





Keep your headphones from becoming a snarled mess

I started wrapping up my headphone cords in a figure-8, so they don’t tangle or twist. I recommend making a Spock hand instead of the devil’s horns method we posted in 2006. And always put them in a pouch, or they WILL break.



Go on a true crime TV bender

If you were enthralled by The People vs. OJ Simpson, then you’re definitely going to be swept up in The Murder of Laci Peterson on A&E. If you didn’t live through the news frenzy or didn’t follow the story when it happened 15 years ago, this docuseries gives you all the terrible details, as well as a very interesting look at how the media covered it just as the country was entering the Iraq War. I mainlined it in one horrifying sitting.

melissa kirsch, editor-in-chief


Pile on the iPad accessories

My girlfriend just got me an Apple Smart Keyboard for my iPad Pro as a very early birthday present. I think it’s great! The keys feel nice, it covers the screen, and it all can still fit in my leather carrying case along with my Apple Pencil. Now I don’t have to travel with both my laptop AND my iPad Pro unless I’m doing something for work.

Patrick Allan, staff writer


Skip store-bought and make your own puff pastry

I don’t know if this is cheating, but learning to make rough puff pastry was definitely an upgrade. Making your own with real butter rather than the store-bought, which is made with shortening, really does taste better. It’s not as puffy, but the palmiers I made with the homemade rough puff were next level, and really easy to make. You may want to cut down a bit on the butter, though.

Claire Lower, food & beverage editor


Tame your tabs with a Tamagotchi

I’ve been using Tabagotchi, the Chrome extension that gives you a little Tamagotchi that you must try to keep alive by not opening too many tabs. It was fun at first, keeping it healthy and happy (“Yippee!” it says when your tabs are under control). But then over the course of the day (okay fine, the next five minutes), I kept killing it, which guilted me into closing some tabs and bringing it back to life. I like having it around. What else can virtual creatures help me do?

michelle woo, parenting editor


Simplify your USB setup with more cables

As the owner of a MacBook Pro outfitted entirely with USB-C ports, I have to say #DongleLife is really wearing me out. Most days involve me choosing which device to charge first, my iPhone, or my headphones. C***idering Apple’s USB-C multiport adapter and its $70 price point, I’d much rather bite the bullet and outfit myself with some cables that have a USB-C connector so I can get with the times as painlessly as possible. So I did. I bought two USB-C to Micro-USB cables, perfect for my Bluetooth headphones and my iPhone, usually protected by a battery case. The cables are short and let me ditch the adapter more often, which is nice, but the lack of USB-C cables with Lightning connectors from a known brand at a reasonable price forces me to keep the bulky and awkward-looking dongle in my bag just in case I need to combine the past with the present. I’d much rather live in the future though, where cables don’t cost an arm and a leg.

patrick austin, staff writer


Do a deep dive on the Mountain Goats

After squeezing 7 podcast recommendati*** into my 5 favorite podcasts earlier this week, I’m sorry to say I have another one. It’s a brand new podcast called I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats, which I discovered this morning. The guy from Night Vale interviews John Darnielle (singer/songwriter for the Mountain Goats) about his songs, one per episode. And then they have guests on, and everybody talks about what it’s like to create awesome things. The first episode features John Green and they discuss the song The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton. The rest of the season will look at the other songs off the same album, 2001's All Hail West Texas.

beth skwarecki, health editor


Use your social time to multi-task

This almost feels too obvious to use for an upgrade, but I’ve been finding myself really squeezed for time lately, and as such, reimagining my approach to how I fit in things like errands and catch-ups with friends. In part inspired by Ada Calhoun’s essay on staying friends in your 30s (the secret: lower your expectati*** of what it means to hang out!), I’ve been seeing more friends in conjunction with activities like furniture shopping, grabbing groceries, or picking up a million things at Target. I have to say, thus far I love it. We both feel like we’re getting something done, and the conversation is just as fulfilling (and less foggy-headed the next day) as it would have been if we’d had several hours to spend over dinner and too much wine. Granted, it’s only a few pretty close friends that I feel comfortable asking “Wanna come take a walk after work and help me pick out new drugstore eyeliner?” but it’s a really nice way to break up the monotony of day-to-day to-dos, and also make sure I see the people I care about more than, say, once a month for a hangout we’ve already re-scheduled five times.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

  • 發表於 2021-05-15 15:16
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無線的(wireless)和藍芽耳機(bluetooth headphones)的區別

無線的(wireless)和藍芽耳機(bluetooth headphones)的區別 藍芽技術和無線技術不是一回事。實際上,藍芽技術是無線技術的一種形式,但並非所有的無線技術都是藍芽。無線耳機和藍芽耳機在功能上有區別。無線耳機和藍芽耳機的...

  • 發佈於 2020-11-02 19:45
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你厭倦了你的耳機老是壞嗎?事實是,大多數人都沒有對耳機進行足夠的保養,這往往會導致耳機在正常工作之前就出現故障。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 10:41
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每副耳機都會壞。這是一個精緻的裝置,有許多複雜的部件,這些部件會隨著時間推移而受到擠壓和磨損,導致不可避免的故障。你可以推遲,但不能阻止。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-18 11:28
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jbl在ces 2021上推出多種新型無線耳塞

... JBL Live Pro+是一款全新的真正無線入耳式耳機,採用自適應噪聲消除(ANC)技術。他們還具有JBL的智慧環境技術,你可以用它來聊天自然不必刪除你的耳塞。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 08:12
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...但展出的硬體卻不負眾望。哈曼的JBL品牌已經宣佈了幾個耳機和耳塞,覆蓋在耳朵,在耳朵,和噪音消除耳機。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 08:35
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ifa 2020年推出的5款最佳無線耳機和耳機

... 如果您正在尋找新的耳塞或耳機,請檢視IFA2020的最新版本。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-30 10:32
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如果你看過高階耳機或揚聲器,你可能會注意到規格表上寫著“20Hz-20KHz”之類的數字。這些數字是什麼意思? 對於任何使用標準揚聲器驅動器的裝置,Hz-KHz值是揚聲器可以產生的可聽見聲音振動的範圍。它通常被標記為“頻率...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-04 23:59
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...“平面磁驅動”的技術最近正在進入更便宜、更易使用的耳機領域,有望獲得比傳統耳機高得多的音訊保真度。是什麼讓平面磁性耳機與眾不同,據稱比普通耳機更好?讓我們聽一聽。 傳統動態耳機的工作原理 要了解什麼是...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-07 04:40
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...電腦上。當你進入遊戲的時候,一束厚厚的電纜撕掉你的耳機,離我們承諾的沉浸式未來還有很長的路要走。 自從VR復興開始以來,開發者和工程師們就一直在研究無線解決方案。我們還不太清楚,至少目前還沒有無線的全功率...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-07 14:06
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...的是臺式電腦,你可能會聽到奇怪的噪音從你的揚聲器或耳機有時。在執行基本任務時,它可能聽起來像嗡嗡聲或抱怨聲,有時會隨著遊戲或流媒體電影等更激烈的使用而升級。要解決這個問題,你需要找出原因。 揚聲器噪音...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-08 05:00
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