


  • The new Moto X could be the best Android phone ever made


    The original Moto X was a huge critical success, and its successor may fare even better. We headed out to Motorola's Chicago headquarters to see how it built its latest **artphone — and then try it out ourselves.

  • Doctor turns to 3D printers in a race to save a toddler's mind

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    Doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital had to operate on an infant's brain after he began having potentially catastrophic seizures. But rather than going right in, the hospital's surgeon scanned and 3D printed the brain to get some practice first. We spoke with him and the hospital about how 3D printing could change the face of complicated surgeries.

  • Moto 360 review

    Moto 360 2040px

    It's finally here. We've known all along the Motorola's Moto 360 **artwatch was going to be the most stylish Android Wear watch out there around launch, and it doesn't disappoint. But can the rest of it hold up just as well?

  • The best note-taking app for iPhone and Android

    TIMN Note-taking app

    Everyone needs to write something or other down on their phone eventually, but some apps are a lot better for writing than others. We tried them all, and we figured out which you should use. Find the best note-taking app for the iPhone here and for Android here.

  • Inside the strange and seedy world where hackers trade celebrity nudes

    How on earth did a hacker steal nude photos from dozens of huge celebrities? It turns out, it may not be one hacker, but a ring of thieves who steal passwords and trade photos — a ring that remained secret until someone slipped up.

  • How damaging is it, in 2014, to have nude photos leak online?

    iPhoto iPad

    Nude photo leaks hurt in all kinds of ways. Or at least they're supposed to. There's no denying that having your photos stolen is deeply violating and traumatic, but the world's impression of people whose photos have been taken is starting to change for the better.

  • James Dyson puts his futuristic robot to the test in Tokyo

    james dyson 360 eye

    After a decade and a half of research, Dyson has unveiled its first robotic vacuum cleaner. It's an impressive-looking creation that, at least based on Dyson's demoes, appears to work pretty well. We attended its unveiling and took photos of James Dyson himself and the new robot in action.

  • How to make a ‘Lord of the Rings’ game that doesn’t suck

    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Just as movies based on video games never turn out well, video games based on movies usually aren't that good either. But Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor might be different. We got a chance to preview the game, and we've put together five reas*** why it could turn out to be pretty great.

  • Acer Chromebook 13 review

    The Chromebook 13 is Acer's best-looking Chromebook to date, but its looks don't quite extend across the entire package. Here's what we liked — and what we didn't — about its new $299 laptop.

  • Unfiltered America: one Instagram account is documenting the Everyday USA

    guttenfelder everyday usa col

    You usually think of photojournalists telling stories about social conflicts and life abroad in areas that you'll never visit. But a group of photographers are now turning their gaze back home. We caught up with the photographer behind Instagram's @everydayusa group to find out how they're documenting a more familiar world.

  • 发表于 2021-04-27 06:24
  • 阅读 ( 239 )
  • 分类:互联网



...是由年轻人秋育空的作品。它的特点是气动泵,传送带,机器人,火车,电梯,等等,这是一个奇妙的工程和巧妙的混合。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 17:53
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 04:00
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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 16:28
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  • 发布于 2021-05-15 15:44
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...的下一个智能**外壳上看起来都很棒——亚马逊上的一个机器人,目前正在疯狂地进行算法生成的产品设计。 首先被数据艺术家拉塞尔·朱尔尼发现(并被技术专家安迪·拜奥更广泛地分享),这个机器人似乎是从一...

  • 发布于 2021-05-29 00:51
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  • 发布于 2021-09-05 15:04
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...想象的故事。纽约阿默斯特:普罗米修斯图书,2010年。印刷品。 希腊皮克罗利尼湖的钠离子源?地球化学证据〉《地球化学勘探杂志》103.2-3(2009):133-43。印刷品。 诺布尔,约瑟夫·韦奇。“埃及彩陶的技术”,《美国考...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 19:05
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...地计算多达31位小数,并且运动部件更少。 1834年,瑞典印刷商Per Georg Scheutz成功地基于巴贝奇的差异引擎(称为Scheutzian计算引擎)构建了一台适销对路的机器。虽然它不完美,重达半吨,有一架大钢琴那么大,但1855年在巴黎...

  • 发布于 2021-09-10 07:46
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...皇家学会哲学学报B:生物科学》363.1499(2008):1969-79。印刷品。 冈萨雷斯·鲁巴尔、阿尔弗雷多、阿尔穆德纳·埃尔南多和古斯塔沃·波利蒂斯。“自我和物质文化的本体论:阿瓦狩猎采集者中的制箭(巴西)。《人类学考古学...

  • 发布于 2021-09-16 04:26
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...、电视机一样成为一种流行的家用电器。计算机、汽车和机器人技术彻底改变了当今的技术。 二十一世纪 21世纪始于对Y2K漏洞的恐惧。计算机错误是一个潜在的小故障,计算机技术出现后,计算机程序员没有充分考虑...

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 07:36
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