as shown by the great Office apps for iOS, rich new APIs for developers and our new Enterprise Mobility Suite.

In advance of Build, I want to highlight three announcements about how we’re continuing to evolve and tune our organization for maximum focus and impact.

First, I am pleased to announce that after his two months as acting leader for the Cloud and Enterprise organization, I have promoted Scott Guthrie to Executive Vice President, where he will continue to lead and drive the organization. As you know, Scott has been a very public and passionate evangelist for many of our most important developer and infrastructure businesses. Since joining Microsoft in 1997, he has made critical contributi*** to .NET and other pivotal technologies that help power the Microsoft ecosystem today, and most recently has been the driver behind the unprecedented growth of Microsoft Azure. As a leader, Scott has shown incredible energy and insight into how we create technology that others can build on, and which can be built on what others have created. Please join me in congratulating Scott on his promotion!

Next, I have asked Phil Spencer to take on a new role leading Xbox, combining the Xbox and Xbox Live development teams with the Microsoft Studios team. Phil will report to Terry Myerson, allowing us to keep gaming close to the group developing operating systems across devices. In this new job, Phil will lead the Xbox, Xbox Live, Xbox Music and Xbox Video teams, and Microsoft Studios. Combining all our software, gaming and content assets across the Xbox team under a single leader and aligning with the OSG team will help ensure we continue to do great work across the Xbox business, and bring more of the magic of Xbox to all form factors, including tablets, PCs and phones. Phil will continue his close partnership with Yusuf Mehdi, who leads business strategy and marketing for Xbox, George Peckham, who heads up third-party partnerships and Mike Angiulo, who will continue leading Xbox hardware. Over the years, Phil’s team at Microsoft Studios has helped build a community of more than 80 million Xbox owners and 48 million Xbox Live members through blockbuster game franchises such as "Halo," "Gears of War," "Kinect Sports," "Fable," "Forza Motorsport" and many others. He’s helped drive the development of brand-new entertainment offerings like the partnership with the NFL and the formation of Xbox Entertainment Studios. I love the way the Xbox team is focused on great games and gaming experiences (go, "Titanfall"!), connects with its fans, pushes the boundary of entertainment and has embraced the power of the cloud in such interesting and impactful ways. Phil is the right person to lead Xbox forward.

Finally, effective with the close of our deal with Nokia, Stephen Elop will join Microsoft as Executive Vice President, Microsoft Devices Group, reporting to me. We expect to close the acquisition by the end of April 2014. I’ve had a chance to work closely with Stephen, when he was previously a senior leader with Microsoft, as a key partner during his tenure as Nokia CEO, and again in the last several months as we’ve worked through the initial stages of integration planning. I look forward to working with Stephen as a key member of the senior leadership team and welcoming the Nokia Devices and Services employees to the Microsoft family. The mobile capabilities, hardware design expertise, and world-class manufacturing and supply chain operati*** they bring will help us drive innovati*** in devices to delight our customers. Stephen will partner closely with Phil and Terry on Xbox and will bring together many of the top leaders from his existing Nokia Devices and Services organization as well as the current leaders of the Devices and Studios team.

Recently, I’ve discussed with the Microsoft leadership team the need to zero in on what truly makes Microsoft unique. As I said on my first day, we need to do everything possible to thrive in a mobile-first, cloud-first world. The announcements last week, our news this week, the Nokia acquisition closing soon, and the leaders and teams we are putting in place are all great first steps in making this happen.

There’s a lot of work ahead of us and I am counting on every single one of you to bring your "A" game every single day. I look forward to our second employee Q&A session on Thursday and hearing what’s on your mind and sharing more about what’s on mine.


  • 发表于 2021-04-25 16:00
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这是官方消息:微软寻找新CEO的行动已经结束。根据最近的猜测,这家软件巨头确实正在任命萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)为新CEO,接替史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)。46岁的纳德拉将立即接任,让鲍尔默提前退休。纳德拉曾是...

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