
微软刚刚宣布对其智能手机业务进行一些重大调整。在上周出售了其功能手机业务之后,微软现在再次精简其Windows phone硬件计划。微软Windows和设备主管特里•迈尔森(Terry Myerson)在一份致全体员工的备忘录中承认,公司正在“缩减”硬件,但“伟大的新设备”正在开发中。迈尔森没有暗示我们什么时候会看到这些新设备,但有传言称微软不会再发布一款Lumia设备,计划明年推出一款Surfa...

微软刚刚宣布对其智能**业务进行一些重大调整。在上周**了其功能**业务之后,微软现在再次精简其Windows phone硬件计划。微软Windows和设备主管特里•迈尔森(Terry Myerson)在一份致全体员工的备忘录中承认,公司正在“缩减”硬件,但“伟大的新设备”正在开发中。迈尔森没有暗示我们什么时候会看到这些新设备,但有传言称微软不会再发布一款Lumia设备,计划明年推出一款Surface**。您可以阅读下面的完整备忘录:



Last week we announced the sale of our feature phone business. Today I want to share that we are taking the additional step of streamlining our **artphone hardware business, and we anticipate this will impact up to 1,850 jobs worldwide, up to 1,350 of which are in Finland. These changes are incredibly difficult because of the impact on good people who have contributed greatly to Microsoft. Speaking on behalf of Satya and the entire Senior Leadership Team, we are committed to help each individual impacted with our support, resources, and respect.

For context, Windows 10 recently crossed 300 million monthly active devices, our Surface and Xbox customer satisfaction is at record levels, and HoloLens enthusiasts are developing incredible new experiences. Yet our phone success has been limited to companies valuing our commitment to security, manageability, and Continuum, and with c***umers who value the same. Thus, we need to be more focused in our phone hardware efforts.

With this focus, our Windows strategy remains unchanged:

1.       Universal apps. We have built an amazing platform, with a rich innovation roadmap ahead. Expanding the devices we reach and the capabilities for developers is our top priority.

2.       We always take care of our customers, Windows phones are no exception. We will continue to update and support our current Lumia and OEM partner phones, and develop great new devices.

3.       We remain steadfast in our pursuit of innovation across our Windows devices and our services to create new and delightful experiences. Our best work for customers comes from our device, platform, and service combination.

At the same time, our company will be pragmatic and embrace other mobile platforms with our productivity services, device management services, and development tools -- regardless of a person's phone choice, we want everyone to be able to experience what Microsoft has to offer them.

With that all said... I used the words "be more focused" above. This in fact describes what we are doing (we're scaling back, but we're not out!), but at the same time I don't love it because it lacks the emotional impact of this decision. When I look back on our journey in mobility, we've done hard work and had great ideas, but have not always had the alignment needed across the company to make an impact. At the same time, Ars Technica recently published a long story documenting our journey to create the universal platform for our developers. The story shows the real challenges we faced, and the grit required to get it done. The story closes with this:

"And as long as it has taken the company, Microsoft has still arguably achieved something that its compe*****s have not... It took more than two decades to get there, but Microsoft still somehow got there first."

For me, that's what focus can deliver for us, and now we get to build on that foundation to build amazing products.


  • 发表于 2021-05-05 03:59
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  • 分类:互联网



... 从上面的天气开始,有一个草稿行可以用来写备忘录,你甚至可以在备忘录上附加提醒。下面是最近的联系人和最近的应用程序小部件,然后是关于数据、存储和电池电量的快速统计。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 08:23
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微软在必应的移动应用程序中增加了视觉搜索功能,这意味着你现在可以在智能**上使用它了。视觉搜索本质上是微软对谷歌镜头的回应,而Pinterest也提供视觉发现工具。尽管如此,迟做总比不做强。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-24 12:25
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...问题。 瑟罗特网站已经从Panos Panay获得了一份内部备忘录,详细介绍了此处所做的更改。虽然Windows的一些核心部分,特别是工程方面,将留在Azure部门,但微软的改组重点是清理Windows,以便可靠地发布和更新它。这些变化...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 04:57
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...果这样的竞争对手。以下是Panay给Windows+设备团队的内部备忘录的一部分: “Personally I’m very excited to lead the Windows Client for Microsoft, which will help us streamline our decision-making processes, be clear on our priorities, and deliver the best end user experien...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 02:12
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...席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)在给员工的内部备忘录中要求李斯关注一个“时间关键型机会”,旨在推动“Windows Phone和Windows 8在2012年产生最大影响”。通常,你会认为这是某种类型的营销项目,或者是一种确保windows8...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 19:14
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  • 发布于 2021-04-23 15:28
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...windowsphone8设备。根据Business Insider上周六发布的一份内部备忘录,该公司向员工提供了一个选择:苹果iphone5、三星Galaxy s III、HTC One X、HTC Evo 4G LTE和诺基亚Lumia 920,所有费用都由他们来承担。雅虎还停止了对黑莓设备的IT支持,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 03:36
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 18:07
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微软的**artwatch一直被传闻是一款与Android Wear、三星Gear手表以及苹果未来任何硬件竞争的设备,但它可能不会采用手表的形式。Windows观察家Paul Thurrott报道说,微软的**artwatch实际上是一款健身腕带,带有多个传感器,用于跟踪步...

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 19:52
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微软正在淘汰诺基亚的功能手机,转而支持windows phone

...计划在未来18个月内将业务关闭。在发给微软员工的内部备忘录中,负责微软设备下**业务的JoHarlow透露,重点在Windows phone上。Asha、Series 40和诺基亚X**的开发和投资将转向所谓的“维护模式”,支持现有设备的服务将在未来18个...

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 22:08
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