
微软首席执行官萨蒂亚纳德拉(satyanadella)去年被任命为首席执行官后,没有浪费任何时间放弃公司此前对“设备和服务”的关注。最近几周,诺基亚前首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)与微软手机主管乔·哈洛(Jo Harlow)一起离开了微软。纳德拉警告说,“在一些事情不起作用的领域,要做出艰难的选择”,看来我们今天看到了这方面的第一个主要迹象。微软正在裁员7800人,主要是在其...

微软首席执行官萨蒂亚纳德拉(satyanadella)去年被任命为首席执行官后,没有浪费任何时间放弃公司此前对“设备和服务”的关注。最近几周,诺基亚前首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)与微软**主管乔·哈洛(Jo Harlow)一起离开了微软。纳德拉警告说,“在一些事情不起作用的领域,要做出艰难的选择”,看来我们今天看到了这方面的第一个主要迹象。微软正在裁员7800人,主要是在其**业务,该公司正在注销76亿美元的收购诺基亚**业务。这比微软去年为诺基亚**业务支付的72亿美元还要多。



微软首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(Satya Nadella)在今天发给员工的一封电子邮件中说:“我们正在从一个发展独立**业务的战略转向一个发展和创造一个充满活力的Windows生态系统的战略,包括我们的第一方设备系列。”在短期内,我们将运营一个更有效、更专注的**产品组合,同时保留长期重塑移动能力的能力。微软在4月份完成了大部分裁员,因此这些新的裁员是公司新财年的一部分。




Over the past few weeks, I've shared with you our mission, strategy, structure and culture. Today, I want to discuss our plans to focus our talent and investments in areas where we have differentiation and potential for growth, as well as how we'll partner to drive better scale and results. In all we do, we will take a long-term view and build deep technical capability that allows us to innovate in the future.

With that context, I want to update you on decisi*** impacting our phone business and share more on last week's mapping and display advertising announcements.

We anticipate that these changes, in addition to other headcount alignment changes, will result in the reduction of up to 7,800 positi*** globally, primarily in our phone business. We expect that the reducti*** will take place over the next several months.

I don't take changes in plans like these lightly, given that they affect the lives of people who have made an impact at Microsoft. We are deeply committed to helping our team members through these transiti***.

Phones. Today, we announced a fundamental restructuring of our phone business. As a result, the company will take an impairment charge of approximately $7.6 billion related to assets associated with the acquisition of the Nokia Devices and Services business in addition to a restructuring charge of approximately $750 million to $850 million.

I am committed to our first-party devices including phones. However, we need to focus our phone efforts in the near term while driving reinvention. We are moving from a strategy to grow a standalone phone business to a strategy to grow and create a vibrant Windows ecosystem that includes our first-party device family.

In the near term, we will run a more effective phone portfolio, with better products and speed to market given the recently formed Windows and Devices Group. We plan to narrow our focus to three customer segments where we can make unique contributi*** and where we can differentiate through the combination of our hardware and software. We'll bring business customers the best management, security and productivity experiences they need; value phone buyers the communicati*** services they want; and Windows fans the flagship devices they'll love.

In the longer term, Microsoft devices will spark innovation, create new categories and generate opportunity for the Windows ecosystem more broadly. Our reinvention will be centered on creating mobility of experiences across the entire device family including phones.

Mapping. Last week, we announced changes to our mapping business and transferred some of our imagery acquisition operati*** to Uber. We will continue to source base mapping data and imagery from partners. This allows us to focus our efforts on delivering great map products such as Bing Maps, Maps app for Windows and our Bing Maps for Enterprise APIs.

Advertising. We also announced our decision to sharpen our focus in advertising platform technology and concentrate on search, while we partner with AOL and AppNexus for display. Bing will now power search and search advertising across the AOL portfolio of sites, in addition to the partnerships we already have with Yahoo!, Amazon and Apple. Concentrating on search will help us further accelerate the progress we've been making over the past six years. Last year Bing grew to 20 percent query share in the U.S. while growing our search advertising revenue 28 percent over the past 12 months. We view search technology as core to our efforts spanning Bing.com, Cortana, Office 365, Windows 10 and Azure services.

I deeply appreciate all of the ideas and hard work of everyone involved in these businesses, and I want to reiterate my commitment to helping each individual impacted.

I know many of you have questi*** about these changes. I will host an employee Q&A tomorrow to share more, and I hope you can join me.


  • 发表于 2021-04-30 16:55
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  • 分类:互联网


微软正在考虑推出“surface phone”,但今年没有

 诺基亚把赌注押在了Windows Phone上。尽管这家芬兰公司看起来将从微软那里获得10亿美元的年收入,但由于使用Windows Phone支付了2.5亿美元的季度平台支持费...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 06:16
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诺基亚最近的财报显示,该公司显然正努力向微软的Windows Phone操作系统转型,首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)承认,诺基亚“本想在最初的Lumia设备上做得更好”。作为公司转型的一部分,诺基亚一直在改组领导团队,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 06:19
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 08:59
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 08:36
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 14:49
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 08:33
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 09:16
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 22:05
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 22:07
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...仅占上一季度三个月中的两个月。目前,微软已经收购了诺基亚的**业务,并计划在未来18个月内将重点放在低端和高端的Windows phone上。

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 22:44
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