
昨天,抗议者聚集在时代广场和大中央航站楼,抗议手无寸铁的黑人埃里克·加纳被纽约警方掐死,或者更具体地说,抗议没有对负责的警官提出任何指控。上周,我们得知枪杀手无寸铁黑人少年迈克尔·布朗的圣路易斯警官没有被起诉。犹他州的警察将不会因为枪杀达里安·亨特而面临指控,达里安·亨特是一名黑人,他在玩装饰剑时被杀。杀害约翰·克劳福德的警察也不会因为携带玩具步枪而开枪。对泰米尔·赖斯(Tamir Rice)一案...

昨天,**者**在时代广场和大中央航站楼,**手无寸铁的黑人埃里克·加纳被纽约警方掐死,或者更具体地说,**没有对负责的警官提出任何指控。上周,我们得知枪**无寸铁黑人少年迈克尔·布朗的圣路易斯警官没有被起诉。犹他州的警察将不会因为枪杀达里安·亨特而面临指控,达里安·亨特是一名黑人,他在玩装饰剑时被杀。杀害约翰·克劳福德的警察也不会因为携带玩具**而开枪。对泰米尔·赖斯(Tamir Rice)一案的调查仍在进行中,他是一名12岁的黑人克利夫兰(Cleveland)少年,去年11月下旬也因携带一把玩具枪被警察误认为是真的而被枪杀。



St. Louis Tweet



If the type of gun is in question by the witness, the Police will respond as though it is a real gun until it can be confirmed one way or the other. ... The police will respond lights and sirens and come to a screeching halt in the area where your child is playing with the gun. Here are some tips to help your child respond appropriately. Do not run away. They need to no longer have the gun in their hands, throw it away from them. They need to comply with officers' instructi***. ... Clear communication between your child and the police is essential.



毫不奇怪,tweet和Facebook的帖子都被删除了,不过你可以在下面看到后者。下午晚些时候,警察局长乔恩·贝尔马(Jon Belmar)发表了一份道歉声明,称他的办公室直到声明发布后才知道,并改变了社交媒体政策,以防止今后出现错误。”他写道:“我向塔米尔的家人和任何被帖子冒犯的人道歉。”帖子传达了这样一个信息:我的警官在接到涉及持枪儿童的电话时,态度轻率,对生命漠不关心。我想强调的是,我的军官们以敏锐的眼光回**唤,并对人的生命给予最高的尊重。我们训练军官在作出使用武力的决定时考虑到所有事实和情况。”

St. Louis FB


On November 22nd 2014, a Cleveland Police Officer shot 12 year old Tamir Rice who had his hand on an Airsoft pistol. The Airsoft pistol had the orange warning tip removed. I do not know all the details of the story; I encourage you to research reliable resources and educated yourself about the incident. This article is not about this a boy losing his life, whether this was a justified shooting or, whether the cops acted too fast. This is about the Fenton Precinct making residents aware of a "hot" topic and learning from this incident so Fenton never loses a child’s life. If you or your children have an Airsoft or pellet gun please sit them down and talk to them about this tragedy. Your children should have rules for "toy" guns that mirror the rules of a real weapon. Pellet guns and Airsoft guns should not be allowed to be played with throughout the neighborhood, common grounds, or used to threaten or intimidate people. Pellet guns have no orange warning tip because they are c***idered weap***; Airsoft guns do have orange tip. Please inspect your child’s Airsoft gun to make sure the orange tip has not been altered or removed. These guns are very realistic.

Pellet gun laws are the same as any weapon in the City of Fenton. Children cannot carry a weapon and they cannot shoot this weapon within the city limits. Airsoft guns are c***idered toys, but city ordinance prohibits the "shooting of any projectile within the city limits". Warn them that these "toys" do look like real guns and could result in the police getting called on them. The police may get called to respond to "a child with a gun", "maybe a toy gun", it is important to know how officers are trained to respond. If the type of gun is in question by the witness, the Police will respond as though it is a real gun until it can be confirmed one way or the other. Remember if an Airsoft pistol is tucked in your pants like a holster then obviously the orange tip is no longer visible. The police will respond lights and sirens and come to a screeching halt in the area where your child is playing with the gun. Here are some tips to help your child respond appropriately. Do not run away. They need to no longer have the gun in their hands, throw it away from them. They need to comply with officers instructi***. They may be ordered to lie down on the ground. Clear communication between your child and the police is essential. Police need to know that it is a toy gun; I do hope I am explaining a scenario that will never happen in our area.

So again, "kids will be kids", and your children will continue playing war in the common grounds. Share this with your children; tell this story to families that might need this information, and encourage your kids to talk to clas**ates about this. Working together we will keep our community a safe place.


  • 发表于 2021-04-28 00:46
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...是,它挖掘了一些你可能还没听说过的故事:伦敦的一次警察突袭,一个美国人在意大利监狱里服刑,以及他们是如何在毒品运输中与真枪和袋装可卡因一起出现的。 虽然“不是火焰喷射器”的名字可能实际上是准...

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**是和平的。然后警察发射了催泪瓦斯。据《卫报》记者朱莉娅·凯莉·王(Julia Carrie Wong)说,至少有10个毒气罐爆炸。身着防暴装备的警察命令**者在晚上8点宵禁前回家。然后他们逮捕了40人。 这是福克斯电视台KTVU...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-27 02:30
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  • 发布于 2021-04-27 02:44
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  • 发布于 2021-04-27 02:59
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...对手无寸铁的少年迈克尔·布朗被枪杀的**活动爆发时,圣路易斯郊区弗格森的警方以强硬的态度和充耳不闻的言论予以回应。现在,圣路易斯警察学院(St.LouisPolice academy)显然正在寻找一门“高度娱乐化”的课程,教他们如何...

  • 发布于 2021-04-27 12:20
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...13; 在布朗死后的几天和几周里,**这起悲剧的居民遭到了圣路易斯县警方的戏剧性和恐吓。Livestreams和当地目击者通过社交媒体对事件进行了近距离、第一人称的观察。尽管官方媒体受到了假禁飞区限制和非法逮捕的阻碍,许多...

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