
就在我们听说YouTube“初步同意”以租借的形式提供采访后不到一个小时,索尼影业公司已经确认,这部电影将于美国东部时间今天下午1点开始在网上发售。它将通过YouTube电影、Google Play、Xbox视频和一个专门的网站SeeTheInterview.com提供。...

就在我们听说YouTube“初步同意”以租借的形式提供采访后不到一个小时,索尼影业公司已经确认,这部电影将于美国东部时间今天下午1点开始在网上**。它将通过YouTube电影、Google Play、Xbox视频和一个专门的网站SeeTheInterview.com提供。








It has always been Sony’s intention to have a national platform on which to release this film. With that in mind, we reached out to Google, Microsoft and other partners last Wednesday, December 17th, when it became clear our initial release plans were not possible. We are pleased we can now join with our partners to offer the film nation-wide today.

We never stopped pursuing as wide a release as possible for The Interview. It was essential for our studio to release this movie, especially given the assault upon our business and our employees by those who wanted to stop free speech. We chose the path of digital distribution first so as to reach as many people as possible on opening day, and we continue to seek other partners and platforms to further expand the release.

I want to thank Google and Microsoft for helping make this a reality. This release represents our commitment to our filmmakers and free speech. While we couldn’t have predicted the road this movie traveled to get to this moment, I’m proud our fight was not for nothing and that cyber criminals were not able to silence us.

No doubt the issues we have confronted these last few weeks will not end with this release, but we are gratified to have stood together and confident in our future. I want to thank everyone at Sony Pictures for their dedication and perseverance through what has been an extraordinary and difficult time.



In the United States, freedom of expression is a fundamental principle that is protected by law. Our C***titution guarantees for each person the right to decide what books to read, what movies to watch, and even what games to play. In the 21st Century, there is no more important place for that right to be exercised than on the Internet. After substantial thought, we decided to stand up with Sony and work with others to ensure that freedom of expression triumphs over cyber-terrori**.

We of course appreciate that there are varied views regarding this film. That’s true of many works and many issues. We’re not endorsing this movie or any other. We are supporting the C***titutional right of free expression, and we hope that by acting together, we will help deter other attacks.


  • 发表于 2021-04-28 11:16
  • 阅读 ( 265 )
  • 分类:互联网



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