





Do your holiday travel before the holidays

This holiday season, I went to visit my family in Mississippi early in December, and stayed home for Christmas. Not only did I get to skip the insane headache of traveling to a very **all town in Mississippi the week of the holiday season, but the time spent with my family felt much more chill. Plus I got to decorate the huge tree at my Grandmother’s house, which is my favorite part of Christmas in Mississippi anyway. Then on “actual Christmas” I just stayed home and ate and drank champagne in bed while watching Gremlins.

claire lower, food & beverage editor


Unfollow Instagram oversharers

One of the very best things I did for myself this year was unfollowing people on Instagram. Twitter and Facebook and built-in ways of minimizing your exposure to oversharers and frenemies, but Instagram is lagging woefully behind on this front—causing a moral dilemma in people like me who don’t want to burn bridges but also don’t want to feel a **all fire inside every time someone posts their 10th gram of the day. A few months ago I got fed up, severed a few ties, and it’s been better than I ever could have imagined. In all likelihood, they’ll never notice, and I’ve been able to hold on to another **all sliver of my sanity.

caitlin schneider, social editor


Add lighting to your closet space

I have a decent amount of closet space in my apartment, but none of the closets have lighting, which makes it a little tough to see things that are on the edges or on high shelves, and easy to forget about clothing I already own. To combat the problem, I just bought a few of these touch lights from Amazon, which brighten things up and make it much easier to find what I’m looking for in a hurry.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor


Revel in the drama of laser pointers

I did some cat-sitting over Christmas, and my favorite part was turning off all the lights to flash a laser pointer all over the apartment. The cats love chasing that dot so much that as soon as they finish eating, they try to paw the laser pointer out of its storage spot and toward me.

nick douglas, staff writer


Take a group vacation with other families

This week, our group of friends stayed in a house together up in the mountains—all 19 of us, including nine children under the age of five. Was it chaotic? Completely. But we vowed to do it again every year. It’s a good way to live—taking turns cooking meals in bulk, having real ***** conversati*** while listening to a stampede of tiny feet in the room upstairs, and not turning on the television even once (we couldn’t get it to work, but still). Parents need more of this in everyday life. The village. Why do we keep trying to do it alone?

michelle woo, parenting editor


Get bathroom-specific speakers

I got an Echo Dot for my bathroom. Yes, this is silly, and I asked for it as a gift because I couldn’t bear the thought of spending “real” money on such a frivolity. But I love it. When I’m doing my evening skincare and tooth brushing, I ask Alexa to put on some dreamy soothing music. (Still looking for the perfect morning wake-up playlist, suggesti*** welcome.) Instead of giving it any shelf space, I hang my Dot off a wall outlet with this plug-in mount.

beth skwarecki, health editor


Nurse yourself back from travel-induced illness

Dayquil. It’s the shit I need.

Patrick allan, staff writer


Get yourself organized ahead of the new year

Like many other people, I started getting my act together for 2018. This meant reading through my journals from the past year to reflect on what did and didn’t change, writing down my goals for the new year, and organizing my apartment. I also finally found a great planner (from Ink + Volt) for the new year that has a lot of organizational components to it, similar to a bullet journal, that I really like, and I made my to-do list for the first few weeks of the year.

alicia adamczyk, staff writer


Get a headlamp in your life

This Christmas I was given the most incredible present ever, one I’ve been using daily since I unwrapped it: a beanie hat with a built-in headlamp. The series of LEDs is sewn into the hat, wired to a **all coin cell battery pack, which might look a little dorkier than I can fathom, but it’s use as a guiding light during evening walks with my dog have already made it an indispensable tool. It’s bright as heck, incredibly comfortable, and is in my favorite color: black. Get one.

patrick austin, staff writer

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...的東西不僅符合你現在的預算,而且會繼續負擔得起,因為你期待在未來新增更大,更強大的元件。 ...

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... 在辦公室度過漫長的一天之後,一個智慧浴室可以為你提供一切需要放鬆的東西。 ...

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...膠帶。第一步是開啟並拆卸揚聲器。這比聽起來容易,因為你只需要挽救變壓器,放大器和驅動器。如圖所示,將元件放入一個大塑膠盒中,併為電線切割幾個戰略性的孔。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-15 00:13
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... 為你的chromebook準備一個藍芽揚聲器 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-24 09:03
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... 如果你不知道該做什麼,因為你懷舊的渴望讓你想起你年輕時媽媽做的千層麵有多好吃,或者希望你能創造出上週吃的外賣大餐的味道,Alexa也可以幫你。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-26 21:09
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... 你會想要JBuds框架,因為你需要聽到你周圍的聲音,而在你的**上講擴音或聽播客的方式去工作。他們是適合騎腳踏車,雖然在我們的經驗,外部噪音會淹沒你所聽到的一切。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 08:14
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...。 然而,如果你有一個回聲點,有更便宜的選擇,可以為你提供更長的電池壽命和更多的功能。 準備一個行動式電池組 你可能對行動式電池組很熟悉,它可以讓你在移動中給**充電。由於Echo Dot使用microUSB埠供電,因此您可以...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-08 04:24
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如果你使用的是臺式電腦,你可能會聽到奇怪的噪音從你的揚聲器或耳機有時。在執行基本任務時,它可能聽起來像嗡嗡聲或抱怨聲,有時會隨著遊戲或流媒體電影等更激烈的使用而升級。要解決這個問題,你需要找出原因。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-08 05:00
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...這一點上幾乎無處不在,並不是每個人,但他們可能只是為你。 如果您正在尋找一種方便的方式,在遠離電腦、家庭立體聲系統的情況下欣賞音樂,或者你想在車上聽數字化的音樂(無論是透過流媒體還是儲存在**或平板電腦上...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-08 19:56
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...老化的Echo,但它可以說服你為其他房間準備一個Echo點,為你的廚房準備一個Echo秀,為你的辦公室準備一個Echo工作室,為你的汽車準備一個Echo汽車,甚至還有可穿戴的Echo芽、環和框架,這樣你就可以隨時與Alexa保持聯絡。 但在...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-18 01:50
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