
像沃倫巴菲特那樣的投資既不是一門藝術,也不是一門科學。相反,它是對人性的研究,是一種願意走平凡道路的意願。正如奧馬哈先知所證明的,無聊並不等於無利可圖。他的投資往往反映最基本的產品和服務,從剃鬚刀刀片和洗衣粉等消費品到軟飲料和汽車保險(更多關於沃倫•巴菲特和他目前所持股份的資訊,請檢視Coattail Investor。)...

像沃倫巴菲特那樣的投資既不是一門藝術,也不是一門科學。相反,它是對人性的研究,是一種願意走平凡道路的意願。正如奧馬哈先知所證明的,無聊並不等於無利可圖。他的投資往往反映最基本的產品和服務,從剃鬚刀刀片和洗衣粉等消費品到軟飲料和汽車保險(更多關於沃倫•巴菲特和他目前所持股份的資訊,請檢視Coattail Investor。)



巴菲特的控股公司伯克希爾哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway,NYSE:BRK.A)的投資組閤中既有全資子公司,也有Geico汽車保險公司(Geico Auto Insurance)和Benjamin Moore&以及公開交易公司的大量股份。例如,伯克希爾哈撒韋是可口可樂(NYSE:KO)和卡夫食品(NYSE:KFT)的最大股東,這兩個品牌在美國超市隨處可見。要找到最近持有的股票,請查閱SEC表格13F。(學習評估企業在瞭解商業模式時獲得收入的系統。)


Example 1: See\'s Candy: The Perfect Business ModelIn 1972, Buffett purchased See\'s Candy from the See family for $25 million. See\'s has been around since 1921, and its stores, designed to look like they belong onMain Street in a traditional American village, can be found throughout the western United States as well in many airports. Their selection is neither trendy nor flashy; the company offers the type of fare that while not in style, also never goes out of fashion. Over the ensuing decades, Buffett invested another $32 million into the business. Since its acquisition, the seemingly nominal confection and retail manufacturer has returned $1.35 billion to its owners.What attracted Buffett to this investment? Primarily, it was a highly profitable business with extraordinarily attractive fundamentals. Its pretax earnings were 60% of its invested capital. As a cash business, accounts receivable was not an issue. As for cash flow, the rapid turnover of products combined with a short distribution cycle minimized inventories. Operating strategies, such as increasing prices before Valentine\'s Day, provided extra revenue that went straight to the bottom line.Thus, this seemingly nominal enterprise was a perfect business model. In addition to financing its own growth over the years, See\'s has proved itself to be a valuable cash cow whose profits offer Berkshire Hathaway another internal source of revenues with which to make other acquisiti***. (For related reading, see Spotting Cash Cows.) Example 2: Gillette: Another Great Success StoryGillette provides another example of Buffett\'s investment strategy. In 1989, Gillette was a company with core products that were so firmly entrenched in the marketplace that seemingly every household in America used them. Gillette\'s razors, and more significantly the razor blades that fit them, once provided 71% of the company\'s profits and held a huge market share as the top brand in the United States. The company\'s Papermate pens, pencils, erasers and Liquid Paper, equally lacking in glamour, were sold in every venue imaginable, from stationery stores to supermarkets to newsstands. White Rain shampoo, Rite Guard and Dry Idea antiperspirants, and Gillette Foamy shaving cream were all powerful name brands, which together represented $1 billion in sales in 1989. During the 1980s, the razor industry was shaken up as disposable razors initially took away a significant share of sales from Gillette. In 1988, Coniston Partners attempted a hostile takeover of the Gillette company. Gillette won that battle, and in 1989, the company redefined the industry with the introduction of the Sensor Razor, a product that appealed to men\'s desire for a high quality/high tech product and reinvigorated the company\'s sales and profits. That same year, Buffett stepped in with a $600 million purchase of preferred stock, making Berkshire Hathaway the owner of 11% of the c***umer goods company, a seat on the board and a healthy $52.5 million annual dividend. Through the 1990s, Gillette\'s stock price gave Berkshire Hathaway a significant paper profit. In less than 24 months, the $600 million investment was worth $850 million. (Learn about the strategies corporati*** use to protect themselves from unwanted acquisiti*** in Corporate Takeover Defense: A Shareholder\'s Perspective.)




在財務上,這兩項業務都反映了已被證明是成功的戰略。像香水一樣,盒裝糖果的生產成本通常比產品的包裝和銷售成本低。這將轉化為非凡的利潤。而吉列開創並仍佔據主導地位的剃鬚刀片業務,正是這種商業模式的原創性範例,即贈送一種更大的、不常購買的產品(剃鬚刀),以便將一種更小的、反覆購買的產品(一次性刀片)**給顧客,供其終生享用。這就是眾所周知的剃鬚刀剃鬚刀模型(更多資訊,請閱讀Think Like Warren Buffett和Warren Buffett:How He Does It.)


巴菲特將自己的策略描述為“瑞普·範·溫克爾(Rip van Winkle)方法”,這是美國作家華盛頓·歐文(Washington Irving)一篇著名短篇小說的主人公在20年後睡著了,醒來了。完美的時機是困難的,如果不是不可能實現,但巴菲特解釋說,“我們只是試圖在別人貪婪時感到恐懼,只有在別人恐懼時才感到貪婪。”

要瞭解如何利用13F表格來獲得沃倫•巴菲特的利潤,請閱讀Build A Baby Berkshire。

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...thaway Inc.)於2020年2月22日釋出了年度報告。與往常一樣,巴菲特主席的這封信引起了伯克希爾股東和其他投資者的興趣,他們都希望這位投資聖人能從中獲得智慧。以下是今年這封信的五大要點: 沃倫·巴菲特2019年年信:五大...

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...找一種長期回報的投資策略,很難打敗超級投資者沃倫•巴菲特(warrenbuffett)的策略。巴菲特的公司伯克希爾哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway,BRK.A)有著擊敗標準普爾500指數的歷史記錄;一些研究表明,在伯克希爾的投資被公開披...

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