





Skip barre class in favor of the real thing

I upgraded my barre class to a ballet class. There is an actual ballet studio in my city (the Pitt**urgh Ballet Theater) that offers drop-in classes open to the public. Since I’ve tried barre classes at two different studios recently, and found them boring and repetitive, I thought I’d try the real thing instead. Ballet class is so much fun. The first half of class was all about practicing skills at the barre, which isn’t the same kind of burning/exhausting workout as a barre class, but it definitely challenges your body while giving your brain something to do. Then we did some fancier moves on the floor (leaping, spinning). Live piano music too, by the way. The class is a little tricky to follow if you don’t know the terminology, so for best results, read up beforehand. My instructor was super friendly to beginners, though, so I never felt too lost.

beth skwarecki, health editor


Automate your daily check-ins

Every day, when I leave work, I send a text message to my partner, who usually works from home. I’ll ask if she needs anything from the outside world while I’m on the way home, or what the dinner situation is, just in case I need to hit the grocery store for some essential ingredients. The days I forget to text her usually coincide with days where the fridge is empty, or when she’d like me to pick up a cider beer on the way home. So I employed IFTTT to help me never forget that all-important text message. Using my Android device, I created an IFTTT applet to text her every weekday at 6pm, asking if I need to grab anything on the way home.

patrick austin, staff writer


Invest in a tricked out mouse

My five-year-old Logitech G700 finally died, so I switched to the G502. While I’m learning to love wireless headphones, I don’t really need a wireless mouse, but I do need a hell of a lot of butt***. Not for gaming, but for internet browsing.

nick douglas, staff writer


Make time for “morning pages”

Inspired by Jaime Green’s recent tl80 post on morning pages, this week, I decided to give the process a try. The idea is to write three pages of anything, first thing in the morning, to kickstart creative ideas and clear your head. Admittedly, I’m using it more for head-clearing and as a de-facto journal than as a supplement to some greater creative project, but so far, I love it. I don’t have time to do it every day (and some days I’ve decided that writing a few short grafs is better than skipping things altogether just because I don’t have time for the full three pages). But I’ve found it’s a really nice way to organize your thoughts and center yourself, even if it starts out as stream-of-c***ciousness n***ense.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor


Use the internet to improvise a coloring book

It’s a simple thing, but when my four-year-old comes into my home office while I’m working, I’ll ask her what character she likes, and then I’ll do a Google image search for “_ coloring page,” and print it out. The first time I printed out Minnie Mouse, her mind was blown. She ran downstairs to her dad, yelling, “Mommy can make any character!” Now she thinks the printer is some magical voodoo wonder device. The cool thing about it is that coloring keeps her occupied (and quiet) for a good 20 minutes or so.

michelle woo, parenting editor


Get your books off the floor, finally

My upgrade this week is that I finally got a bookshelf. My books were stacked in a very bohemian fashion on the floor, and it was starting to mess up their spines. They do look much better on a shelf, and now I have more floor space.

claire lower, food & beverage editor

  • 發表於 2021-05-15 11:55
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  • 分類:網際網路



... 當你進入辦公室時,使用運動檢測開啟你的燈和電腦。 當辦公室裡沒有人時,使用運動檢測關閉燈光。 當有人到家時,使用家庭**的位置接收“潛在中斷”簡訊通...

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... 伊夫特的優點是什麼?你不必是一個技術天才就可以使用自動化。大部分魔法已經為你準備好了。繼續讀下去,去發現它所有的祕密。 ...

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...的協作工具,透過Chrome擴充套件讓Gmail變得更好,還可以使用一些很棒的第三方Gmail工具。 ...

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  • 發佈於 2021-03-15 01:42
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自2010年以來,IFTTT已經幫助數百萬使用者從他們使用的應用程式、裝置和服務中榨取了更多的價值。而現在,這些使用者能夠做得更多。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 23:07
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...討論過Nest恆溫器的多功能性和實用性,但是人們傾向於使用新的智慧恆溫器,就像使用舊的一樣。這並沒有充分利用這個裝置提供的能量。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-17 11:15
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... 使用此小程式可避免被雨淋到。它每天早上都會向你的**傳送一個推送通知,並附上當地的天氣報告。別忘了在你出門前檢查你的天氣應用程式! ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-21 14:23
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...nger、Telegram等等。這個應用程式透過讀取你收到的通知並使用快速回復功能來實現。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-22 06:22
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... 使用自動機很簡單。您不必知道如何程式設計來設定自己的自定義工作流,以便在Mac上執行常見操作。 ...

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...時間。將每個PayPal付款通知記錄為您的稅務記錄的收入。使用GPS技術記錄業務里程。或獲得提醒,以更新您的業務網站域自動新增到您的日常待辦事項列表。 ...

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