
在今天台北国际电脑展的主题演讲上,微软宣布了全面的计划,通过为硬件合作伙伴创建一个成熟的Windows全息平台来建立全息透镜实验。该平台面向VR和AR耳机制造商;微软在舞台上展示了HTC Vive与全息镜头的协同工作。演讲结束后,Windows首席执行官特里•迈尔森(Terry Myerson)和oem副总裁尼克•帕克(Nick Parker)在会见记者时主动提出了问题。...

在今天台北国际电脑展的主题演讲上,微软宣布了全面的计划,通过为硬件合作伙伴创建一个成熟的Windows全息平台来建立全息透镜实验。该平台面向VR和AR耳机**商;微软在舞台上展示了HTC Vive与全息镜头的协同工作。演讲结束后,Windows首席执行官特里•迈尔森(Terry Myerson)和oem副总裁尼克•帕克(Nick Parker)在会见记者时主动提出了问题。







Myerson: "The partners we work with, we want to write a platform which enables them to pursue their vision for a device. Windows Holographic will give them a framework that ensures that all of the devices that run Windows Holographic will work well together and all the experiences for Windows Holographic can run on their device. What we aim to do with Windows Holographic is provide a platform where their device vision can come to life: where they can conceive what type of inputs should there be, what type of screen should there be, what type of outputs should there be. And so hopefully then they have the ability to conceive a differentiated device and build their brand and sell the device with gross margin."

The Verge: Will they have a lot of freedom to build within that framework on top of Holographic?

Myerson: "That's our goal. By working with each of these partners we're learning about all the different visi*** that they have, and then what we're working on is the right frameworks to extract those — whether they want to use a controller, or a six degrees of freedom controller, or just use their hands — the platform will support those different things, and then the different device makers will have different visi*** for how their devices work."

Parker: "I kind of look at the partner opportunity here all the way from component level to finished goods level. You've got a lot of people in the audience today, they've maybe got some very unique glass technology or ruggedization capabilities. And so I think what we'll see is partners start to take their unique capabilities — how they could bring that either together with other partners to create a unique device, or maybe they're at the ODM or the contract manufacturer level and would build a reference design or a platform ideally that multiple OEMs could brand together with other devices or specific content.

The kind of thing Microsoft does, if you look at our history of how we've enabled this, firstly we bring a fairly big brand and marketing platform. The second thing, if you think about the Holographic platform, is we bring a store. So the ability for partners to build hardware and then have access to a lot of content that obviously will sit in the one store across Windows 10, now they can start to monetize their device very easily with their unique capability rather than have to go off and build a store and a billing engine. Different parts of the ecosystem have got opportunities to build their unique capability into a device, or actually into a component within a device, then in terms of taking it to market, and then content with a single store and development platform, we have all the tools that will help them. It's usually those three things that we find can build a great platform and ecosystem success."


  • 发表于 2021-05-05 05:41
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  • 分类:互联网



3D即将到来,微软正张开双臂欢迎它。 ...

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微软今天正式宣布了Windows10的功能,包括Cortana数字助理,Xbox集成,一个全新的浏览器,不是Internet Explorer,还有全息图。但你应该在乎吗?我们认为,即使没有这些噱头,windows10对所有人来说都是一个惊人的升级。它是从Windows...

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由于平台限制,skype for windows phone无法在后台运行

...发布了一款测试版Windows Phone客户端——这是它与新东家微软合作的第一个成果——我们今天与该公司进行了交流,以进一步了解该产品及其未来计划。 我们在测试中了解到的最令人惊讶的事情是,该应用程序根本无...

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 尽管鲍尔默表示,微软将继续与忠实的合作伙伴在Windows PC、平板电脑和**领域展开合作,但微软显然将自己定位为一家也能提供自己优质硬件体验的公司。”鲍尔默解释说:“有时我们会为特定的目的**特定的...

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微软正在把通用应用程序作为一个主要焦点:“我们讨论的是一个平台,一个应用程序,一个二进制文件,可以在所有这些设备上运行。”这甚至包括它的未来派全息图生成全息耳机——Windows 10应用程序将只在全息透镜中运行...

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...应该用某种特殊的网络手套来完成的。但在Build 2015上,微软一直在悄悄地带领开发者们通过“全息学院”(Holographic Academy),这是一个90分钟的培训课程,教他们为其HoloLens增强现实耳机构建项目的基础知识。我不是一个开发人...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-30 13:06
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...。但除了这些在微软会议上展示的演示之外,HoloLens商业合作伙伴名单(HoloLens commercial partners list)显示了该设备在工作场所和零售场所的使用情况,是一个值得小憩的企业日常用品集合。

  • 发布于 2021-05-04 01:39
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  • 发布于 2021-05-05 05:38
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